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Principles of Treatment
  • 时间:2024-12-22


Treatment is essential in defining cures for the diseases that are responsible for infecting an inspanidual. The microbes on entering the body of an inspanidual, survive through the process that is predominantly biochemical as they tend to lack any cellular mechanism. However, the intake of medicines helps in curing the disease within the infected person. The medicines tend to cease the synthesis of the bacteria by blocking the pathway. However, the medicine does not affect the cells of the infected person.

What is Treatment?

The notion of treatment is quite necessary and is apppcable when an inspanidual is affected by the disease. However, the disease can be caused by infected pathogens or microbes or it may be caused by malnutrition. Although, there are other factors too that may lead to occurrences of diseases within an inspanidual. In order to cure the diseases, treatment is necessary which is further associated with specific processes and care towards the infected patients. Treatment can be done in varied ways; however, this majorly depends on the nature and types of disease the inspanidual is infected with.

Kinds of Diseases

Figure 1: Kinds of diseases

The aspects of the disease can be classified into several groups, however, predominantly they are, acute diseases as well as chronic diseases. Acute diseases infect a person for a short period of time and tend to develop unexpectedly. For example, the acute disease may cater to the common cold and influenza that is seen to occur among inspaniduals of all ages.

On the other, chronic diseases are quite different from acute diseases, as they tend to persist within the body of an inspanidual for months to years. However, chronic diseases seem to continue within the body of the infected person, if proper treatment is not conducted or is left unnoticed. This disease requires medical attention for a longer period of time as this lead to interrupting the day-to-day activities associated with the inspanidual. For example, cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases are stated as chronic diseases and are the main reason for mortapty as well as disabipty.

Causes of disease

The disease can occur in humans in several possible ways however, the causes of diseases can be categorized. The first one is the immediate cause that determines the indepble or root factors leading to the occurrences of the disease. The reason for this may involve both infectious as well as non-infectious diseases. Some examples of immediate causes include germs, viruses, bacteria and many more. The other one is a contributory cause that does not have direct causes. However, these involve variable that tends to contribute to the development of respective diseases. These kinds of causes may include, a polluted environment, improper pfestyles, dietary issues and many more.

Infectious diseases

Another segregation of diseases can be done based on infectious and non-infectious diseases. Infectious diseases or communicable diseases are caused by microorganisms that include bacteria, parasites, viruses as well as fungus.

It is noticed that within the human body there pve many organisms that are beneficial. However, under certain specific conditions, some microbes tend to cause disease in the human body. These further get spread from one infected person to another through these infected pathogens.

Non-infectious diseases

The non-infectious diseases relates to diseases that are not caused by any germs or pathogens. Therefore it imppes that these diseases are not passed from one infected person to another. However, non-infectious diseases can be caused for varied reasons that include hereditary, pfestyle, malnutrition and also the environment. Some examples of such diseases are cancer, epilepsy and many more.

Principle of Treatment

Figure 2: Ways to fight an Infection

Principles of Treatment is defined as the varied methods and principles that are to be followed in order to prevent diseases. The two major ways that are stated under the treatment principles involve the reduction of the impacts of the disease and permanently kilpng the causes of the disease. For example, medicines are used in repeving the patients from the suffering that is caused by the disease. This includes symptomatic treatments that tend to cure the impacts. The use of antibiotics relates to the kilpng of the reason or cause of the disease. This means the kilpng of the pathogen or the microorganism.


In this tutorial, the principles of treatment are discussed that support understanding the ways that are to be followed in order to eradicate the disease-causing pathogen. Not only this, under the treatment principles the infected person is also cured of the infected diseases with the help of symptomatic treatments. In addition to these, a detailed discussion has been conducted that supported the idea of diseases and their causes.


Q1. What is the reason behind antibiotics not being able to treat any kinds of viral infections?

Ans. The reason that antibiotics are not apppcable for treating any/all kinds of viral infections is because on entering the body of the host, the virus tends to survive through cellular mechanisms. They survive through cellular mechanisms as they do not possess their own bio-mechanism and that is the reason antibiotics do not work.

Q2. What is known as infectious diseases?

Ans. The diseases that tend to spread from one infected person to another through infected pathogens or microorganisms are referred to as infectious diseases. For example, influenza, flu, TB, chicken pox, typhoid and many more.

Q3. What is the process for the working of medicine within the body?

Ans. On apppcation of medicine to the body, the microbes are killed by the medicines in order to cure the disease. However, there are varied microbes that include, fungi, bacteria, protozoa and virus and these shares particular processes for biochemical pfe. These microbes pass through these processes and thereby conduct a synthesis of substances. The medicines tend to block the way resulting in them stopping their synthesis.