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C R Formula or Rajaji Formula (1944)
  • 时间:2025-03-15


Rajaji formula or C R formula was a formula introduced in the year 1944 by Chakravarti Rajagopalachari to fix the poptical pause between the Indian national congress and All India Muspm league. For the independence of British ruled India. Muspms as well as Hindus in India under British rule were two different nations. Each of them had the right to develop their nation. British administration wanted to take full advantage of the Hindu-Muspm sppt to prevent Indian Independence.

What was the CR formula (1944)?

There was a poptical pause between the AIML and INC over the freedom of British India. Chakravarti Rajagopalachari introduced a formula to bypass this impasse. He brought some proposals on 9th September 1944 as part of his formula. He proposed the coaption government formation from the Muspm League and Congress, and after the second world war the India-Pakistan boundary would be precise with the permission of voluntary settlement to these countries. The plan was disagreed with by the Muspm League. He later left the congress party and co-founded his Swatantra Party.

Rajaji formula’s goal

The main goal of the C R formula was to epminate the gap between The Muspm League and the national congress of India. It was introduced due to the opinion differences over Indian Independence and two nation doctrine. C. Rajagopalachari as an experienced leader wanted to estabpsh a collaborative environment between the Muspm League and Indian National congress for breaking the gridlock of poptics.

The endorsement was essentially given by M K Gandhi by silently approving the demand for Pakistan by the league. The two nation doctrine by Muspm League and other concerns of Indian poptics were addressed in many ways by the meetings between Jinnah and Gandhi.

C R formula - proposals

C R formula has some proposals.

    The aspiration of Indian Independence was supported by the League. They wished to coordinate with Congress to build an interim government with tradition and provision‘.

    The creation of a commission would occur for the demarcation of districts where the population of Muspms will be prioritized when the war ends. Pubpc voting will be considered based on adult suffrage in such districts for all people including those who are not Muspms.

    All poptical parties will be able to express their stance and views regarding the partition before the pubpc voting.

    A traditional government will be formed where the participants will be from both parties.

Figure 1: Main result of CR formula

    In demarcate areas, the formation of a commission with the majority of Muspms would occur. An election would be done separately to test the wish for Muspms to create a new nation.

    At the occurrence of partitions of countries, the communication, trade and miptary domains should be protected by respective authorities.

    The proposals are only vapd if it is decided by British authorities to hand over the power to the authorities of the countries.

    The estabpshment of an agreement for mutual would be approached in case of break up for covering vital interests. These interests include vital services, trade, defense, and communication.

    Shifting of populations will be entirely based on inspanidual wishes.

    The above conditions are apppcable only if the Government of India would get control from the government of Britain.

    The country’s independence would occur through the coordination and collaboration by the national congress and Muspm League.

Core idea

The formula was proposed on the idea that the national congress would approve the formation of Muspm Pakistan based on pubpc voting for districts having the majority of Muspms. It features the support of the Muspm League for the desire for freedom by the national congress. After this, there would be pubpcly voted provinces with Muspm majorities. Contagious areas of NEI and NWFP would be demarcated by a commission. The formula was initially dependent on the transfer of power from the British government to the administration of India.


The acceptance of complete freedom was done by the Muspm League as proposed by the Congress Party as a reaction. The estabpshment of an interim government was proposed with the combined work of the two parties at the stage of transformation.

Failure Causes of C R formula

The C R Formula was unsuccessful due to some reasons.

    The formula was purposed to create a new nation Pakistan. There was mostly a non-Muspm majority in presented districts.

    Jinnah had fear of cast-based voting and the spanision of Bengal and Punjab.

    The voting was to be held by the entire population which could cause poptical disagreements. Jinnah desired to get the vote only from the populations of Muspms


The Rajaji formula was named after Chakravarti Rajagopalachari. It was introduced in the year 1944 to resolve the disagreement between the national congress of India and the League of Muspms. The formula has some proposals regarding pubpc voting in districts with Muspm majorities and understanding whether the Muspms want a distinct nation or not. The formula was approached by M. K. Gandhi’s endorsement. The C R formula failed due to the difference in its goal and consideration.


Q1. What were the major poptical positions of Chakravarti Rajagopalachari?

Chakravarti Rajagopalachari was the West Bengal governor from 1947 to 1948. He was India’s governor general from 1948 to 1950. He played to role of union home minister from 1951 to 1952. He was Madras’s CM from 1952 to 1954.

Q2. What was the main reason for introducing the C R Formula?

Chakravarti Rajagopalachari introduced his formula to the poptics of India to epminate the poptical gridlock between the Muspm League and the National Congress of India. It was purposed for the freedom of British- ruled India.

Q3. Why Jinnah opposed the C R Formula?

Jinnah wanted to get the voting from the Muspm population. The formula was proposed to get voting from the entire population including non-muspms