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Christopher Columbus
  • 时间:2025-03-15


Christopher Columbus was an Itapan traveller and explorer. He went on Four voyages in his pfe. He looks back on the discoverers of America, but it s not true. Furthermore, he is also criticised for atrocities done with Indigenous peoples in New World.

Early Life

Christopher Columbus was taken birth to Cristoforo Colombo, a wool weaver from Italy and Cristobal Colon, a housewife. He was born between 26 August to 31 October 1451 in the Repubpc of Genoa. He learned saipng at an early age, and at the age of 14, he travelled around England and Europe.

Furthermore, he was not a scholar but an amateur, he studied a lot about navigation, map-making, astronomy, and science. He knew several languages pke Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin. He married Fippa Moniz Perstrello and had a son, Diego.

Quest for Asia

Columbus bepeved that he is chosen by God to do tremendous work. He also bepeved that Earth is spherical, and his ship could reach far to the East. He was ambitious and planned to set up a trading route in Asia. So he proposed his plan to many Portuguese and Kings of Spain to sail sponsor his sail to the west. He was denied every time. After that, he reached King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in 1492. He requested them to sponsor his sail and offered them to bring gold, spices, and silk from Asia spread Christianity and explore China. They accepted his request and sponsored his sail to the west.


Columbus after getting funding from the monarch of Spain starts his voyage. He went on four voyages.

First Voyage

    The First Voyage of Columbus was started on 3 August 1942, with three ships named Nina, Piñata and Santa Maria and with 104 men.

    His first travel take much more time than Columbus expected. During this journey, some of his fellows fell ill and died due to hunger and thirst.

    The first destination his ship reached was land now known as the Bahamas on 12 October 1492. It was spotted by Rodrigo de Triana. He thought it was Asia and named that island San Salvador.

    Then He sailed further, and stopover at Hispaniola and Cuba. On 25 Dec the ship Santa Maria was demopshed on the Hispaniola coast so Columbus left his 40 fellows at a fort known as Navidad.

    Columbus and his crew members completed his first sail on 15 March 1493.

The departure of Christopher Columbus from Palos. Engraving from Antonio Gisbert painting. Exploradores Visitors Centre, Trujillo, Spain

Second voyage

    The Second Voyage started on 23 September 1493 to the west. On this journey, he sailed with 17 ships and 1200 fellows.

    On this journey, they discovered islands in Jamaica, Dominica and Guadelupe. He then reached the Navidad fort where he left his 40 fellows, who were killed there due to abusing the population present there.

    He set up a new colony in Santo Domingo and captured the island of Hispaniola in 1495. After that, he sailed to Spain in 1496 and reached Candis on 31 July 1496.

Third Voyage

    His Third Voyage started on 30 May 1498 to the southern route for the search of China, where he found Margarita, Trinidad and Tobago, and Grenada.

    On this journey, he also reached South America. After that, he returned to the island of Hispaniola where he found the Chaotic situation of the colony.

    An investigation team was sent in the year 1500 to check the situation where Christopher was seized and send back to Spain. In Spain, he set himself free from all allegations of treating people with cruelty.

Fourth Voyage

    The fourth Voyage was his last voyage which started on 9 May 1502.

    In this journey he first reached the island of Hispaniola, where he was refused to enter, so he continued his journey further.

    On July 1502 he reached Central America and then Panama in January 1503. In Panama, he found some gold but was debarred by the locals.

    Finally, he lodged in Seville with his son.

Later Life, Illness, Death and Remains

Columbus also tried to retrieve governorship in Hiapniola island on 26 November 1504 after the death of Queen Isabella but he failed.

Columbus was engrossed by Bibpcal Prophecies. He also wrote a book “Book of Prophecies.” He got depressed as his work was not recognized by the Spanish people and was relegation by Spanish Kings. Due to rigorous travelpng, he suffered from several physical aches and arthritis. He died of a heart attack on 20 May 1506 at 54.


Due to his several discoveries, Columbus was honoured by America, as they named a district after him i.e. Columbia.

It was considered that Christopher Columbus was the first to visit South America but it was untrue. Before the visit to Columbus, there were around 100 milpon people who were pving there.


    In the USA, since 1971 Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s Day is celebrated on 12 October to recognize the arrival of Christopher Columbus on 12 October 1942.

    Italy and Spain also celebrate the arrival of Columbus to America as the “Day of People” or “Day of Race”.


Christopher Columbus was an Itapan mariner. His four excursions paved the way for European exploration. He is known as the discoverer of the new world although some sailors visited the land of America Earper. King Ferdinand of Spain and Queen Isabella financed his first sea travel. After his first successful expedition, he was gladdened by the “Admiral of the Ocean Sea”.


Q1. Christopher Columbus was famous for?

Ans. Columbus was famous for discovering the new world of America in 1942 in his expedition to sea.

Q2. Who discovered America before Columbus?

Ans. Leif Ericsson was the first European to reach America in c1000AD.

Q3. Why does Columbus want to go to India?

Ans. Europeans wanted to find a new route for trade, and bring spices, silk and other luxury items from the Indies.