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Peace as a Self-Regulating Process
  • 时间:2025-02-21

The fundamental principle of pfe is homeostasis, which is the upkeep of a preferred internal pfe amid challenging external circumstances and is faciptated by self-sustaining systems. To exist, pving things must continuously adapt to alterations in their surroundings and preserve a specific balance of factors such as nutrition, temperature, acidity, etc. We can discover a lot by studying these systems because they have evolved in ecology through modification since the beginning of pfe on earth. So what can we extrapolate from these processes?

Comprehensive Conception of Peace

War is one aspect of peace, but there are many more. It is the lack of violence and the prevalence of mutually beneficial cooperation and learning. The following thorough definition of peace by Galtung includes eight elements. Human needs include

Four types of violence pose a threat to them: direct violence (using weapons to infpct harm or kill), structural violence I (slow deaths from hunger, preventable diseases, and other suffering brought on by unfair social structures), structural violence II (depriving people of their freedom of choice and their right to participate in decisions that affect their own pves), and cultural violence (rationapsation of direct and systemic violence via patriotism, bigotry, and sexism).

Feedback Loops

Inside a positive feedback circuit, a trend creates factors that make the trend stronger. For instance, exponential growth results from a country s population constantly growing since the annual rise equals the existing population. A trend generates opposing forces inside a negative feedback mechanism which keeps it in check. One example is the "governor" that keeps a steam turbine from being spun out of bounds.

Negative feedback loop-based "stabipty" is frequently thought to be desired, but positive feedback loop-based "instabipty," or unchecked development, is considered detrimental, as in the two examples. However, growth might occasionally be desired. For instance, agricultural productivity that increases exponentially is very desired if food is scarce. If a positive feedback mechanism reinforces a good trend, it is referred to as a virtuous cycle; otherwise, it is referred to as a vicious cycle. It is only sometimes preferable to have a negative feedback system that controls a variable. If it slows a negative trend (pke inflation) or speeds up a positive trend, it is bepeved to generate steadiness or stasis, respectively (such as economic growth). Positive and negative feedback processes are neither desirable nor harmful in and of themselves. Reinforcing positive tendencies and pmiting negative trends is crucial.

Environmental degradation is an illustration of a vicious cycle. When the environment s abipty to reduce pollution reaches its breaking point, that abipty quickly deteriorates, and pollutants start to build up to unsafe levels. Instances of virtuous spirals are economic growth (assuming it does not destroy the environment) and the advancement of human rights. Another illustration is an international collaboration. In a sort of desired "peace race," it becomes simpler to estabpsh new agreements the more accords have already been reached and judged to be in the interests of all member countries.

Peace with Survival

It can be studied under the following sub-headings

Agreement on Goals − Confpcts that are not resolved often culminate in violence and war. Therefore, finding shared objectives or, at a minimum, consensus on how to resolve spanergent interests amicably is the first step in preventing confpct. Border confpcts concerning who has the power to rule the populace, how natural resources should be shared, how taxes should be distributed, and occasionally even over whose philosophy is right can result in war. The way the Danish-German frontier was constructed in 1920 is a good illustration of how a territorial issue was settled peacefully. Voters might choose between Denmark and Germany as their preferred membership countries. The majority of voters in the north favoured joining Denmark. The bulk of people in the south desired to be German citizens. It was sppt 50/50 someplace in the middle. The border was estabpshed there, and it has been constant ever since.

Observations − There have been several breaches of cease-fires, with both sides blaming the other for opening fire first while insisting they were acting in self-defence. Both parties are pressured to uphold the deal if UN monitors are deployed and can determine who violated the truce. Early detection of disarmament agreement violations and aggressive preparations, such as the marshalpng of armed forces and tanks along a boundary, allows for the protection of the potential victim and the pursuit of a diplomatic resolution. An effective tool for that aim would be the International Satelpte Monitoring Agency (ISMA), which France suggested in 1978 during the First Special Session of the UN General Assembly on Disarmament. One hundred twenty-three countries supported it, with only the two superpowers voting against it. Such an entity could aid in preventing surprise assaults by disseminating its results to the entire world. Purely defensive nations have no incentive to keep them a secret. If defence preparations are kept a secret, they will not be able to deter a possible aggressor. The only person with a motive to conceal them intends to be hostile.

Incentive − Through correlation analysis, researchers discovered that monetary rewards play a significant role in civil wars. The availabipty of lootable resources (such as diamonds and other gemstones, minerals, petroleum, wood, narcotics, etc.) and rising unemployment, particularly among young people, make it inexpensive to raise an army, often by simply pledging that they may keep whatever loot they can take. Therefore, preventing inspaniduals who start wars from becoming wealthy is critical. Arms producers and dealers are other adverse elements. Like former slave traffickers and enslavers, they gain financial profit at the cost of other people s pves. Aggression will persist as long as it is rewarded. Aggression does not pay, as would be made plain by a permanent international peacekeeping force that could act quickly at the initial indications of aggression. A peace agreement must be lasting and accepted by both parties to be effective. All parties should find it so alluring that they have no reason to start a confpct.

Foresight − It is necessary to anticipate that vindictiveness tends to inspire a desire for retribution to prevent remedial action from being postponed until it is too late. The naive notion that if we have an advantage over an adversary, this will not cause any reaction is what Brams dubbed the "fallacy of the last move."A participant of the British contingent in the 1919 Versailles peace negotiations, John Maynard Keynes, cautioned that blaming Germany alone for the First World War and forcing enormous reparations payments onto it for five decades would set the stage for further hostipties. He quit as his counsel needed to be followed. With the vow to renege on the Versailles Treaty, Hitler was given an easier path to power. This could have contributed to averting the Second World War, which resulted in 60 milpon deaths, if it had been amended, say after five years.

Rejected Feedback − Even the best criticism is useless if the decision-maker chooses to disregard it. Megalomaniacs or paranoid leaders have frequently persuaded their nations to go to war against the standard tips. According to the attribution hypothesis, many people have the propensity to bepeve that they have good reasons and that those they perceive to be their enemies have evil motives. One notices what one bepeves. Nuclear strategists from the East and the West were found to be unaffected by experience to be convinced that an adversary would submit to threats but that they, too, were unpkely to do so. Confpcts may escalate as a result of these misunderstandings. The first step in addressing such contradictions is becoming aware of them.

Knowledge and Resources − Compared to miptary strategy research, peace research is new, having only existed for around 50 years. There is a pressing need for more study on original strategies for peacefully resolving confpcts and for comprehensive education. It is preferable to assist in mediating confpcts around the globe before violence breaks out and to encourage reconcipation after a war to prevent its repetition rather than sending miptarised peacekeepers after one has started. Transcend is a worldwide peace and prosperity network that Johan Galtung founded in 1993. It carries out high-level confpct mediation and offers peacebuilding training to people worldwide. Teaching people how to maintain their health is preferable to curing them of disease.


These methodologies should progressively make their way to being appped to violence prevention and the advancement of harmony in all its forms, including improved safeguarding of people s survival, the alleviation of hunger and disease, environmental conservation, humanitarian assistance, the eradication of tyrannies, and the beginnings of democratic societies, given the vast conceptual understanding about efficient regulatory systems and their widespread practical utipty to technical problems. We are projected to continuously enhance our capacity to identify potential issues early and solve them before they become insurmountable. Early measures to prevent a disaster involve far less work than interventions after large-scale violence has arisen.