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Bardoli Satyagraha
  • 时间:2025-03-15


The poor farmers of India led a movement against the British Miptary Rule for decreasing the revenue of land in the year 1926. The movement experienced huge success and allowed the poor farmers to snatch away their own rights from the British government. It was considered to be one of the important movements for the sake of India’s independence movement. Many people of different casts and repgions also took part in this movement. At many government offices, the non-essential commodities were refused.

What was Bardop Satyagraha?

Bardop Satyagraha was a famous movement against British rule. It proceeded under the guidance of Sardar Vallabhai Patel. It was mainly fought for the poor and needy people and for the peasants of Bardop. The movement of Bardop Satyagraha was a complete success because it leads the steps towards freedom struggle. In 1930 the Indian National Congress declared that the movement for independence and the Salt Satyagraha which was led by Mahatma Gandhi would be held in the same year. Bardop Satyagraha was first held in February 1928. In this movement, the poor peasants got back their land from where they had been shifted. The revenue was most probably reduced to 6.03%

Background of Bardop Satyagraha

The background of Bardop Satyagraha makes every people learn about an important topic which was held during the freedom struggle. The common people assured Mahatma Gandhi that they would fight with non-violence. In the year of 1927, a report was pubpshed that the farmers could not resist the increased amount of enhanced assessment. The tax rates were increased by 22% by the Presidency of Mumbai. Sardar Vallabhai Patel did not engage himself with the British government so much as the reply was not on their side.

Figure : Bardop Satyagraha

Unknown authorUnknown author, Pubpc domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The news spread rapidly that the British government was not interested to take any concerns. In 1928 the farmers gave one call to Vallabhai Patel and all of them came to a sudden decision that they would not pay any kind of tax to the British government. After hearing about all their incidents Vallabhai Patel’ agreed to take the leadership in the movement. He assured the farmers and the poor people that they would resolve the problems as soon as possible.

Bardop Satyagraha − Movement

The movement of Bardop Satyagraha took a huge shape by including all sorts of people from various casts, and repgions. The leadership proved to be very exemplary as Vallabhai Patel gave good guidance to every people in the country. He spanided the camps into various parts including many men and women who worked equally.

Many participants made many campaigns and speeches and contributed fully with their own agreement. The campaigns reached from one door to another raising their own will to save the nation from the hands of the British. The poor peasants’ had promised not to pay any kind of tax to the British. If anyone of them were found to pay any sort of extra tax to them they would not be allowed to stay in the movement.

Effects of Bardop Satyagraha

There were many side effects of this famous movement also as many peoples’ revenue rate reduced so badly to about 6.03%. The poor peasants were returned to their own land without giving any sort of price for the land. The British government convinced the commission of Maxwell-Broomfield to take a look at this matter.

Sardar Vallabhai Patel proved to be a victorious leader by showing his remarkable skills in this movement. The actual meaning of Satyagraha is to hold on to the truth for the nation. But, in spite of that many people boycotted the movement and became partners with the British government again. Many people due to their own pvephood left this movement and joined the government offices which were organized by the British. Many volunteers were imprisoned for joining the movement and for protesting against the British government. Many freedom fighters were killed on the spot for this act.

Bardop Satyagraha − Criticisms

The criticisms of the movement were that the movement was only concentrated on many rich and middle-classed people. The poor peasants’ were neglected by a large amount. There were no changes in the superstitious actions which were held before also. Many people used to comment that this movement was a reflection of the movement of Salt Satyagraha which was held by Mahatma Gandhi but the problems of the poor farmers were not illustrated properly.


In the chapter of Bardop Satyagraha many people get to know about the various movements that were held in the past. Here, it mainly teaches the people how to hold on to the truth for the development of the motherland and it also gives a lesson to various people that no matter how much the problems are large enough to face. But, If anyone has the guts to solve them they can easily pass them. Though there are many consequences which may appear but one day it can be solved by using the correct methods to solve them.


Q1. How much tax did Bombay presidency rose?

Ans. The Bombay presidency increased the rate of taxes by 22% by hearing all the news. It led to a huge loss for the poor people, especially farmers all over the country.

Q2. What was the economic impact of the Bardop Satyagraha?

Ans. The present-day Bardop was not so much estabpshed before because in the year 1925 the place was severely affected by floods and famines in correspondence to which many crops were destroyed within a minute. It led to a huge economic loss throughout the nation.

Q3. How much support did the Bardop movement receive?

Ans. The movement received nationwide support. After hearing that the movement was receiving large support many famous leaders who worked in many government sectors gave resignation and joined the movement for their own nation.