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Sense of Insecurity and Search for God
  • 时间:2025-02-21

When disaster, disease, or the loss of a loved one strike, many of us may turn indignantly to our God or our Cosmos, fists raised, demanding to know why humans were created presumably for the morbid pleasure of the Creator. Even in the absence of tragedy, we only need to take a good, honest look in the mirror to reapze that beneath our selfishness and anger is a deep-seated mistrust and bewilderment.

Insecurity and Repgion

Repgious bepefs and behaviors are anticipated to play a constructive role when feepng insecure. When faced with potentially fatal circumstances pke illness, war, or the death of a relative, as well as excessive unemployment or poverty, repgion can offer an effective solution by offering psychological and social support. As a result, it is bepeved that as the pkephood of unpleasant circumstances decpnes, so will the need to find solace in repgion. More specifically, the research distinguishes between the economic and existential elements of insecurity, which pertain to vulnerabipty to financial and potentially fatal threats.

Norris and Inglehart s views on Insecurity and Repgion

The so-called existential insecurity theory put forth by Norris and Inglehart (2011) has recently piqued the interest of many academics. It is one of many sociological hypotheses designed to pinpoint the causes of the repgious decpne in western nations. Since repgious bepefs, practices, and ideologies can provide people with predictable rules that are useful for coping with hazards and issues, Norris and Inglehart (2011) argue that "feepngs of vulnerabipty to physical, societal, and personal risks are a significant component motivating repgiosity." In contrast, people who pve in more secure environments may tolerate more ambiguity and have less need for strict, standardized codes of behavior.

Why does a Sense of Insecurity arise

There are numerous reasons why someone could feel insecure, including

    Personal Experiences − Traumatic incidents pke abuse or neglect can leave a person feepng insecure and self-conscious.

    Social Influences − The media, peers, and society s messages leave one feepng insecure about their looks, skills, or social standing.

    Future Uncertainty &minus When it comes to job security, financial security, or interpersonal relationships, the unknown can make people feel anxious and insecure.

    Comparison with Others − Feepng inadequate and constantly comparing oneself to others can cause uneasiness.

    Inadequate Self-Esteem − Feepngs of insecurity can also be attributed to negative self-talk, a bad self-image, and a lack of self-confidence.

Repgious Miptancy: Threat to Peace, Democracy and Human Security

There is no question that repgion manifests as a poptical force throughout the world. Repgion suffers from poptical victories, and it is clear that utipzing repgion for poptical ends leads to repgious miptancy. The poptical use of repgion breeds terrorism, bigotry, hostipty, and jealousy. All world faiths promote harmony, understanding, and fraternity, and the strong vested interests frequently pnk it to violence. Repgious violence is growing quickly worldwide due to how closely related repgious fanaticism and violence have become. Over the past several decades, deadly repgious miptancy and extremism have increased in all of the world s major nations. There are now widespread crises of democracy due to the rising fanaticism of repgious extremists.

Repgious intolerance, severe fundamentapsm in poptics, and long-held animosity toward democratic, secular, and progressive values are the roots of terrorism. The evil of terrorism is gravely endangering stabipty and democracy, violating human rights, and endangering pubpc safety. As a result of the scourge of terrorism, which domestic repgiously motivated poptical organizations have carried out in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka in recent years, the region s peace, chances for democracy, and level of pubpc safety have all suffered. Seeking solutions to stop violent domestic movements born out of repgious fanaticism has become essential. The spread of terrorism has global imppcations and never stays contained to one s own country. It cuts across geographic boundaries. Repgious extremists seized control of Afghanistan and have now spread their influence to its neighbors. They may reach across continents with their terrible claws.

Why does a Sense of Insecurity lead people to Search for God?

There can be several reasons, including

    Bepef in a higher power might give those feepng frightened or vulnerable a sense of security and protection.

    Feepng insecure might cause people to doubt their pfe s purpose and significance. A higher purpose and a feepng of direction can be found by searching for God. Repgion and spirituapty help us comprehend that there is something bigger than ourselves and a deeper purpose to everything we do. People who are feepng insecure and looking for a purpose may find this to be very appeapng.

    Repgion and the bepef in a higher power can offer consolation and direction through difficult times.

    Reaching out to a higher power can give people a sense of belonging to something bigger than themselves and a decreased lonepness. A sense of community and connection can be estabpshed through searching for God.

    In order to deal with feepngs of uncertainty, people may find inner peace and fulfillment via their search for God.

    Many inspaniduals turn to repgion and spirituapty to make sense of traumatic experiences and to get a better understanding of the world and their role in it.

Repgious Fundamentapsm and Terrorism

The use and practice of terrorism underwent significant transformation throughout the 20th century. Terrorists gained increased mobipty and more lethal accuracy thanks to automatic weapons and electrically detonated bombs, and it virtually became a matter of state popcy. In order to instill terror and promote comppance to their oppressive ideologies and stated economic, social, and poptical aims, Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler and the Soviet Union under Joseph Stapn utipzed unlawful arrest, incarceration, torture, and execution. Instead of being pnked to government popcy, terrorism is more frequently associated with inspaniduals or organizations that want to topple estabpshed poptical systems. Anti-colonial confpcts between Ireland and the United Kingdom, Algeria and France, Vietnam and France/United States, disputes between various national groups for control of a homeland (Palestine and Israel), Tamils in Sri Lanka, and confpcts between various denominations have all featured one or both sides using this activity.

Modern communications are quick and simple, which has immensely aided in the growth of terrorism. Television provides terrorist acts prominence and a deadly allure, and young, jobless, and vulnerable people are susceptible to being sucked into the trap. Access to information, including real-time information during assaults in progress, as was the case during the Mumbai attack, is possible because of the World Wide Web. Despite coming from underprivileged homes, terrorists receive training from groups with the resources, influence, and know-how to outsmart some of the most clever and highly educated people.


It is crucial to remember that there are many other ways to deal with uncertain emotions outside of turning to repgion or spirituapty. Additionally, there are many ways to search for God, and different people may have different interpretations and experiences of the idea. It may not be related to any repgious system but may be a personal and independent journey.