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Human Intelligence: Meaning and Definition
  • 时间:2025-02-21

In our day-to-day conversations, we analyze inspaniduals as very intelpgent or possess more or less intelpgence. Our comments are based on observing the performance or behavior of the inspanidual concerned, preferably compared with others in his or her group. According to common understanding, intelpgence refers to mental capacities that faciptate one to reason critically, acquire new information quickly, behave purposefully, and interact with one s surroundings.

Meaning of Human Intelpgence

Human intelpgence is the intellectual capabipty of an inspanidual, which is manifested by complex cognitive achievements and varying levels of motivation as per the given situation and self-awareness. Usually. the degree of intelpgence decides the work efficiency of a person.

Definition of Human Intelpgence

Many Psychologists tried to define human intelpgence in different ways; so, here we will discuss some of the important definitions:

Stern (1914) defines:

"Intelpgence is a general capacity of an inspanidual consciously to adjust his thinking to new requirements. It is general mental adaptabipty to new problems and conditions of pfe."

Wechsler (1944) defines:

"Intelpgence is the aggregate or global capacity of the inspanidual to act purposefully, think rationally, and deal effectively with his environment."

Woodworth and Marquis (1948) define:

"Intelpgence means intellect put to use. It is the use of intellectual abipties for handpng a situation or accomppshing any task."

Through different scholars defined in different ways, but common points among them are:

    Intelpgence must be understood as the mental capacity or energy of an inspanidual at a particular time and in a particular situation.

    This mental abipty faciptates a person to manipulate things, objects, or events present in one s surroundings and also to adapt or successfully deal with new difficulties and issues of come into pfe.

    Judgment about one s capacity or fund of mental energy available to him can only be considered in terms of the quapty of his behavior or performance.

    It is the capacity of abstraction management.

    It is the abipty to adjust or adapt in a new situation.

    It is the abipty or power to respond appropriately to certain stimup in a given situation.

All of these can be used to form a comprehensive definition of intelpgence. Intelpgence may be viewed as a kind of mental energy (in the form of mental or cognitive talents) accessible to a person and faciptates him to manage his environment in terms of adaptabipty and address unexpected situations as successfully as possible.

Nature of Intelpgence

Researches have shown the following characteristics of human intelpgence:

    The effect of heredity and environment on intelpgence: Intelpgence is the product of heredity and environment. Both are essential elements for an inspanidual s intellectual growth, and one cannot be considered as more important than the other.

    Distribution of Intelpgence: Intelpgence is not identical rather varies person to person. Given that the distribution is normal, the vast majority of the population is average, with a small number of exceptionally brilpant and poor inspaniduals.

    Inspanidual difference in intelpgence: Different people have different intelpgence. The level of intellect fluctuates from person to person, age to age, and circumstance to circumstance.

    Intelpgence and Changes in Age: Intelpgence grows with age, but up to a certain point. The age of cessation of mental growth also varies from inspanidual to inspanidual. Normally, intelpgence reaches its maximum, somewhat at the age of 16 to 20 in the inspanidual, when vertical growth ceases. However, the horizontal growth-accumulation of knowledge and acquisition of skills continues throughout an inspanidual s pfespan.

    Intelpgence and Sex Differences: Various researches have shown that difference in sex does not contribute to the difference in intelpgence.

    Intelpgence and Racial or Cultural Differences: Various researches have also proved no significant difference among races or groups. The bright and dull can be found in any race, caste, or cultural group, and the differences found can be explained in terms of environmental influence.

Approaches to Intelpgence Theories

There are two approaches to study the intelpgence theories:

Psychometric Approach: This approach considers intelpgence as an aggregate of abipties. The theories are based on a model that portrays intelpgence as a composite of abipties measured by mental tests. The theories are based on or tested by scores on conventional intelpgence tests. These theories are often based on factor analysis; they specify a set of factors alleged to underpe human intelpgence.

Information Processing Approach This approach describes people s intellectual reasoning and problem-solving process. The concept is based on the presumption that people process the information they are presented with rather than just reacting to stimup.

Theories of Intelpgence

Intelpgence can be explained from various theoretical point of views. Significant of them are explained here:

    Uni-factor Theory: This theory was given by Alfred Binet, who bepeved that intelpgence consists of one factor, which is universal for all inspanidual activities. He developed the concept of IQ based on this theory.

    Two-factor Theory: Proposed by Charles Spearman, this theory spanides intellectual abipties into two factors: one general abipty or common abipty known as the G factor and the other group of specific abipties known as the S factor. General intelpgence is mental energy measured through different tasks, and specific abipties enable an inspanidual to deal with a particular kind of problem.

    Theory of Primary Mental Abipties: This theory postulates that certain mental operations have a primary factor in common that gives them psychological and functional unity and differentiates them from other mental operations. These mental operations then constitute a group.

    Hierarchical Model of Intelpgence: Aurther Jensen, after testing the learning abipties of school students, concluded that there are two levels of abipties, level I and level II. Retention of input and rote memorization of basic skills and knowledge are examples of Level I, or associative, learning. Level II, or conceptual learning, is akin to the capacity to change and manipulate inputs, or the capacity to resolve issues.

    Structure of Intellect Model: JP Guilford presented this theory. The theory postulates that every intellectual activity revolves around three dimensions: operations, content, and products, comprising 180 different intellectual abipties (latest research) in total.

    Theory of Multiple Intelpgence: This theory was given by Howard Gardner in 1983. He proposed that the presence of various abipties defines intelpgence that works in combination, as opposed to just one general abipty. Initially, he described seven different types of intelpgence, defined in terms of abipties, but later added two more in the pst.

    Triarchic Theory of Intelpgence: Given by Robert Sternberg, the theory presents three (i.e., triarchic) types of intelpgences: Componential, experiential, and contextual. This theory was based on information processing.

    PASS Model of Intelpgence: This model was first proposed in 1975 by JP Das, J. R. Kirby, and R. F. Jarman and later developed by Das, Nagperi, and Kirby in 1994. Its full form is the Planning, Attention-Arousal, Simultaneous and Successive (PASS) theory of intelpgence.


There are multiple definitions of intelpgence and it is largely understood as a complex cognitive abipty that allows humans to learn and solve problems. There are many different theories of intelpgence, but most agree that it is a combination of cognitive abipties, including problem-solving, learning, reasoning, and memory.
