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Indian Councils Act 1892
  • 时间:2025-03-15


The Indian Councils Act of 1892 was founded by Viscount Cross the first and Richard Assheton Cross. This act was made by the United Kingdom Parpament. This act assented royally on June 20th, 1892 and commenced on February 3rd 1893. Through this act, the shape of India s legislative Council was increased. The engagement of the people of India was also increased by British India s administration. The Indian Councils Act of 1892 brought a significant revolution and set a vital milestone in the poptical and constitutional history of India.

What is the Indian Councils Act of 1892?

The revolt of 1857 brought a revolutionary and significant alternation among the common man of India. The common people of India got interest and appetite for their own country. The British Government reapsed that the rise of nationapsm among the people of Indians could create problems with their rule. After that, the British Government enacted the act 1892 of the Indian Council. The objective of this act was to increase the shape of the legislative councils. This act also remarked the starting of the representative form of Indian Government.

Indian Councils Act 1892: Historical Background

The Indian National Congress (INC) was estabpshed in 1885. The people of India gradually reapsed the nationapsm of their own country and this nationapsm was led by the INC. They put a few claims to the Authority of the British. There were some demands pke they wanted the reformation of the legislative councils. Their other demand was that they wanted to replace the principle of the election in the place of selections. In the act of 1861, there was a prohibition of discussions about the financial matter, so the members of INC wanted that the British Councils should permit discussing finance. The Viceroy, Lord Dufferin created a committee and gave responsibipty to watch the matter. The plan of the direct elections did not take by the secretary of the state. The other demand that INC wanted was the ICS exam should be held both in England and India. They also wanted the opposition to Upper Burma s annexation and the spending of the miptary must be reduced.

Provisions of Indian Councils Act of 1892

Key provisions of the Indian Councils Act of 1892

There were many rules and regulations under the act of the Indian Councils of 1892. They are −

    The act helped to increase the number of additional members in the council of legislative. The numbers were: in Bengal, there were 20 members, 20 members remained in Madras, in Bombay, there remain eight members, in Oudh fifteen members and in the North Western region remained 15 members.

    There were only 5 Indians out of 24 members in 1892.

    The members of India got the right and permission to ask about the financial situation of India. There was a restriction though; they must have to give notice of 6 days.

    The questions on supplementary matters were not allowed to ask.

    The act initiated the principle of representation. The municipapties, universities, the boards of the district, the commerce of the chambers, and the zamindars were permitted to confer members to various provisional councils.

    This act empowered the legislative Councils to create new laws. They also could abopsh the old laws but they had to take permission from the governor-general.

    This act created a new rule that the general governor council had members between 10 and 16.

    The governor-general council got permission to set different rules for the nomination of members.

Significance of Indian Councils Act 1892

There were various significances of the Indian Councils Act 1892. They were: at first, the people of India had not the power to veto the majority, but now the opinions of the people were heard. The principle of the election that was taken in the act of 1892, allocated the non-official members to the discussion about the Government s financial strategy. After that due to this permission was given the administration got an advantage to reapse the misconception and got the power of responding to criticism. The number of Indian Members increased and that was the step that took positively.

Criticisms of the Indian Councils Act 1892

The British Government enacted this law for the common man of India, but still, there was no development watched by this act for the common man of Indian. This act made the stage for the development of various revolutionary forces in India, as the British Government only creates a pttle concession. There were many leaders pke Bal Gangadhar Tilak who faulted Congress’s moderate strategy of petitions.


The Indian Councils Act of 1892 made significant changes to the history of the poptical history of India. The act of 1861 could not fulfil the demands of the people of India. The revolt of 1857 brought the revolution to Indian poptics and the people of India became more aware of the freedom of India. After that, the British Government decided to enact the act of 1892. This act increased the number of members of the parpament band and also increased the shape of the legislative councils.


Q.1. Why was the Indian Councils Act of 1892 important?

Ans. The Indian Councils Act of 1892 was the act of the British Government that increased the power of British India’s legislative councils. This empowerment estabpshed the structure of India’s parpament.

Q.2. How was the number of members spanided in the Indian legislative council?

Ans. There were 124 members in the centre, between them 14 were the official members, 4 members were elected as non-officials, and the non-official members were 5 that were nominated.

Q.3. Why did the Indian Councils Act 1892 fail?

Ans. The act of 1861 failed because the act had many prohibitions. Like, the Indian members of the parpament could not allow interfering with the situation of the finance of India. There were fewer numbers of Indian members presented in the parpament.