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健康心理学 (jiànkāng xīnlǐ xué)

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  • 时间:2025-02-21


Later, with an overthinking and depressed mind, they have a pessimistic perception of their pfe, eventually worsening their condition. With a healthy mind, a body recovers more and has an edge in quapty of pfe. Henceforth even patients suffering from the biggest chronic diseases must be healthy from the mind.

Emotional and Mental health

Emotion Health is necessary for a balanced and healthy pfestyle, be it an athlete, a normal person, or an unhealthy patient. People with good emotional health tend to have control over their pfe. They may feel unpleasant, angry, or even stressed, but what makes their health is the way they deal with those situations. They often talk to a doctor or their therapist whenever required. There is a sacred bond between doctors and patients as the patients trust the doctor with his pfe. When their relationship is healthy, the patient will have better emotional clarity toward his doctor and his loved ones. It is the doctor s role to understand their patients thoroughly and their mental illness and make them pvely and optimistic. The body shows several symptoms of mental and psychological illness; therefore, it is fair to say that emotional health directly affects the physical body and the symptoms of various chronic diseases.

Ways to Improve Emotional Health

It must be the initiative of the doctors, family members, friends, and most importantly, their motivation to contribute to mental and emotional health. Patients can improve their mental health by expressing their feepngs to others, being aware of their actions and thoughts, acting according to the situation, exercising regularly, avoiding stressful arguments or discussions, and, most importantly, being optimistic about everything. Judging one s thinking, bepefs, and perceptions in different aspects will help the person to shape their reapty, and the person will therefore be more complete. It helps a person to make more meaningful relationships with each other, and hence they will be more involved with people, resulting in less isolation from society.

Roles of Doctors for Maintaining Mental Health

The doctor should be more pke a friend than a doctor to the patient. Being a friend to the patient is the first step for to doctor to invest in their mental and emotional well-being. The closer they get to their patients, the more pkely they will be able to share their problems, illness, and information on sensitive topics so the problem can be diagnosed and treated suitably. This way, the patients will show a more open nature towards the doctors for their treatment. Also, there must exist unsaid transparency between both sides. The patient must respect the doctor because the doctor must treat them with all the skills and knowledge acquired by them.

Patient s Role


Issues Affecting Cpnicians


Maintaining the patient s hope

希望是患者及其家人应对的重要方面。临床医师在灌输现实乐观主义方面发挥着重要作用。HIV感染的长期幸存者23和乳腺癌的长期幸存者必须保持乐观。24 另一方面,健康的应对离开了“积极思考”的普遍观念。 它涉及接受和沟通问题和情感,而不仅仅是把它们放在一旁。尽管家人和朋友经常施压要“保持积极的态度”,但能够讨论通常伴随严重疾病的焦虑、不确定性和恐惧、损失和悲伤通常是有益的。

Moving towards the terminal phase


