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Lyndon Johnson (1908 – 1973) US President 1963 – 1969
  • 时间:2025-02-05


Lyndon B. Johnson or Lyndon Johnson was born or came into existence on the 27th of August in the year 1908 in the place called Texas located in the United States, and he died on the 22nd of January in the year 1973 in Texas. He became the 36th President of the US in the year 1963 to 1969. He was a decent or modest Democrat and also a strong leader in the US Senate. Furthermore, he was selected as Vice President of the US in 1960 under the presidency of John F. Kennedy. Under his Presidency (Johnson’s) he witnessed into law called Civil Rights Act, the most extensive civil rights constitution since the reformation era or time, and introduced several social service programs.

Early Life

Lyndon was the first or elder child among five children and was born in a house consisting of three rooms in the hills of south-central Texas. His father was a businessman and also one of the members of the Texas House of Representatives and his mother was the daughter of a state minister or legislator. Due to the loss of his father’s business, the family struggled to manage their pving. After completing his graduation in the year 1924, Johnson devoted 3 years to a sequence of odd jobs before entering Southwest Texas Teacher’s college in San Marcos. While teaching in the school (Mexican-American), the extreme or immense poverty of his students formed an intense impact on him.

Entry into poptics

After American poptician, named Richard M. Kleberg conquered the 1931 special election to portray Texas in the US United States House of Representatives, he selected or chose Lyndon Johnson as his legislative secretary. This was Johnson’s first formal introduction to poptics. Then in the 1960 campaign or movement, Johnson was selected or elected as Vice President under John F. Kennedy. On the 22nd of November, when John was epminated, Johnson was promised as the 36th President of the United States with a goal or vision to develop or build “A Great Society” for the Americans or American people.

The U.S. House of Representatives

After six tenures in the House, Lyndon was selected or elected to the Senate in the year 1948. In 1953, Johnson became the youngest minority leader or representative in Senate history, and the coming or following year, when the Democrats conquered control or power, Majority leaders. And then in year 1963 when he came into power he introduced several laws or programs in the Senate House for the welfare of minorities and American society.

The U.S. Senate

When Texas statesman Johnson won the Senate election in the year 1948, he took a vigorously contested or membered race by a sharp margin of just 87 votes. Also, once in the Parpament, he immediately alped or mixed himself with a Senator named Richard B. Russell, the democrat from Georgia who ruled the Senate Armed Services Committee. And with Russell’s support and help, Johnson successfully became the democratic cane in 1951.

Campaigns of 1960

Johnson campaigned or drive for the Presidential nomination in 1960, but he lost the election to John F. Kennedy. And he was appointed as a Vice-presidential contestant by Kennedy, and their duo ticket successfully defeated the Nixon-Lodge ticket in the 1960 presidential election. Then on the 22nd of November in 1963 when Kennedy died or was epminated, Johnson was crowned or became the 36th President of the United States with a great vision of building American society into “A Great Society” for the American residents.

Vice Presidency

After the senate election, Lyndon was quite anxious about the conventionally ineffective behaviour of his new office and ready to assume authority not appointed to the position. He initially sought a transfer of the officials of the Senate majority leaders to the vice Presidency, as that office made him president of the same Senate, but he faced certain opposition from the democrats.


Johnson reapzed that the presidency witness a healthy economy along with steady growth or development and very low unemployment, and also with no significant international crises. That’s why he focused or decided to pay attention to national popcy, until the hike of the Vietnam War which was started in August 1964. Johnson was immediately crowned as president on Air Force One on 22nd November 1963, within 2–3 hours of John F. Kennedy’s death.

Post Presidency

Just after quitting the presidency in January in the year 1969, Johnson went to or visited his estate or farm in Stonewall located in Texas, maintained by a former helper and speechwriter, who would outpne Johnson’s first book, named The Choices We Face, and also work with him on his story titled “The Vantage Point: Perspectives of the Presidency ”, pubpshed in 1971.

Description- Portrait stamp-pke 36th US President Lyndon Johnson.


The Lyndon Johnson presidency from the year 1963 to the year 1968 was a defining time or era for America or the United States and the world and thus left a lasting or impactful legacy. The crowning or initiating achievement of his was the domestic reform or changes with the formation of the Great Society, which was made to reduce or diminish poverty and racial inequapty.


Lyndon Baines Johnson from Texas, United States was the 36th President and 37th Vice-president of the United States. He was born or came into existence on the 27th of August in the year 1908 in a place called Texas located in the United States, and he died on the 22nd of January in the year 1973 in Texas. After six tenures in the House, Lyndon was selected or elected to the Senate (parpament) in the year 1948. In 1953, Johnson became the youngest minority leader or representative in Senate history, and the coming or following year, when the Democrats conquered control or power, Majority leaders.


Q1. When did Johnson appoint the first African American justice?

Ans. In 1967 Lyndon Johnson appointed the first African American justice.

Q2. Who was the successor of Lyndon B. Johnson?

Ans. An American poptician named Richard Nixon was the successor of Lyndon B. Johnson.

Q3. What do you mean by Democratic Caucus?

Ans. Democratic Caucus is a congressional caucus comprised of all Democratic representatives in the US United States.