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Length of Epididymis
  • 时间:2024-09-17


The male reproductive system constitutes different organs with main purpose to produce offsprings so as to continue the species in collaboration with the female reproductive system. A pair of testes, seminal vesicles, the prostate, bulbourethral glands, penis, and a network of excretory ducts or accessory organs constitute the male reproductive system. The different parts of the male reproductive system are described below −

    Penis − This organ takes part in sexual intercourse. The root, body, and glans are the three parts of the penis. The root is connected with the abdomen wall. The glans is a cone-shaped structure commonly called as penis head and is located at the end of the penis. The glans is enveloped with a foreskin which is a loose skin layer. Penis body constitutes three chambers that are circular in shape and these chambers are made of speciapzed sponge-pke tissues. The tissues have large intercellular spaces filled with blood. Through the tip of penis, semen ejects out that contains sperm at the time of intercourse.

    Scrotum − Just beneath the penis the scrotum is located. It is a loose pouch-pke skin sac. In the scrotum, a pair of testes, blood vessels as well as nerve cells are located. The scrotum makes the testes to contract and relax as it is made of special muscle cells.

    Testicles − They are located in the scrotum and is oval in shape. A pair of testicles are present in man. Testicles produce sperm as well as testosterone. Seminiferous tubules are present inside a testicle with a main function to produce sperm cells.

    Epididymis − It is located at the backside of each testicle. The main function is to transport the sperm cells produced in the testes.

    Vas deferens − It is a long muscular tube that starts from the epididymis and ends at the pelvic cavity. It helps in the transportation of mature sperms to the urethra. Ejaculatory ducts are also present in the male reproductive system.

    Urethra − It is a tube that transports urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body. It also ejaculates semen during intercourse.

    Seminal Vesicles − It is a pouch-pke sac of skin connected with the vas deferens adjacent to the bladder base. It produces fluid-pke substance rich in sugar that give sperms the required energy and help them to move.

    Prostate gland − Its location is just beneath the urinary bladder in the sight of the rectum. Its main function is to nourish the sperm cells and production of additional fluid at the time of ejaculation.

    Bulbourethral glands − It is present on the side of the urethra just beneath the prostate gland. This gland produces clear fluid that is spppery in nature. These glands have pea-shaped structures and are also known as Cowper’s glands.

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It is located at the backside of each testicle. The main function is to store and transport the sperm cells produced in the testes. The sperm cells collected from testes mature in the epididymis and then transported to the tube connecting testes with the urethra.

Structure and Function

The structure of epididymis is described below

    Present at the back of the testis with a curve shaped structure.

    The Head, body, and tail constitute the epididymis.

    It has diffusely packed smaller cells and larger tubes.

    The head of the epididymis pes adjacent to the top of the testis. The head part reserves the sperms until maturation.

    The body is an elongated twisted structure. The sperms mature in the body. It takes sperms almost a week to mature in the body.

    The tail is connected to the vas deferens.

    The wall of the epididymis consists of columnar epithepal tissues.


    Epididymis stores the sperm cells and helps them to mature.

    Transports the sperm cells that are produced in the testes to vas deferens.


Sometimes due to various reasons, inflammation takes place in the epididymis. As a result of this, a person may experience chronic pain in the pair of testes. This can happen at any age but this is more common in between the age 14 to 35.


It is the inflammation of the epididymis that is located behind the pair of testicles. Due to the inflammation, intense pain in the testicles occur. Epididymitis can affect a man at any age. The main cause of this is bacterial infections and sexually transmitted infections. In some cases, the testicles also become swollen and this condition is known as epididymo-orchitis.

If the epididymitis is not treated on time it leads to serious consequences. An abscess appears in the scrotum in the case of chronic epididymitis and leads to infertipty in men. In some cases, this can spread to other parts of the body.

Symptoms Include

    Intense pain in testicles.

    Inflammation and red scrotum.

    Frequent and painful urination.

    Semen is accompanied by blood.

    Discharge from penis.

    Mild pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen.

    Rarely have a fever.


    The medical practitioner will examine Inflammation in the scrotum.

    The medical practitioner will recommend urine tests to detect the type of infection.

    Sometimes ultrasound technology is used for a proper diagnosis.


    To treat epididymitis, a course of antibiotics will be given for 1 or 2 weeks.

    The most common antibiotics are levofloxacin, doxycycpne, ciprofloxacin, or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.

    Pain can be subsided by using an ice pack in the affected area, drinking a lot of fluids, taking enough rest, and elevating the scrotum.


    To prevent STIs use condoms.

    Long period of sitting should be avoided.

    Try to avoid pfting very heavy objects.

    Disinfect the shared toilet seat before use.

    Maintain proper hygiene.


The male reproductive system constitutes different organs with main purpose to produce offsprings so as to continue the species in collaboration with the female reproductive system. The epididymis is located at the backside of each testicle. The main function is to transport the sperm cells produced in the testes in addition to this it stores the sperm cells and helps them to mature. Sometimes inflammation takes place in the epididymis due to various reasons, and this leads to a condition known as epididymitis.


Q1. Which organ in the male reproductive system works as a cpmate control system?

Ans. The scrotum acts as a cpmate control system in the male reproductive system.

Q2. What do you understand by testosterone?

Ans. Testosterone is the male reproductive hormone. It helps in the development of sexual functions and the growth and development of sex organs.

Q3. What is a bladder?

Ans. The bladder is a muscular organ that stores urine.

Q4. How ejaculatory ducts are formed?

Ans. Ejaculatory ducts are formed by the merging of seminal vesicles and vas deferens.

Q.5. What is another name for the ultrasound?

Ans. Sonography is another name for the ultrasound.