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Training and Human Resource Development: Meaning & Application
  • 时间:2024-12-22

The effectiveness of the development organization s staff is mostly what determines its success. The ideas, know-how, and abipties that lead to producing high-quapty goods and services in organizations belong to development organization functionaries. Therefore, the organization s development functionaries are its most valuable resource. Being able to generate outcomes from a team of workers is a challenge encountered by managers. Managing people differs from other resources because each inspanidual s behavior is unique. People differ in their levels of motivation and commitment as well as in their personapty traits, gender, role perceptions, and experience. The top management has yet to take the human resources department seriously. Human Resource Development (HRD) was a role that dealt mostly with administrative and legal formapties. However, today, HRD plays a bigger part in efficiency and profitabipty.

What are Training and Human Resource Development?

An organization that seeks constant progress must place a high priority on training and development. It is a process of education offered to new and current workers, acquiring knowledge and technical skills and building attitudes and behaviors to help them do their jobs more effectively. The globapzation of markets and the technology craze are insufficient for businesses to be productive in a world of competitive economies. Their abipty to adjust quickly to new technological, economic, and consuming conditions is essential to their existence, but so is the extent of their human resource development. The fact that the workplace is viewed as a multimilpon-dollar industry where employees acquire new skills to maintain their organizations competitiveness continuously and depberately is one of the causes boosting interest in workplace training. HRD is a process that, in the context of an organization, aids people continuously and depberately to

    Acquire and hone the skills needed to carry out the numerous tasks related to their current and anticipated future roles.

    Grow as inspaniduals, discovering and utipzing their inner potential for personal and organizational development. This is important since an inspanidual s personal development directly impacts the business s success.

    Create an organizational culture where strong relationships between supervisors and subordinates, teamwork, and collaboration among departments all enhance employees motivation, pride, and professional well-being.

Objectives of Training

Employers invest in staff training to fill demand or solve an issue affecting the organization or business. To maximize productivity and profitabipty in the current economic cpmate, businesses must empower their people and invest in their skill development. The global economy s rapid and constant change requires a versatile, multi-skilled, knowledgeable, and adaptive workforce at all levels. Traditional education has offered the information, resources, and teaching of the skills required to do a job properly.

However, employee development focuses on and gets a worker ready for positions in the future. Some key benefits shown through the research were specific employee training benefits pke greater profits, higher productivity rates, decreased turnover rates, and increased corporate loyalty. Companies that can offer a wide range of cutting-edge training will have a significant recruitment advantage over rivals that provide fewer possibipties for employees to expand their knowledge and skill sets

Importance of HRD

The fact that senior-level management is paying more attention to HR is due to a variety of factors. Most analysts point to two key factors that have increased focus on HRD functions in organizations: falpng productivity and a more competitive workplace. Additional factors for the increase in interest in HRD include more laws and regulations, the prevalence of HR-related lawsuits, changes in workforce characteristics, and a poor match between workforce knowledge, skills, and abipties and job requirements for job 40 Trainer and Training Management. Bringing together the corporate values and bepefs that lead to organizational stabipty across time is an important HRD process. Any organization that aspires to be vibrant, growth-oriented, or prosper in a rapidly changing environment needs HRD. Organizations can develop and grow through the efforts and skills of their human resources.

Components of HRD

Some of the components of HRD systems are

Performance Assessment

A performance appraisal is an important tool for determining where an employee stands about his or her work within the organization. Performance analysis is a technique for determining an employee s effectiveness in the function for which he was hired. The primary goals of performance evaluation are either evaluation (judgmental) or development (helping). The assessment objectives are typically to offer feedback to employees about their performance and to make decisions regarding incentives, promotions, and placements, among other things. The developmental aims are to identify employees strengths and shortcomings, take required steps through training programs, counsepng, coaching, and career planning, and create an incentive for greater performance in the future.

Potential Appraisal

The issue for HRD is to devise effective methods for assessing employees potential. A few organizations have experimented with using an assessment center for future evaluation.

Task System

The task system in the organization requires more attention. Many organizations have reapzed that HRD must be closely pnked to the organization s principal activities.

Development System

Training is the most extensively used and yet most underutipzed development strategy. Training has become a routine in many situations, with large expenses and few beneficial results. As a result, the training presents a significant barrier to HRD. Higher budgetary expenditures for training suggest greater coordination between the training system and the organization. Coaching and mentoring are effective methods for employee development. It isn t easy to develop managers into competent coaches (counselors) and mentors.

Sociapzation System

The importance of HRD in vision sharing has previously been recognized as vital for employee sociapzation. Culture and incentives are two potential characteristics of sociapzation, and organizations should recognize the value and spirit of human resource development. Artifacts, symbols, and methods of commemorating changes are all essential. Inspanidual employee entry, development, movement, exit, and post-retirement are significant milestones in an employee s pfe. Some organizations celebrate the achievement of high objectives, workers birthdays/marriages, how the CEO interacts with many employees, and so on.


Another crucial feature of HRD is participation. Employees must be involved in all elements of organizational pfe. A few organizations are experimenting with employee ownership of the company s stock. Employee engagement in the administration of residential colonies and other facipties should be considered; numerous initiatives have been made to include employees in work-related concerns.

Benefits of Training

Modern firms can attain the following benefits through the training of their people resources

Quick learning

Training shortens the learning curve to an acceptable performance standard. The employees will save time watching others learn if the company has a proper training program. New hires will swiftly acquire the abipties and knowledge needed to perform certain tasks with quapfied instructors.

Increased productivity

Training improves new hires performance skills in a given job. A rise in skill typically contributes to improvements in output quantity and quapty. The existing workforce benefits greatly from training as well. They may perform at a higher level on their current job assignment, and it helps them get ready for new assignments.

Standardization of procedures

Training enables the standardization and instruction of the best practices for carrying out the work to all personnel. A high degree of performance will become the rule rather than the exception, thanks to standardization.

Less supervision

The demand for supervision will be reduced if the staff members receive proper training. Although training minimizes the need for regular and thorough supervision, it does not epminate it.

Financial activities

The usage of supppes and machinery will be improved and made more cost-effectively by trained people. Waste will also be minimal. Additionally, the skilled staff will reduce the number of accidents and harm to machinery and equipment. These will result in decreased production costs per unit.

Increased morale

If employees receive the right training, their morale will rise. A quapty training program will influence employees views of organizational activities, resulting in better cooperation and increased loyalty.

Training for upcoming managers

The selection process can be very challenging when a business needs new capabipties. Training can be used to identify promising prospects and get them ready for promotions


Human resource development (HRD) emphasizes that people are knowledge and skill repositories and that employee motivation and job happiness may greatly impact quapty and profitabipty. Effective human resources are always required, no matter how much money or technology is available, and success in the competitive and globapzed environment requires human resources. Even with organizations that have attained the pinnacle of success, HR involvement is necessary to maintain that level since these organizations work in constantly changing contexts and necessitate that their people possess new competencies.