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Mughal Empire [Babur, Humayun] & Sur Dynasty
  • 时间:2025-03-15


Babur who was the main ruler of central Asia introduced the Mughal Empire. They are the successor of the Timurids who was the founder of the kingdom of Timurids. At a very young age, Babur succeeded his father and become the ruler of Farghana. Therefore, during his tenure, he got victorious and won the city of Samarqand without getting defeated by any means. The troops of the Afghans were conquered by Humayun resulted in the conquest of Bihar and some regions of Uttar Pradesh. Sher Shah ruled the Bengal and the Indus and he hired many Hindus for some vital positions.

What was the Mughal Empire?

The Mughal Empire was maintained and regulated by Babur who was a brave ruler and won some important cities several times. Later the chief ruler of Uzbek conquered the city of Samarqand. Therefore, Babur marched toward the country Kabulm which was later conquered by him around C. 1504 CE. He was the successor of Timure the ruler of the Timurid kingdom and it was bepeved that he fought a fierce battle against Ibrahim Lodhi and thus conquered Punjab with the other rulers. Therefore, similar to the other rulers who invaded India several times, Babur also invaded Asia s central regions for acquiring wealth.

The reason that he conquered Punjab was due to the merged financial condition of Kabul, which was not enough to maintain the kingdom. Another reason that he conquered India was to use India as an operation place to attack Uzbek. During that era, poptical instabipty took place that resulted in the entry of Babur into the country.

Mughal Empire: Battles

The First battle of Panipat

    This battle is one of the most decisive and important battles in the history of India. Therefore, this battle was fought between Babur and Lodhi.

    The rulers kept the rich and the important treasure in Agra.

    Along with the base of approximately 12000 troops, he crossed the Indus. The troops of the kingdom were efficient enough and thus gave positive results during the battle.

    He faced many difficulties after this battle and thus his troops did not agree to campaign in India for a very long time off period.

Figure 1: Battles of the Mughal Empire

Battle of Khanwa

    This dangerous battle was fought in Fatehpur Sikri between Babur and Rana Sanga of Mewar.

    The majority numbers of troops and chiefs of Rajput supported him and thus he went to war with Sangha.

    During the battle, Rana Sangha was the most important warrior of Rajasthan. Therefore, he was the brave warrior for whom Babur his position in the part of Delhi and Agra.

Battle of Ghagra

    This battle was fought in c. 1529 CE between the brave warrior Babar and the troops of the Afghans.

    Nusrat Shah the fierce warrior of Bengal and the members of the Lodhi dynasty helped the Afghans to fight in the battle.

    He fought against the troops of Afghans and the ruler of Bengal during the crossing of the river of Ghagra.

Battle of Chanderi

    This battle was fought in c. 1528 CE between the Babur and the Medini Rai of Chanderi of Malwa. He started to campaign against the ruler of Malwa to take over the kingdom.

    Chanderi of Malwa thus gets defeated and several places were captured.

    The increase of power and activities of Afghans led Babur to cancel his campaigning plan in India for a long time

Babur’s advent into India: Significance

The following are the significance of Babur’s advent

    Babur in the country estabpshed a new part of warfare. His victory resulted in the popularity of gunpowder all over India.

    The prestige of the crown of Delhi was returned by him that earper was decpned due to the death of Firoz shah.

    He was a kind ruler who shared his problem and hardships with his troops.

    He knows the language of Persian and Arabic and is a true naturapst where he gave the theory of flora and fauna in India.

Mughal Empire: Humayun

He was the most unfortunate ruler of the country and thus succeeded Babur at a very young age. He also faced many hardships and issues that were given by his father. He defeated and conquered the troops of Afghans and captured the regions of Bihar. The Sher khan signed the agreement and he thus gets full power over the eastern part of the Banaras. Sher Khan maintains Humayun’s power and position and became the most powerful and unmatched ruler and warrior in Bihar.

Overview of the Sur Dynasty

The main and chief founder of this dynasty was Sher Shah Suri who defeated the ruler Mahmud Shah of Bengal and became one of the most powerful and dangerous miptary chiefs of Afghans in the eastern region. He conquered and dominated the fearless king and the master of Bihar during the battle of Kannauj. He hired several Hindus to some of the important positions and had a passion for art and architecture. He built many buildings and forts such as The Rohtas fort and many structures in the regions of Patna. However, he dominated and captured many regions such as Malwa and the whole area of Rajasthan.


The empire of the Mughals had almost dominated and captures the whole of India and Pakistan during the 16th and 17th centuries. The art, pterature, and culture of the Muspms thus spread all over the country. The Muspms had ruled and captured India for a long period. During the Sur dynasty, the entire part of north India was captured and a fierce battle occurred during that time.


Q1. Who was Ibrahim Lodhi?

Ibrahim Lodhi was the important ruler and the last one of the dynasty of Lodhi. He ruled for a period of approximate nine years. He was murdered in the battle of Panipat thus letting the entry of the empire of Mughal

Q2. What was the importance of The Mughal Empire?

The major importance of this empire was that it brings the majority of the regions of India under one roof. Therefore, the nature of trading and its network were increased all over the country. This influenced and enhanced the cultural activities.

Q3. What was the reason for the decpnation of The Sur Dynasty

The death of the dynasty of the Sur resulted in a decpne. After the death of Sher Shah Suri, his successor was unable to control the kingdom and was inefficient against the troops of Afghans.