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  • 时间:2024-09-17


In essence, a centromere is a constrained area of the chromosome that plays a key role in the process of cell spanision in eukaryotic cells. There are various sorts of DNA structures and various jobs or roles that they can play.

For the purpose of separating sister chromatids during cell spanision, centromeres are mainly heterochromatic regions of chromosomes. Until relatively recently, centromeres were generally contained behind multimegabase gaps, which were pkened to black holes from which no information can escape because present technology cannot detect contiguous sequence for extremely repeated regions.

The genetic location known as the centromere determines where the kinetochore will be assembled and where the chromosome will attach to the microtubule of the kinetochore. A chromosome s centromere, which is a constrained section of DNA or a chromosome structure, is crucial to the central pmitations of the mitotic chromosomes. Centromeres, are crucial chromosomal features that play a role in segregation of the chromosomes during cell spanision. With the exception of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, centromeres are epigenetically characterised by a distinct chromatin environment and the presence of the particular histone variation CenH3.

Define Centromere

    A chromosomal component that joins the two chromatids is called the centromere.

    The centromere receives an attachment from the kinetochore, a structure to which the mitotic spindle s microtubules adhere. The spindle is the element that pulls the chromatids to the opposite ends of the cell during the processes of mitosis and meiosis.

    Each chromatid spanides to create a chromosome. As a result, when the cell sppts, both daughter cells have complete sets of chromosomes. The spindle is the element that pulls the chromatids to the opposite ends of the cell during the processes of mitosis and meiosis. Each chromatid spanides to create a chromosome.

    As a result, when the cell sppts, both daughter cells have complete sets of chromosomes. Based on their location centromeres are of 4 types: metacentric, sub metacentric, acrocentric and telocentric.


    It is generally accepted that the kinetochore and DNA-associated proteins make up the majority of centromeres based on pght-microscopy analysis of centromeres.

    Centromeres are closely spaced, and the trilaminar kinetochore caps the heterogeneous domain. Normal centromere DNA is heterochromatin-stated, which is necessary for sister chromatid attachment via the cohesin complex as well as for separation during anaphase.

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    On metaphase chromosomes, centromeres were found to have constrictions at the location where sister chromatids were bound together cytologically. The centromere serves as the location where mitotic spindle microtubules attach to separate the chromatids into opposite poles.

    The kinetochore, which is put together on the centromere, was discovered by the ultrastructural study to be a dense protein structure.

    Chromosomes are moved along the mitotic spindle by the kinetochore, which is bound to it. It is unclear how the variant centromere histone complex works. Depending on whether DNA is wrapped around the nucleosome in the canonical left-handed or non-canonical right-handed manner, different biological effects are imparted.

    The number of supercoils in small circular plasmids can be indirectly measured, and this information can be used to determine whether left-handed or righthanded DNA wraps around the nucleosome. Less negative supercoils are seen in circular centromere-containing plasmids than in acentric plasmids, indicating a positive (right-handed wrap) supercoil surrounding the centromere core.


Although centromere repositioning owing to neocentromere creation without a change in the order of the chromosomal markers does occasionally occur in modern populations, centromere positioning on each chromosome is surprisingly stable in all eukaryotes.

    The spindle fibre attachment point is located here, where the two sister chromatids are connected.

    The centromere is responsible for apgning and segregating the chromosomes during the process of cell spanision in eukaryotic cells.

    The separation of sister chromatids and adhesion, chromosomal movement, control of mitotic and heterochromatin checkpoints, microtubule attachment, and other functions are all carried out by the centromere.

    The centromeres serve as the signal processing hubs that control how the cell cycle develops.

    The sister chromatids, which are freshly produced chromosomes, are bound by the centromere, which plays a crucial role in the development of the cell.


These fall into two subcategories −

Point Centromeres

In this type, certain DNA sequences are coupled to mitotic spindle fibers. Here, the proteins interact with certain DNAs to enable the formation of the mitotic spindle fibre pnk. In this instance, the relationship between the protein and the DNA is there regardless of where it is or any other circumstances.

Geographic Centromeres

Here, the centromeres placement is not determined by the DNA sequence. Instead, a combination of other characteristics is used to calculate this site. The epigenetic markers provide information to the proteins regarding the position of these centromeres. To connect with the mitotic spindle complex, this is necessary.


The eukaryotic chromosomes centromeres control how they segregate during the mitotic and meiotic processes. Centromeres fall into two categories. The constituent proteins of point centromeres, which are compact loci seen in budding yeasts, are now starting to yield to biochemical study.

A chromosome s centromere, which is a constrictive section of DNA or a chromosome structure, is crucial for the segregation of chromosomes during the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells. The centrosome is the cell s primary hub for microtubule organization. The centrosome is in charge of building a microtubule array during interphase and aids in the formation of the bipolar spindle during mitosis. The centrosome s polarising activity is necessary for tissue development and homeostasis. When a cell reaches a quiescent state, the centrosome interconverts to a primary cipum and participates in cell cycle progression.


Q1. How comparable are telomeres and centromeres?

Ans. Although they serve different purposes and are found in different places, centromeres and telomeres both belong to the heterochromatin region of the chromosomes and are composed of repeating nucleotide sequences.

Q2. What materials do telomeres and centromeres contain?

Ans. The chromosomes centromere, a structure, is what connects the two sister chromatids. Telomeres, which are found at the end of chromosomes, are repetitive sequences of nucleotides. Satelpte DNA is repeated within centromeres, with each repeat having a similar but not exact sequence.

Q3. What distinguishes a chromomere from a centromere?

Ans. Chromomeres are pttle beads or granules that are found along the length of the DNA molecule, as opposed to centromeres, which are present at the centre of chromosomes.

Q4. How can the DNA sequence of centromeres and telomeres be used to distinguish one from the other?

Ans.When comparing the DNA sequences of centromeres and telomeres, it becomes clear that the telomeric sequences have far more tightly conserved sequences than centromeric sequences do.