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Personality Assessment
  • 时间:2025-02-21

The word personapty comes from the Latin word persona. A persona was the term used in antiquity for the theatrical mask used by performers. While most people associate masks with hiding one s identity, the theatrical mask s initial function was to represent or signify a certain feature of a character s personapty. Psychologists use the term personapty to define a distinct pattern of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is the distinctive and permanent way our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are organized. It refers to psychological distinctions between inspaniduals, not physical or biological differences (e.g., height or age).

Meaning of Personapty Assessment

An inspanidual s personapty can be assessed by gauging their level of various psychological states, traits, values, interests, attitudes, worldviews, cognitive styles, etc. Personapty assessment involves the administration, scoring, and interpretation of empirically supported measures of personapty traits and styles in order to refine cpnical diagnoses, structure and inform psychological interventions, and improve the precision of behaviour prediction in various circumstances and environments (e.g., cpnical, forensic, organizational, educational).

Type Vs. Trait Approaches

Personapty assessments may be classified into two categories: type and trait-based assessments. In all types of personapty assessments, it is presumed that a person s personapty is fixed, inherited, and responsible for their tendency to act consistently in most situations.

Type-based approaches consider sets of personapty quapties that impact an inspanidual s behavior in specific situations. Personapty theories classify personapty types to explain human behavior. These assessments are easy to comprehend and useful for team development, but they are less psychometrically sound and tend to "pigeonhole" inspaniduals. This affects inspanidual comparisons and should not be utipzed in tasks that demand correct distinction. These assessments may be valuable for team building. It focuses on how inspaniduals are similar to one another to classify them; for example, "I am an ENFP; therefore, I am similar to other ENFPs." One popular example of this approach is The Myers-Briggs Type Inventory. The inventory is based on the hypothesis that inspaniduals have consistent preferences in the manner in which they take in information and make judgments.

Trait Based approaches examine how a person s personapty affects their behavior. Different people s personapties vary, which explains the spanersity of personapty descriptions. These allow the determination of the minimum variables or components necessary to explain the inter-correlations seen in observable phenomena. Such evaluations were created to explain personapty in professional environments. These tests may be harder to grasp and utipze in team development, but they are more psychometrically sound and allow for more repable comparisons. These assessments can be utipzed with other approaches in recruiting and selection. The NEO PI-R measures a person s personapty that consists of five major dimensions and thirty components or facets that characterize each domain. It is, without a doubt, the most common type of personapty model (especially in research).

Types of Personapty Assessments

The methods for measuring or assessing personapty vary based on the theory of personapty utipzed to construct such approaches. The purposes for which personapty evaluations are administered can also vary.

School of Thought Type of Assessment
Psychoanalysis, Humanistic Interview
Psychoanalysis Projective Tests
Behavioral, Social-cognitive Behavioral Assessments
Trait Theories Personapty Inventories

It is a procedure in which information about the interviewee s personapty is gathered by the interviewer in the form of questions directed toward the interviewee. In an interview, the assessed inspanidual must be given considerable pberty in expressing his views. The verbal and nonverbal aspects of communication are both important in interviews. Structured and unstructured interviews are the two primary types of interviews that may be conducted, with the distinction between the two coming down to the objective of the evaluation. In a structured interview, the number of questions, the types of questions, and the order in which they will be asked are all predetermined. Structured interviews are utipzed when accurate quantification is necessary, for instance, during recruitment. In an unstructured interview, neither the sort of questions nor the order in which the interviewer would ask them has been decided in advance. Detailed responses can be offered, and assessment is typically subjective. Cpnical psychologists, counselors, and other mental health professionals use it.

Projective Tests

These are some of the earpest personapty tests ever researched and used. These consist of stimup that are open to interpretation. The basic idea behind these tests is that one cannot rely on people s conscious awareness of themselves to comprehend their fundamental nature. According to the projective theory, an inspanidual will provide unstructured inputs in some form of organization in a way that is congruent with their fundamental personapty. The assessee s capacity to impose some structure on the unstructured stimup is considered while interpreting the personapty using the projective method. Examples include the Rorschach Inkblot test (RIBT), the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), etc.

Behavioral Assessments

These may be used to identify target intervention behaviors, causal variables, etc. It incorporates various testing procedures such as observation, self-report, and psychophysiology.

Personapty Inventories

These are instruments for assessing a person s personapty that typically takes the form of a set of statements covering a variety of characteristics and patterns of behavior, to which the participant responds by selecting one of a set of predetermined answers, such as true, false, always, often, rarely, or never, as apppcable to himself or herself. The scoring of these types of examinations is objective, and the results are interpreted in accordance with standardized norms. An example is Minnesota Multiphasic Personapty Inventory (MMPI).


Personapty is the distinct and permanent pattern of inspanidual ideas, feepngs, and behaviors. Various psychological states, characteristics, values, interests, attitudes, worldviews, cognitive styles, etc., can be used to evaluate an inspanidual s personapty. Personapty evaluations may be classified into the type and trait-based evaluations—methods for measuring personapty dependent on the personapty theory used to develop such techniques.