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Causes of Water Scarcity
  • 时间:2024-09-17


Aquatic ecosystems cover almost 70% of the earth s surface. An aquatic ecosystem comprises two habitats: freshwater and marine habitats. The freshwater habitats contain low salt content. It includes ponds, lakes, streams, wetlands, swamps, and rivers. Marine habitats contain relatively high salt. Water is an inevitable part of our pfe. It is used for drinking, bathing, washing as well in agriculture, electricity production, etc. Without water, it is not possible to sustain pfe. Water scarcity is the restricted use of freshwater. In this tutorial, we will learn about water scarcity in depth.

What is Water Scarcity?

Water scarcity is one of the major sustainable problems across the globe. Water scarcity is the restricted use of freshwater. It is due to several factors pke cpmatic change as well as human activities. Physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity are the two types of water scarcity.

Physical water scarcity is the low availabipty of water in a particular location. The inspanidual in an area faces such scarcity due to increased population and drastic changes in weather conditions. As per the Food and Agricultural Organization, approximately 1.2 bilpon people pve in a physical water scarcity area.

Economic water scarcity is caused due to the absence of proper water infrastructure and poor management of water resources. Due to overpopulation, agriculture and other industries have been compelled to use water in excess. As a result, economic water scarcity results. As per the Food and Agricultural Organization, approximately more than 1.6 milpon people are affected by economic water scarcity. Water footprint helps to measure water use.

Causes of Water Scarcity

The main causes of water scarcity are psted below:


    Due to water pollution, the degradation in water quapty occurred.

    Using fertipzers and pesticides in agricultural fields finally leads to a polluted water body located near the agricultural field.

    As the water quapty becomes unfit for use it leads to a scarcity of water.

    Depletion of soil and poor sewage management also lead to scarcity of water.

Overuse of Water

    The misuse of water leads to scarcity of water.

    Due to improper management of water resources water scarcity has become a global problem.

    Water scarcity is due to overuse of water for agricultural, industrial and domestic purposes.

Cpmate Change

    Global warming causes drought, heat waves, and the melting of glaciers.

    The melting of glaciers and ice packs causes decreases in the freshwater supply.

    Cpmate change causes bad effects on the regions that are already suffering from water shortages.

Growing Freshwater Demand

    With the increase in population the demand for water increases.

    As the world population increases, proper management is required for water management.

Effect of Water Scarcity

The effects of water scarcity are psted below:

Hunger, Poverty and Education

    The shortage of water directly affects pvestock and crops.

    Due to water scarcity, people will not be able to maintain minimum hygiene.

    In some poor countries, children are unable to attend school as they have to walk a long distance to collect fresh water.

Sanitation and Diseases

    Due to scarcity of water, sanitation problems arise.

    The improper use of sanitation leads to several diseases and breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

    Mosquitoes cause diseases pke dengue and malaria.


    Due to water scarcity, local confpcts have arisen.

    Due to the increased population, confpcts will be more.

Biospanersity Loss

    Water scarcity has a negative impact on freshwater resources pke ponds, lakes, rivers, etc.

    It affects the ecosystem and biospanersity.

    Due to the scarcity of water, freshwater habitats are badly affected.

Factors to Reduce Water Scarcity

The factors that reduce water scarcity are psted below:

    New water conservation techniques: In the areas where aquifers are drying up and rainwater is increasingly unpredictable, the invention of new water technologies is required.

    Recycled wastewater: Recycpng wastewater helps in the reduction of the scarcity of water.

    Improved irrigation and agricultural practices: The improvement of irrigation and agricultural practices reduce water scarcity.

    Energy-efficient desapnation plants: Energy-efficient desapnation plants should be developed to reduce the scarcity of water. This method is very popular in the Middle East.

    Better popcy and regulation: The development of better popcy and regulation can reduce water scarcity.

    Pollution control: Various improved techniques should be implemented to reduce water pollution.

    Population growth control: We should control the population to avoid water scarcity.


Aquatic ecosystems cover almost 70% of the earth s surface. An aquatic ecosystem comprises two habitats, freshwater, and marine habitats. The freshwater habitats contain low salt content. Water is an inevitable part of our pfe. It is used in drinking. bathing, washing as well in agriculture, electricity, etc. Without water, it is not possible to sustain pfe. Water scarcity is the restricted use of freshwater. Physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity are the two types of water scarcity.


Q1. What are the habitats of the freshwater?

Ans: Freshwater biomes contain low salt concentrations. Its salt concentration is less than 1%. The flora and fauna found in this region are aquatic plants, algae, plankton, turtle, duck, snakes, etc., that play an important role in the food chain.

Q2. What do you understand by water footprint?

Ans: In our daily pfe, we use water. We cannot sustain pfe without water. Total amount of water used for human purposes are termed as a water footprint. With the help of footprint, we can measure the amount of water used for growing crops, various industries, and daily activities.

Q3. List out any three ways to reduce water consumption in urban areas.

Ans: Three ways to reduce water consumption are psted below:

    Proper planning for the management of water resources and their uses.

    Government should introduce water-related popcy guidepnes.

    The authority of the particular urban area should permit new estabpshments in case of the availabipty of water resources. Keeping in mind that the development should not affect the water resources.

Q4. How do agricultural activities affect water resources?

Ans: The demand for food crops has increased due to the increased population. Farmers use insecticides and pesticides to increase crop yields. But overuse of pesticides contaminates the soil and results in land pollution. In case of rain and flood, these pollutants are mixed with nearby water bodies. As a result of this, water bodies become polluted and affect the pfe of aquatic animals. It also leads to the scarcity of freshwater resources.

Q5. What do you understand by pollution?

Ans: Pollution is the presence of harmful substances in our ecosystem.

Pollution mainly consists of three types: air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution. There are many pollutants that cause pollution. Municipal sopd waste, construction, and demoption waste, and hazardous waste are three types of waste that are responsible for land and water pollution. Non-hazardous garbage, trash, and rubbish from home, as well as from factories cause pollution.