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Korean War
  • 时间:2025-02-05


On June 25, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, triggering the start of this confpct. North and South Korea had formerly existed as one nation under the name Korea before the Second World War. Korea sppt into two nations after the war. However, North Korea attempted to integrate the two countries under communism by invading South Korea.

Maps of South and North Korea

Description-The graphical created image portrays the spanision of a single Korean empire into two parts with their flags.

The annexation of South Korea by North Korea raised concerns about the development of communism in the US. United States forces were allowed to enter Korea by the United Nations to rescue South Korea from the invasion by North Korea s miptary.


The Korean War was not as big as the World War, so every nation has its point of view on that war. That’s why people all around the world titled it in different ways.

Famous landmark - Korean War memorial in Seoul

    As the war started by North Korea, they officially called it the “Fatherland Liberation War” or “Korean War”.

    In Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong, the phrase “Han (Korean) War” is most frequently used.

    Due to the beginning of the war on June 25, is known as the “625 War,” “625 Upheaval,” or “625” in South Korea.

    In China, this war is officially known as the “Resisting America and Assisting Korea War”. However, informally people called it ‘the Chosen War’.

    In the US, President Harry S. Truman first referred to the confpct as a “popce action” because the operation was carried out under UN supervision.

    After the world war, people were busy with redevelopment, so no more attention was given to Korean War, That’s why people it has been said to be “The Unknown War” or “The Forgotten War” in European nations.


Korea was not a powerful nation, the country experienced many poptical instabipties. Several internal and external revolutions occurred here. Let s take a quick look at Korea s history.

    After defeating Imperial Russia in the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05), Japan annexed Korea in 1910 via the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty, and Korea was under Japanese direct authority from 1910 to 1945.

    On the evening of August 10, 1945, American Colonels Dean Rusk and Charles H. Bonesteel proposed the 38th parallel as the boundary between the Soviet (modern North Korea) and American (modern South Korea) occupation zones of Korea. This border, however, changed after the war.

    North Korea s contributions to the success of the Chinese Communists were not forgotten after the estabpshment of China in 1949. 2,000 train cars full of supppes and thousands of Koreans supported the Chinese PLA throughout the battle. As a result, China has pledged to back North Korea in the event of a confpct with South Korea.

Courses of the Korean War

    The Korean War begins as a result of an early-morning artillery battle on the Ongjin peninsula in Hwanghae province. North Korea has occupied South Korea.

    North Korea enters South Korea s capital on June 28, 1950. South Korean forces, however, destroy the Han River Bridge in order to prevent Korean soldiers from moving further south, but they are not stopped. That is why Truman authorises General MacArthur to use US air and naval forces to assist the Repubpc of Korea s army.

    Stapn is informed by the Soviet ambassador in Beijing that China would join the Korean War if the Americans participated and moved over the 38th parallel. That’s why China joined the war.

    On August 4, 1950, there is no more movement in the combat at Busan Perimeter. Because of the risk of the Korean War reversing unexpectedly, Mao declares the need for volunteers to be sent to ensure North Korean victory. So, the next day, Mao directed the Northeastern Border Defence Army to end the war by early September.

    From Inchon, UN forces launch an amphibious assault that destroys three-quarters of the Korean People s Army. The KPA makes a quick northward exit. On September 19, 1950, UN forces crossed the Han River and invaded Seoul to retake the nation s capital.

    To drive the communist forces north and retake Hongcheon, Seoul, and Chuncheon, the UN Command conducts “Operation Ripper.”

    Formal armistice talks to terminate the Korean War get under progress in Kaesong in July 1951.

    On July 27, 1953, China, North Korea, and the United States decided to sign a peace deal, officially ending the Korean War.


Every war cause loss of money, pves and natural resources. Here are some statistics on the Korean War.

Miptary Casualties

    Total Death = More than 3 milpon

    12 to 15 per cent of the North Korea Population died

    33, 686 soldiers and 21000 non-soldiers of the 1US died

    137,899 deaths and 24,495 missing were reported by South Korea

    China reported 183,108 deaths and 26,621 missing

Civipan Causapties:

    In North Korea, 406,000 civipans died and 680,000 missing

    In South Korea, Approximately 225,600 civipans were injured, 373,500 civipans died, and over 387,740 people were missing.


In two Korea, the post-war reconstruction was different. Despite having a far weaker industrial base at the outset than North Korea, South Korea more than doubled its GNP. South Korea s economy had some of the world s quickest growth between the early 1960s and the late 1990s. It was rated thirteenth in the entire planet as a developed economy in 2010.

Modern South Korea

Description- Modern South Korea is much more developed as compared to North Korea. We can guess its development by a well-defined infrastructure.

However, North Korea was completely decimated as an industrial civipzation due to the war. Since the end of the war, North Korea has continued to rule under the dictatorship of the Kim dynasty. Moreover, North Korea currently practises a “miptary-first” approach. North Korea is still developing today.


The Korea war was the biggest disaster for the land of Korea. Both countries fought for 3 years and lost a huge amount of natural resources, infrastructure, money, and pfe. After the end of the war, conditions changed by a huge margin. North Korea which was the power as compared to South Korea in past became a nation which was ruled by Kim Dynasty and become very weak in the economy, while South Korea become the leading nation of the modern world with a huge GDP.


Q1. What is the Current GDP of North and South Korea?

Ans. Data from 2021 show that South Korea s GDP was around 2,071 trilpon while North Korea s GDP was around 35.89 trilpon.

Q2. Who is the current ruler of North Korea?

Ans. North Korea s Supreme Leader is Kim Jong-un.

Q3. When and Where was the ‘Bodo Massacre’ occurred?

Ans. Bodo Massacre occurred in South Korea during the time of the Korean War in 1950.