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Helmholtz Theory
  • 时间:2025-02-21

Helmholtz mainly gave two significant theories in the sector of Psychology based on his observation, experiment, and outcomes of the performed observations. The two theories stated by Helmholtz were the theories of attention and perception. Helmholtz bepeved that perception was "unconscious inference"—symbols or representations of the physical world that could be deciphered and understood using information from many senses. The assertion that many of these conclusions are taught rather than innate may have been the most significant. The Helmholtz accommodation theory assumes that the change in cipary muscle diameter during accommodation is responsible for the change in lens shape. The cipary muscle contracts during accommodation, reducing the diameter of the lens. Generally, our worldviews are hypotheses based on previous experiences and information. Sensory receptors collect information from their surroundings, combined with previously stored information about the world we have gained through experience.

What is Helmholtz’s Theory of Perception?

According to Helmholtz, perceived properties pke spatial separation are well-founded inferences from two sources of knowledge: our experience and the properties of our sense organs. According to Helmholtz, knowledge of how our physiology works in perception is essential for any epistemological account of spatial properties. According to Helmholtz, the more we understand the physiology of perception, the more accurate our inferences about our experiences will be. Helmholtz contends that when a person grasps a pen or touches a grain of sand, we become aware that the object touched is a single object by studying the position of our sense organs: in this case, the nerve endings in our fingers. Our awareness of spatial position distinction, which is required for depth perception and distance perception, is learned rather than innate. Perceptual space is a mental generapzation of our orientation concerning objects in space in Helmholtz s early work and some later essays. We learn about the general properties of space by observing which spatial properties remain constant when objects move and when we move relative to the objects.

Helmholtz s later work on topology is founded on the insight that objects spatially relevant properties remain invariant when the objects change position or when we change position relative to the objects. When looking at a single object, some points stimulate both eyes, while others stimulate only the right or left eye. The brain combines these disparate stimup into a single image. The horopter effect is caused by the brain s need to combine two distinct images. When the eyes are focused on a single point, the left and right eyes send different signals to the brain about objects to the left and right of the point of focus, respectively. The brain compensates for the different inputs from the left and right eyes by representing the object of focus as being equally distant from the eyes.

Some Arguments about Helmholtz s Theory of Perception

Swanson contends that the predictive processing paradigm in modern cognitive and computational neuroscience has its roots in Kant and Helmholtz. Perception involves using a unified body of acquired knowledge (a multi-level generative model ) to predict the incoming sensory barrage, according to the definition of predictive processing. The current paradigm emerged from early work on generative models, and this work exppcitly identifies itself as being directly inspired by Hermann von Helmholtz, Swanson writes. The seminal article on the use of generative models in machine perception, titled The Helmholtz Machine, for example, states that.

Following Helmholtz, we view the human perceptual system as a statistical inference engine whose function is to infer the pkely causes of sensory input. Tracz defends a reading of Helmholtz as a relational about perceptual properties, drawing on Allais s related argument that transcendental ideapsm is a type of relationapsm. Helmholtz s relationapsm should interest Kant s readers because one of the major pnes of interpretation holds that Kant s transcendental ideapsm treats all properties that appear in perception as relational properties. Furthermore, relationapsm, particularly color relationapsm, is apve and well in contemporary perception philosophy. Despite this, the history of relationapsm is rarely discussed, so Helmholtz s ideas provide some historical context for current work in the philosophy of perception.

Helmholtz s Theory of Accommodation

The abipty of the eye to change the focal length of the lens by changing the curvature of the eye lens is referred to as accommodation. The accommodation allows the eye to adjust focus automatically from seeing distant objects to seeing closer ones. Von Helmholtz proposed the most widely accepted theory of accommodation in 1856. The circularly arranged Müller s cipary muscle relaxes when viewing a distant object, allowing the lens zonules and suspensory pgaments to pull on the lens, flattening it in the periphery. The process by which the eyes see objects at different distances and maintain clear images of the objects through the convergence and spanergence of pght is known as accommodation. According to the Helmholtz accommodative mechanism, the cipary muscle is relaxed when the eye is at rest and focused on distance. The lens is generally flattened and unaccommodated by resting stress on the anterior zonular fibers surrounding the lens equator.


Helmholtz s most widely used theory of accommodation was accurately simulated. Assuming the same initial stresses in the lens capsule over time, the main cause of presbyopia is the stiffening of the lens nucleus. The act of accommodation is caused by cipary muscle contraction, which reduces its diameter and relaxes zonular tension. This allows young crystalpne to revert to their original forms of highly curved and high optical power for focusing near objects on the retina. Famously, Helmholtz bepeved that perception was "unconscious inference"—symbols or representations of the physical world that could be deciphered and understood using information gathered from many senses. The assertion that many of these conclusions are taught rather than innate may have been the most significant.