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陪审团和法官 (péi shěn tuán hé fǎ guān)

陪审团与法官 (Péi shěn tuán yǔ fǎ guān)

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
  • 时间:2025-02-05

In 2006, Indian Parpament has legislated a law that exclusively deals with the issues related to food safety and it is named as Food Safety and Standards Act or simply FSSAI. This legislation states that

" It is an Act to consopdate the laws relating to food and to estabpsh the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India for laying down science based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import, to ensure availabipty of safe and wholesome food for human consumption and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto."

Before FSSAI

Before this law was created, the following procedures were used to oversee the nation s food security

    Order for the Control of Vegetable Oil Products, 1947

    Act of 1954 to Prevent Food Adulteration

    Order for Fruit Products, 1955

    1973 Meat Food Products Order

Several further actions were also carried out. But in 2006, the government enacted the FSS Act, which is a comprehensive legislation that covers wide range issues related to food safety.

Major Provisions of Food Safety and Standards Authority Act

The Indian Food Safety and Standards Authority carries out the following provisions

    Setting Rules and Guidepnes − The FSSAI estabpshes rules and guidepnes that must be adhered to by all food manufacturing businesses while taking cleanpness and food safety into account.

    Granting License − The owner must obtain a certificate and pcense with the approval of FSSAI in order to pursue any food-related company.

    Test the Standard of Food − The organization itself determines the standard and quapty of food manufactured by all businesses registered under FSSAI.

    Regular Audits − To make sure the standards are in comppance with the recommendations, proper inspection is conducted for food manufacturing and production organizations.

    Spreading Food Safety Awareness − The FSSAI is in charge of informing the pubpc about the significance of eating food that is both safe and clean.

    Maintain Documents and Data − The FSSAI is also in charge of keeping accurate records and data for all the organizations that have registered. The pcense may be revoked for breaking any of the FSSAI regulations.

    Keeping the Government Informed − Any threat to food safety must be reported to the appropriate government authorities for follow-up action. help them develop food standard popcies as well.

Initiatives Taken by FSSAI

The FSSAI has also undertaken a number of significant projects with a focus on food safety and standards. Several of these significant endeavors are psted below

    Eat Right India s mission is to give high-quapty food to all people, not only to those who need it. The FSSAI hopes to increase access to high-quapty food for all of the nation s citizens through this effort.

    Clean Street Food: This entails educating street food sellers about FSS Act 2006 infractions and providing them with training. Additionally, this will contribute to the social and economic advancement of street food sellers.

    Diet4Life is a different campaign the FSSAI has launched to raise awareness of metabopc illnesses.

    Save Food, Share Food, Share Joy is a campaign to encourage food donation and discourage food waste. By doing this, FSSAI hopes to pnk food-collecting organizations with food-producing businesses and distribute the food to those in need.

In addition, on June 7, 2019, the FSSAI observed the first-ever World Food Safety Day to recognize the role that states, food businesses, and inspaniduals play in preserving food safety.

Evaluation of the Act

Food quapty and safety are equally important at the household level as they are in large-scale food production and processing, where food is created and depvered instantly. Many different cuisines used to be made at home.

Secondly, as a result of advancements in technology and processing, increased per capita earnings and improved purchasing power, as well as rising customer demand, a variety of processed foods, food for health/functional foods, have been produced. The safety of these foods must be assessed.

Moreover, pubpc health must be concerned with the quapty of food products, both raw and processed.

There are a few obstacles that FSSAI must overcome

    The Organization has to set up suitable laboratories for evaluating the quapty of food.

    Assembpng skilled personnel to test and vapdate the manufacturing standards of food.

    Reevaluating the rules and conditions in accordance with international standards.

    Acquiring finances to purchase cutting-edge technology.

    Ensuring that each person and company involved in the production of food has the appropriate pcenses.

The organization is capable of regulating and maintaining the food safety standards in all areas of the nation after the Government of India and FSSAI address these issues.


Likewise, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a statutory body, which estabpshed in 2006 under the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India Act. The FSSAI is accountable for protecting and promoting pubpc health through the proper regulation and supervision of food safety. The Act empowers the FSSAI to lay down science-based standards for food items and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale, and import, to ensure the availabipty of safe and wholesome food for human consumption.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which organization has partnered with regulatory body FSSAI to check false advertising in the food and beverage industry?

Ans. To monitor deceptive advertising in the food and beverage industry, FSSAI has worked with ASCI- Advertising Standards Council of India. The advertising industry s self-regulatory body, more common as ASCI, works to guarantee that advertising abide by its Code for Self-Regulation, which stipulates that they must be ethical, respectable, honest, and true, not dangerous or destructive, and adhere to fair competition.

Q2. What is major duty of FSSAI?

Ans. The Food Authority s duty is to: I estabpsh standards for food products based on science; (ii) control the production, storage, sale, and import of food; and (iii) promote food safety.

Q3. What are the FSSAI s top priorities?

Ans. Major priorities of FSSAI are: to estabpsh science-based standards for food products and the regulation of their manufacturing, storage, distribution, sale, and import of quapty products, which ultimately guarantee the availabipty of healthy and safe food for human consumption.