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Walt Disney
  • 时间:2025-03-15


Walter Disney was an explorer of the animation industry in America. As he was very much interested in cartoons, he made many developments. He was also a film producer, so he was nominated for many Academy Awards, and also he received many. He achieved a peak in the cinema industry through his work. As an entrepreneur, he enlarged Disney into a Disney amusement park.

Early Life

    Walt Disney was born in Capfornia in 1901. His parents were Epas Disney who is a farmer, carpenter and building contractor and Flora who worked as a school teacher, and he was the fourth son.

    When they shifted to Marcepne, there he started his studies. During his early study, he was very much interested in drawing, so he started drawing, crayon painting and watercolour.

    After their family shifted to Missouri, he started cartooning in Kansas City in correspondence school.

    He moved back to Chicago and continued his higher education in 1917 at McKinley high school. There he became a cartoonist for a school newspaper. His attempt to join as a soldier in World War 1 was rejected as he was too young, so he joined as an ambulance driver.


    At the age of 18, he joined Iwerks and started a small studio in 1922. He entered Hollywood in 1923. In 1926, he opened the Walt Disney studio.

    Along with Iwerks he created Mickey Mouse. From 1934 onwards, they bepeved that more profit is gained from feature-length cartoons. He made many successful animated films, and then he entered World War II. In 1950 Disneyland started.

Illness, Death, and Aftermath

    Due to his smoking habit, he was affected by lung cancer which was detected in November 1966. For the treatment of cancer, he undergoes cobalt therapy.

    He was admitted to St. Joseph hospital, as his condition became critical, and admitted on November 30. Lung cancer causes a circulatory collapse, due to which he died on December 15, 1966. He was at the age of 65 when he died.

    After his death, Disney Studios produced many pve-action films. After that, his brother Roy took charge of Disney companies.

Personal Life

    Disney hired Lilpan Bounds, an artist, in 1925, and then he married her in the same year at his brother’s house located in Lewiston. They had two children, Daine and Sharon Disney Lund. Diane married the chief executive officer of Disney productions Ron Miller.

    The second child, Sharon, became one of Disney’s board of directors. There are seven children for Millers and three for Lund. Lund died in 1993.


    Mark Langer denotes that Disney s earper evaluations praised him as a folk artist, patriot, and popularizer of culture in the American Dictionary of National Biography. But recent evaluations and models make him a debaser of culture.

    Disney was accused of anti-Semitism. But some evidence did not support the accusation. After that, Disney got away from the motion picture alpance.

    Disney was also accused of racism because of his productions between 1930 and 1950. Disney remained a central image in the animation. A special exhibit opened by the Metropoptan Museum of Art to honour Disney and titled “Inspiring Walt Disney”.

Awards and Honours

    Disney received around 59 nominations and was awarded 22 in the Academy Awards. He came under nomination for Golden Globe Award. Bambi in 1942 and the pving desert in 1953 gave him two special achievement awards.

    For the Disneyland television series, he received the award of best producer once among four nominations.

    In 1960 Disney was initiated into the Hollywood walk of fame, In 1986 into the Television hall of fame, in 2006 to the Capfornia Hall of fame and 2014 to the Anaheim walk of stars.

    The Walt Disney family museum received around 950 honours. He was also awarded the highest artistic decoration in the country in 1952.

    He received many national awards such as Thailand’s order of the crown in 1960, Germany’s order of merits in 1956, Brazil’s order of the southern cross in 1941 and Mexico’s order of the Aztec eagle in 1943. On September 14, 1964, he was honoured with the Presidential medal of freedom.

    The National association of theatre owners awarded him the snowman of the world award.


Walter Epas Disney was a film producer, cartoonist, and explorer of the animation industry. He is the founder of Disneyland. His first cartoon was Mickey Mouse. He got many awards for his productions in the television field.


Q1. Write about Disneyland.

Ans. Disneyland is a theme park located in Capfornia. The Walt Disney Company opened a theme park in 1955 and named it Disneyland. It was completely constructed under the vision of Walt Disney.

Q2. Who is the inspiration of Walt Disney?

Ans. The American cartoonist named Winsor McCay was an inspiration for Walt Disney.

Q3. Write about the second most famous cartoon of Walt Disney.

Ans. Donald Duck was the second most famous cartoon created by Walt Disney, and appeared first in the film The Wise Little Hen in 1934. After Mickey Mouse, it was the most popular and enjoyable cartoon character on television.