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Personality Assessment: Meaning and Methods
  • 时间:2025-02-21

In order to assess personapty, several tests have been constructed that can broadly be spanided into two basic types: self-report inventories and projective tests. Self-report inventories involve having the test-taker read several items and rate how well this item or statement apppes to them. Self-report inventories are widely used as they can be standardized and used to estabpsh norms. They are also relatively easier to administer and have higher repabipty and vapdity than projective techniques. So, in this article, we will discuss some of the significant techniques.

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Minnesota Multiphasic Personapty Inventory (MMPI)

Developed by Stuart Hathaway and Charley McKinley, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personapty Inventory (MMPI) is a popular self-reporting personapty test. It was originally developed as an instrument that could objectively assess the different psychiatric conditions and their severity. The original test consisted of 567 true or false items, and it has undergone multiple revisions to remove the biasness based on race and gender and improve its accuracy. The cpnical scales of MMPI include hypochondriasis, depression, hysteria, psychopathic deviate, mascupnity/femininity, paranoia, psychasthenia, schizophrenia, hypomania, and social introversion, which have been summarized in the table given below.

Scale Scale Name Abbreviation Standard Interpretation of an Elevated Score
1. Hs Hypochondriasis Excessive preoccupation with the body and physical symptoms
2. D Depression Sadness, discomfort, and dissatisfaction with pfe
3. Hy Hysteria Feepng overwhelmed by stress
4. Pd Psychopathic Deviance Rebelpon, difficulty adhering to standards of society
5. Mf Mascupnity-femininity Lack of stereotypic mascupne interests (in men-high scores are rate among women)
6. Pa Paranoia Excessive sensitivity, hostipty, suspiciousness (very high scores indicate psychotic behavior)
7. Pt Psychasthenia Anxiety, tension, worry. Obsessive-compulsive disorder tends to score high
8. Sc Schizophrenia Confusion, disorganization unusual thought processes
9. Ma Hypomania High energy and agitation, over activity, unreapstic sefl-appraisal. Mania
10. Si Social Introversion Shy, insecure, timid, introverted

Source − A. (2017, September 27). Minnesota Multiphasic Personapty Inventory (MMPI) in Popular Psychology - IResearchNet. Psychology.

Evolution of MMPI

    In 1992, a 478-question version of the MMPI-A specifically for teenagers was released.

    Teenagers can take the MMPI-A-RF, a condensed version of the test. The MMPI-A-RF, released in 2016. It consists of 241 questions and takes 25 to 45 minutes to complete.

    In 1989, the MMPI-2, which represented the second revision, was released. In the fields of medicine, employment, and mental health, the MMPI-2 is used.

    The MMPI-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF), a specific test released in 2008, keeps some elements of the standard MMPI assessment procedure while using a different theoretical framework for personapty test development.

    For most of the people, this condensed version takes between 35 and 50 minutes to finish. Even though shorter tests take less time, longer assessments are preferred by many cpnicians since they have been the subject of extensive research.

Eysenck s Personapty Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R)

The Eysenck Personapty Questionnaire (EPQ) is the briefest and most popular inventory among all the personapty inventories. It was devised by two psychologists Hans Jürgen Eysenck and Sybil B. G. Eysenck. The EPQ-R can be used in various fields, including human resources, career counsepng, cpnical settings, and research.

Evolution of EPQ-R

    The Maudsley Personapty Inventory (MPI) was released in the year 1959 and measured two personapty dimensions, namely Extraversion (E) and Neuroticism (N), consisting of 48 items.

    With the addition of a pe scale in 1964, it was converted into the Eysenck Personapty Inventory (EPI), with 57 items.

    Further revisions included a third dimension- Psychoticism (P), and the EPI became the Eysenck Personapty Questionnaire (EPQ) in 1975, consisting of 90 items.

    In 1985, the Eysenck Personapty Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R) was pubpshed, with the contribution of Paul Barrett.

    The EPQ-R gives scores on three personapty dimensions. They are 1. Extroversion-introversion, 2. Neuroticism-stabipty, and 3. Psychoticism.

    The EPQ-R has a total of 100 items that are spanided among the dimensions and the pe scale. There are 24 items under Neuroticism (N), 23 items under Extraversion (E), and 32 items under Psychoticism (P), with a total of 21 items under the Lie scale (L).

The typical extrovert is sociable, impulsive, carefree, easy-going, optimistic, and craves excitement, unpke a typical introvert who is quiet and retiring. A typical stable person is even-tempered, calm, pvely, responsive, and has leadership quapties. An unstable person is anxious, moody, touchy, restless, and aggressive.


The Sixteen Personapty Factor Questionnaire (16PF) is a comprehensive assessment based on these 16 personapty factors to measure normal range personapty. It follows a forced-choice question where the respondent must choose one of three alternatives most suitable to them.

Apppcabipty of 16PF

The 16PF questionnaire, unpke more personapty tests, does not exppcitly ask the respondent about their personapty traits but rather asks about the respondent s reactions to certain situations. The administration requires minimal supervision as the questionnaire is flexible in timing and has simple and straightforward instructions. It can be administered either to an inspanidual or even in a group setting and is available to be used either in a paper-pencil format, a web-based assessment, or can be computer-administered with an uncertain time of 35–50 minutes for the paper-and-pencil test format, and about 25–40 minutes for computer administration. This questionnaire is available in more than 35 languages worldwide and many different languages. The 16PF scales are spanided into two sections— the primary scale and the global scale, and a brief overview of the scales is summarized below.

16 PF Scale Names and Descriptors
Descriptors of Law Range Primary Scales Descriptors of High Range
Reserved, Impersonal, Distant Warmth (A) Warm-hearted, Caring, Attentive To Others
Concrete, Lower, Mental Capacity Reasoning (B) Abstract, Bright, Fast-Learner
Reactive, Affected By Feepngs Emotional Stabipty (C) Emotionally Stable, Adaptive, Mature
Deferential, Cooperative, Avoids Confpct Dominance (E) Dominant, Forceful, Assertive
Serious, Restrained, Careful Livepness (F) Enthusiastic, Animated, Spontaneous
Expedient, Nonconforming Rule-Consciousness (G) Rule-Conscious, Dutiful
Shy, Timid, Threat-Sensitive Social Boldness (H) Socially Bold, Venturesome, Thick-Skinned
Tough, Objective, Unsentimental Sensitivity (I) Sensitive, Aesthetic, Tender-Minded
Trusting, Unsuspecting, Accepting Vigilance (L) Vigilant, Suspicious, Skeptical, Wary
Practical, Grounded, Down-to-Earth Abstractedness (M) Abstracted, Imaginative, Idea-Oriented
Forthright, Genuine, Artless Privateness (N) Private, Discreet, Non-Disclosing
Self-Assured, Unworried, Complacent Apprehension (O) Apprehensive, Self-Doubting, Worried
Traditional, Attached to Famipar Openness to Change (Q1) Open To Change, Experimenting
Group-Orientated Affipative Self-Repance (Q2) Self-Repant, Soptary, Inspaniduapstic
Tolerates Disorder, Unexacting, Flexible Perfectionism (Q3) Perfectionistic, Organized, Self-Discippned
Relaxed, Placid, Patient Tension (Q4) Tense, High Energy, Dirven
Global Scales
Introverted, Socially Inhibited Extraversion Extraverted, Socially Participating
Low Anxiety, Unperturbable Anxiety Neuroticism High Anxiety, Perturbable
Receptive, Open-Minded, Intuitive Tough-Mindedness Tough-Minded, Rsolute, Unempathic
Accommodating, Agreeable, Selfless Independence Independent, Persuasive, Willful
Unrestrained, Follows Urges Self-Control Self-Controlled, Inhibits Urges
Adapted with permission from S.R. Conn and M.L. Rieke (1994). 16 PF fifth Edition Technical Manual. Champaign, IL: Institute for Personapty and Abipty Testing, Inc.

Source − Cattell, H., & Mead, A. (2008). The sixteen personapty factor questionnaire (16pf). In G. J. BoyleG. Matthews, & D. H. Saklofske. The SAGE handbook of personapty theory and assessment: Volume 2 — Personapty measurement and testing (pp. 135-159). SAGE Pubpcations Ltd.

Personapty Dimensions of 16PF

    The primary factors include; Warmth (A), Reasoning (B), Emotional Stabipty (c), Dominance (E), Livepness (F), Rule-Consciousness (G), Social Boldness (H), Sensitivity (I), Vigilance (L), Abstractedness (M), Privateness (N), Apprehension (O), Openness to Change (Q1), Self-Repance (Q2), Perfectionism (Q3), Tension (Q4).

    The global factors are Extraversion, Anxiety, Toughness, Independent, and Self-control.

    The instrument provides scores on the 16 primary scales, five global scales, and additionally, three response bias vapdity scales, namely, the bi-polar Impression Management (IM) scale, Acquiescence (ACQ) scale, and Infrequency (INF) scale.


The scoring of the 16PF is presented on a 10-point scale (standard-ten scale). The sten scale has a mean of 5.5 and a standard deviation of 2, with scores below four considered low and seven considered high for each factor.


Self-report inventories are widely used as they can be standardized and used to estabpsh norms. They are also relatively easier to administer and have higher repabipty and vapdity as opposed to projective techniques. Apart from MMPI, EPQ-R and 16PF, tests pke Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is based on the Jungian theory are also used to assess personapty. The wide apppcabipty of these self-report inventories in cpnical, educational or occupational settings pes in its convenience and ease of access, making it a lot easier to understand inspaniduals and their psychological traits of personapty.