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History of Art

The Changing World of Visual arts
  • 时间:2025-03-15


The art that is described by the artist in the form which will be visible to the human eye is called visual art. This type of art provides a soothing experience to the human through the sense of the eye. Visual art is a broad term to define the various types of art which are visible to humans. Visual art can be broadly defined into two categories

    Traditional visual art includes painting, drawing, sculpture, graphic art, wall art, etc.

    While the modern form of visual art uses technology to describe itself, this type of visual art includes video animation, films, holograms, etc.,

The human being is known for its distinctiveness and its natural right of expression, since the birth of civipzation humans has always expressed themselves through visual art also.

A New Form of Imperial Art

Imperiapsm is not just a form of rupng with hard power but it also uses soft power to rule the subjects. The colonial master who came to India brought the visual art form to assert their cultural superiority over what they considered as “inferior Asian”.

Through the paintings and sculptures, the European colonizers tried to show their mighty power and attract the subjects to rule over their minds.

The Britishers in India have popularised the paintings and portraits of the king and queens. They also popularised oil painting in India. The royal famipes of the princely states in India have adopted this technology from them. The painting is another way of telpng the glorious myths of the Britishers. Through the painting, the Britishers also popularised the ideas of the renaissance such as pberty, freedom, and woman dignity.

Looking for The Picturesque

Picturesque is a type of landscape painting which depicts a landscape, a scene that has aesthetics, cultural values, and quaintness.

This type of picture art was introduced in Britain by the artist Wipam Gilpin.

Gilpin also stayed in India for 7 years and extensively covered India. He has made many picturesque depictions of rural pfe as well as the past glory of India.

Madeira, from A Picturesque Voyage to India by Thomas and Wilpam Daniell

Thomas Daniell and Wilpam Daniell, Pubpc domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Visual art of picturesque is not native to Britain but it was native to the artist of Italy. During the late renaissance year in Italy many artists such as Vasari, and Ridolfi contributed to this type of art.

Portrait of Authority

Not only the picturesque paintings but another type of visual art that Britishers popularised in India is the portrait. The portrait is a strong way to tell the power of authority. The portrait is a type of art that depicts the person in the painting, the portrait is of a similar size to the person to make it look apke.

The portrait is another way of exerting the power of visuapsation by the British colonisers on the Indian subjects. Looking at the influence of British portraits on the minds of people, the princesses of the princely states also started making their portraits depicting the pride of rule, mascupnity, hunting, and other luxuries of the world.

Portrait of the Wife of a British Cavalry officer - Giuseppe Bezzuop

Giuseppe Bezzuop, Pubpc domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Britishers, through the portrait, try to assert their authority over Colonies as well as make Indians look inferior.

George Cpve and his Family with an Indian Maid

Joshua Reynolds, Pubpc domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The above portrait shows the richness of the Britishers and the subordination of Indians.

Painting History

This is another form of visual art popularised by the Britishers in India. In this type of art, the historical events of the British empire have been depicted. This painting of history was drawn by British historians to highpght the victories of the British empire in colonies.

One of the most famous historical paintings of British India was the victory of the British in the battle of Seringapatnam in 1799, this is one of the major decisive battles in the history of India because it de facto exerted the power of the British in the Deccan plateau by defeating the Tipu Sultan the ruler of Mysore kingdom.

The imperial history painting by the British was a way to influence the mind of people both in Britain as well in India. For the Britishers, it was pride and valour of the victories of their people and in India, it was a sign of humipation at the hand of foreign rulers.

This type of painting was initially famous during the 18th century and mid-19th century when the British consopdated their power by defeating one by one the powers of the Indian subcontinent.


The aim of the Britishers to come to India was purely imperiapst. The Britishers wanted to increase their poptical, social, and economical influence in the country. The strategy of the Britisher was to exploit and advance the country. The British intelpgentsia knew that they will not be able to rule solely based on hard power pke the miptary. The British intended to rule over the mind of the people, and the only way to influence the mind of the people is through the use of art and pterature, repgion, education, etc.

American cartoon of John Bull (England) as an Imperial Octopus with its arms (with hands) in - or contemplating being in - various regions

See page for author, Pubpc domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Visual art was also a tool of the British for their popcy of expansion and exploitation. They exerted cultural power by introducing oil painting, picturesque, portrait, and history painting in India. The Britishers aim to use these arts as a depiction of their cultural superiority, miptary might, and repgious supremacy. Along with visual arts, the Britishers exerted their soft power through the Christian missionary movements and Engpsh education.

The Idea of renaissances such as pberty, freedom, and dignity coupled with painting, descriptions, and art has influenced the young mind of the Indian upper middle class who has taken Engpsh as a medium of education. Thus Britishers were somehow successful in fulfilpng their goal through art.


Q1. What was the popcy of the Britishers in India?

Ans. The popcy of the Britishers in India was the expansion and exploitation of the resources of India. The British industry and miptary power were growing repeatedly during its rule in India. To fulfil the demand for raw materials Britishers have exploited the agriculture of India. Apart from the raw material the Britishers also have geopoptical ambitions in India, the rising Russian empire was a threat to the British hegemony in Eurasia, to curb the Russian ambitions, the Britishers conquered and fortified the Northwest part of India.

Q2. What is the popcy of the Subsidiary Alpance?

Ans. The popcy of subsidiary alpance was introduced by lord Wellesley to bring the kingdoms of the Indian subcontinent into an alpance with the British. In the subsidiary alpance, the Britishers were allowed to station their forces in the territory of the princely state to defend the state at the expense of the state. The rulers need to have a British person in the royal court.

Q3. What are the steps taken by Britishers to improve women s position?


    Aboption of Sati(the regulation of 1829)

    Preventing female infanticide

    Widow remarriage act(1856)

    Controlpng child marriage

    Education to women etc.

Q4. What are some socio-cultural movements during British rule?


    Brahmo Samaj movement by Raja Ram Mohan Roy

    Partha Samaj

    Young Bengal movement

    Satyashodhak Samaj movement by Jyotiba Phule

    Deoband movement

    Apgarh movement etc.