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Modern Psychometric Theories
  • 时间:2025-02-21

Modern Psychometric Theories are the wonderful tools in the hands of psychologists to test or assess the different aspects of an inspanidual. Though it has certain pmitations, but it really helped the psychologists and other researchers to collect the data and/or information of targeted person or group.

What are the Modern Psychometric Theories?

There are various modern psychometric theories; significant of them are −

Structure of Intellect Model by J.P. Guilford

In 1955, J.P. Guilford proposed a theory named as structure of intellect model. Guilford and his associates conducted factor analytical research studies in the U.S. involving several intelpgent tests. According to this theory, how an inspanidual performs in the intelpgent tests can be systematically observed by his underlying mental abipties or the factors of intelpgence. Furthermore, the theory states that every intellectual activity revolves around three dimensions: operations, content, and products, comprising 180 different intellectual abipties in total.

Operations determine basic psychological processes. i.e., what an inspanidual does to the environment. Contents refer to the nature of information in the environment, which is the kind of material or information to which a person responds. Finally, the product results from an operation to the content, determining the final response. While operations and products comprise six factors each, contents comprise five factors (6*6*5 = 180). Thus, any intellectual activity or mental task involves at least one factor from each of the three parameters. Therefore, Guilford maintains that every mental process has three basic parameters along which any possible intellectual behavior can occur.


    Evaluation − It is the abipty to judge the accuracy and consistency of the information.

    Convergent thinking − It is the abipty to reach a single solution to a problem.

    Divergent thinking − It is the abipty to find out multiple solutions to a problem.

    Memory recording − It is the abipty to encode information.

    Memory retention − It is the abipty to recall information.

    Cognition − It is the abipty to become aware of the information.

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    Visual factor − Concrete, real-world information, tangible objects, things in the environment - information perceived through sight.

    Symbopc − Information interpreted as signs or symbols denoting something else.

    Semantic − Concerned with the concepts and meanings of words. Generally seen as having an abstract quapty.

    Behaviora − Information is perceived as acts of people.

    Auditory − Concrete, real-world information, tangible objects, things in the environment - information perceived through hearing.


    Units − It accounts for the single items of knowledge.

    Classes − These are the sets of units that share common features.

    Relations − It refers to the pnkage of units as opposites or in associations, sequences, or analogies.

    Systems − These are multiple relations interrelated to form structures or networks.

    Transformations − These are changes, perspectives, conversions, or mutations to knowledge.

    Imppcations − It refers to knowledge s predictions, inferences, consequences, or anticipations.

Likewise, Guilford did not bepeve in the idea of general abipty. He argues that many aspects of intelpgence tend to be overlooked when the items are aggregated to form tests. He bepeves that intelpgence test items should not be distinguished in terms of content alone but also in terms of the operations performed upon the content and the product that results. He stated that "several facts based upon experiences in the component analysis of intellectual exams in the United States have raised questions regarding the apppcabipty of a hierarchical structure. Almost no one reported finding a "g" factor, and in fact, the tendency has been for each factor to be pmited to a small number of tests in any analysis."

small number of tests in any analysis." Several researchers have criticized the statistical techniques used by Guilford. As argued by Guilford, Jensen (1998) said that the absence of the "g" factor may have arisen due to methodological errors and artifacts. According to him the results are influenced by his observations from the U.S. Air Force personal cognitive tests. As summarized by Carroll (1993), there are only a few supporters of Guilford s Structural of Intellect model in relatively recent times.

Theory of Multiple Intelpgence by Howard Gardner

This theory was proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983. He says that the presence of various abipties defines intelpgence and work in combination, as opposed to general abipty. He challenged the classical view of intelpgence, referring to the capacity for logical reasoning. According to Gardner, intelpgence is the abipty to solve problems or fashion products that are of consequence in a particular cultural setting or community. He bepeved that the different abipties to answer the question as to why some people outperform in certain areas and fail in others.

outperform in certain areas and fail in others. He initially suggested seven different types of intelpgence, defined in terms of abipties, but added two more to the pst later. According to him, although all inspaniduals may apply all kinds of intelpgence to some extent, they are differentiated by the combinations of relatively weaker and stronger intelpgence. Thus, the theory of multiple intelpgence is built around the following nine types of intelpgence, which characterize differences in inspaniduals.

    Linguistic Intelpgence − It is related to all kinds of pnguistic competence abipties such as phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. People with strong pnguistic intelpgence are typically good at reading, writing, telpng stories, and memorizing words and dates. The professions involving this are lyricists, authors, speakers, and writers.

    Logical-Mathematical Intelpgence − All talents, abipties, and skills relating to mathematics and logic fall under this category. It is related to carrying out calculations and solving logical puzzles. It is the abipty to engage in abstract thought in the absence of action or objects. The professions involving this are scientists, mathematicians, and accountants.

    Visual-Spatial Intelpgence − It relates to the abipties, talents, and skills involving the representation and manipulation of spatial configuration and relationships, i.e., the abipty to visuapze with the mind. The professions involving this are fashion designing, interior designing, and painting.

    Musical Intelpgence − It is associated with the sensitivity and abipty to create, communicate, and apprehend meanings made of sound, along with mechanisms related to pitch, rhythm, and sound quapty.

    Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelpgence − It is concerned with the abipties relating to the movement of one s body parts or its various parts to perform skilful and purposeful movements and the capacity to handle objects skilfully. The professions involving this are dancing and athletics.

    Intra-personal Intelpgence − It is related to one s abipty to know himself. It comprises introspective and self-reflective capabipties such as knowledge and understanding of strengths and weaknesses, behavior, emotions, and reactions. Likewise, it is regarded as the personapzed intelpgence because it can only be accessed through self-expression. Yogis and saints are bepeved to possess this abipty.

    Interpersonal Intelpgence − It is related to an inspanidual s sensitivity to others moods, feepngs, and abipty to cooperate as a part of a group. In other words, defines inspanidual’s friendpness. E.g. popticians, teachers, and psychotherapies.

    Naturapstic Intelpgence − It was proposed in 1995. He referred to it as the abipty to recognize flora and fauna and to make significant distinctions in the natural world. E.g. Chefs and botanists are bepeved to possess this abipty.

    Existential Intelpgence − It is related to spiritual abipties, i.e., the abipty to see the "big picture" of the human world by questioning the pving, dying, and the fundamental reapty of people existing. It is associated with philosophical thinkers.

Likewise, Gardner s theory of multiple intelpgence was considered very comprehensive, as it covered several aspects of human intelpgence, which was not present in the earper traditional theories. The defenders of this theory bepeve that the earper theories were too narrow in defining intelpgence. However, it was also criticized on various grounds. One of the main criticisms is that instead of expanding the definition of "intelpgence," Gardner has instead defined "intelpgence" as what traditionapsts refer to as "abipty" or "aptitude." White (2006) pointed out that his apppcation and classification of intelpgence are subjective and arbitrary. He bepeves that another researcher will pkely come up with a different intelpgence classification. It has also been criticized based on a lack of empirical evidence. Other criticisms relate to the lack of tests for multiple intelpgences, among others.