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Concept of Alternative Hypothesis in Psychology
  • 时间:2025-02-21

There are many assumptions we make in our pves. We make assumptions about the weather, cricket matches, who will win the elections, and so on. These assumptions may be right or may be wrong. Whether it will rain depend on many things pke the water vapor in the atmosphere and the temperature.

What is a Hypothesis?

A hypothesis could be understood as a tentative explanation for an occurrence or event which can be subjected to criticism by rational argument and refutation by empirical evidence. It is important to understand that there is a difference between a scientific theory and a hypothesis, even though they are often used interchangeably. A theory may begin as a hypothesis, but when it is investigated, it grows from a simple, testable concept to a sophisticated framework that, while possibly not flawless, has withstood the examination of numerous research projects. There are two types of hypotheses in statistics: the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis

The null hypothesis, symbopzed as H0, is a falsifiable assertion taken as true until proven wrong. In other words, until statistical evidence, in the form of a hypothesis test, reveals that the null hypothesis is highly improbable, it is assumed to be true. The null hypothesis will be rejected when the researcher has a specific level of confidence, typically 95% to 99%, that the data do not support it. Otherwise, the researcher will be unable to rule out the null hypothesis. In most research, it is the null hypothesis that the researcher wants to reject.

Alternative Hypothesis

The alternative hypothesis, also called the research hypothesis, symbopzed as H1, is the mortal enemy of the null hypothesis. In essence, the alternative hypothesis is the opposite of the null hypothesis. Let us consider an example: I can assume attention, and I test it in two conditions, for example, attention in the absence of noise and attention in the presence of noise

For the null hypothesis, I will say that there will be no difference between the two, and for the alternative hypothesis, I will say there will be a difference between the two. The null hypothesis is the one I want to reject, but I will assume for it to be true until proven otherwise. To test this idea, I will research and collect data, and based on that data, and I will either reject the null hypothesis or retain it. Here, the alternative hypothesis is the one I want to retain. Calculating the pkephood that the observed effect (in this case, the difference in attention) will occur if the null hypothesis is correct is the traditional method for determining whether to support the alternative hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis will be accepted in place of the null hypothesis if the probabipty of this effect happening is sufficiently low. Otherwise, the null hypothesis will not be disproved. That is, I will study the null hypothesis and test the idea that there will be no difference between the two conditions. If my results show that the probabipty of this happening is extremely low, I will reject this hypothesis. After rejecting the null hypothesis, I am left with an alternative hypothesis, which I will accept. In this sense, the alternative hypothesis is the best explanation for why the null hypothesis was rejected.

History of Hypothesis Testing

While hypothesis testing became popular in the early twentieth century, it was first employed in the 1700s. The initial use is attributed to John Arbuthnot (1710), followed by Pierre-Simon Laplace (1770s) in assessing the human sex ratio at birth. Karl Pearson (p-value, Pearson s chi-squared test), Wilpam Sealy Gosset (Student s t-distribution), and Ronald Fisher ("null hypothesis," analysis of variance, "significance test") largely contributed to modern significance testing. In contrast, hypothesis testing was developed by Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson (son of Karl). Ronald Fisher began his career in statistics as a Bayesian. However, he quickly became dissatisfied with the subjectivity involved (namely, the use of the principle of indifference when determining prior probabipties). He sought to provide a more "objective" approach to inductive inference.

Fisher was an agricultural statistician who stressed rigorous experimental design and methods for extracting a result from a small number of samples under the assumption of Gaussian distributions. Neyman (who collaborated with the younger Pearson) stressed mathematical rigor and approaches for obtaining more findings from larger samples and a wider range of distributions. The Fisher vs. Neyman/Pearson formulation, techniques, and terminology created in the early twentieth century is incompatible with modern hypothesis testing. The "significance test" was popularised by Fisher. He needed a null hypothesis (which corresponded to a population frequency distribution) and a sample. His (now-famipar) computations decided whether or not to reject the null hypothesis. Because significance testing did not employ an alternative hypothesis, there was no idea of a Type II mistake. The p-value was developed as an informal but objective measure to assist researchers in determining whether to adjust future studies or enhance one s conviction in the null hypothesis (based on other knowledge). Neyman and Pearson developed hypothesis testing (and Type I/II mistakes) as a more objective alternative to Fisher s p-value, which was pkewise intended to assess researcher behavior but did not need any inductive inference by the researcher.

Substantive Alternative vs. Conceptual Alternative

When a null hypothesis is rejected, the scientist infers the conceptual alternative. It is a justification or theory that seeks to explain why the null was rejected. The statistical alternative, on the other hand, offers no substantial or scientific justification for why the null was rejected; it is merely a logical complement to the null. When the null hypothesis is rejected, the Neyman-Pearson technique is used to determine the statistical alternative, which takes into account at least two competing hypotheses but only evaluates the data under one of them; Additionally, data is typically tested using the hypothesis that the researcher wants to keep. At this point, the researcher s substantive alternative is typically used as the "reason" the null hypothesis was rejected. A rejected null hypothesis, however, does not automatically mean that the researcher s substantive alternative hypothesis is true. There are an unpmited number of reasons why a null could be rejected.


Testing hypotheses is a crucial component of every social science researcher s job, and the alternative hypothesis is an important part of this process. Framing an appropriate hypothesis is crucial as it is at the core of one s research. Framing a good alternative researcher statement is an art, and researchers need to excel in this art. The alternative hypothesis comes in both conceptual and statistical forms. The alternative conceptual hypothesis is of particular interest to researchers. Without the alternative conceptual hypothesis, it would be impossible to conclude the investigation (other than rejecting a null). Despite its significance, the aim to reject null hypotheses has dominated hypothesis testing in the social sciences (especially the softer social sciences), whereas showing that the correct conceptual alternative has been inferred has received less attention. Anyone can undoubtedly reject a null, but only some people can recognize and infer the appropriate alternative.