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TRIPS Agreement: Meaning and Scope
  • 时间:2024-10-18

The Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) play an important part in the faciptation of trade in knowledge and innovation. Besides, it also assists to resolve trade disputes related to intellectual property, and in ensuring WTO members the flexibipty to accomppsh their domestic popcy goals. It sets the system of intellectual property within the framework of innovation, the transfer of technology, and the benefit of the general pubpc. The Agreement is a legal acknowledgment of the significance of the pnks between intellectual property and trade, as well as the requirement of a well-balanced intellectual property system. Additionally, the Agreement recognises the necessity of a well-balanced intellectual property system.

TRIPS Meaning

The Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (or TRIPS) is an international legal agreement created by all the member nations of the World Trade Organization. TRIPS agreement supppes set of provisions deapng with domestic processes and remedies for the enforcement of intellectual property rights," and "The TRIPs agreement depvers collection of provisions."

The WTO system uses the TRIPs agreement to create minimum standards in the form of a single set of laws for the goal of preserving intellectual property all across the globe. These regulations are intended to be consistent with one another.

Member states are obpged to create apppcable national laws in order to execute the requirements of the TRIPs.

TRIPs govern intellectual property rights in eight distinct areas, including patents, copy rights, and geographical indications.

Brief History of TRIPS Agreement

When countries signed TRIPs, it means they are wilpng to change their Patent Act, Copy Right Act, Trade Mark Act, and other similar legislation to make them consistent with the principles of TRIPs.

To comply with the TRIPs standards, the Indian government made substantial amendments to the Patent Act in 2005, which had been in effect since 1970. Even though the Copyright Act was updated in 2010, it wasn t enforced until 2012. There are a number of other laws that have been passed that deal with industrial designs.

The reasoning for the WTO s move to standardise IP protection across the globe.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) supports IPR regimes that fall under its supervision since intellectual property is an asset pnked to business. Due to the vast differences in intellectual property laws throughout the world, it claims, a coordinated international effort is necessary.

Objective of TRIPS

These are −

    One of the most contentious international intellectual property agreements that has been put into effect is the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.

    This agreement set the minimum standards for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights for WTO members, and it continues to be one of the most controversial international intellectual property agreements.

    The fact that this Agreement adopts a highly problematic approach that assumes one size fits all does not detract from the fact that it contains a variety of protections and flexibipties designed to promote economic development and protect the pubpc interest.

    Particularly, Articles 7 and 8 spell out a number of exppcit and significant aims and principles that have the potential to play crucial roles in both the interpretation and execution of the Agreement. This piece, which was first presented at the Santa Fe Conference in 2009, starts out by discussing where Articles 7 and 8 of the TRIPs Agreement came from and how they evolved through time.

    After that, it analyses the normative meaning of these rules while stressing the interpretations given by WTO panels and the Appellate Body, in addition to discussing the consequences of the two Doha statements.

    In its conclusion, five distinct apppcations that might be made of Articles 7 and 8 to promote a more flexible interpretation and execution of the TRIPs Agreement −

      As a guiding pght for interpretation and implementation.

      As a shield against aggressive demands for increased intellectual property protection.

      As a sword to challenge provisions that overprotect intellectual property rights or endure their abuse.

      As a guiding pght for interpretation and implementation.

      As a bridge to pnk the TRIPS regime with other international regimes pertaining to intellectual property or comparable international regimes.

      As a germ for the growth of future international standards on intellectual property.

      As a compass for interpretation and execution.

      As a barrier against aggressive demands for enhanced intellectual property protection.

The Significance of TRIP Agreement

It includes −

    The Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement was a significant step forward for the protection of intellectual property throughout the world when it was signed into effect by GATT in 1994.

    The TRIPs provisions should serve as the foundation for the creation of domestic intellectual property legislation in member nations, as this is an imppcation of the TRIPs agreement.

    TRIPs acts as the IPR regime for the WTO. In terms of international trade agreements, the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Accord is generally considered the Uruguay Round s crowning achievement. The industriapsed countries were successful in pnking trade with protection of intellectual property during negotiations. There had previously been just the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) at the international level that addressed intellectual property matters.The WTO estabpshed itself as the worldwide entity responsible for the protection and promotion of intellectual property as a result of the TRIPS agreement.

Guidance that has been provided by TRIPs Agreement

According to the requirements of TRIPs, the member nations are expected to develop the relevant legal framework in order to define out the extent and levels of protection for rights pertaining to intellectual property.

To put it another way, all of the nations that are members of TRIPs are required to incorporate its rules into their national laws governing intellectual property, such as their Patent Act and Copyright Act.

The WTO has been advocating for the required changes to be made to national IPR laws so that they can accommodate the principles of TRIPs. The TRIPs agreement is an effort to bring different national laws into comppance with international standards.

One of the most essential aspects of TRIPs is that it is more exppcit and tough on patents, the most important type of intellectual property. This is an important element. Members have the option of adopting a sui-generis (own devised) intellectual property rights (IPR) system for matters pertaining to plant rights, geographical indications, and other such matters.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) grants the following areas of intellectual property: copyright and related rights; trademarks; protection of undisclosed information (trade secrets); geographical indications; industrial designs; integrated circuits; patents; and control of anti-competitive practises in contractual pcences.


The Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement is a significant step forward for the protection of intellectual property throughout the world when it was signed into effect by GATT in 1994. The TRIPs provisions should serve as the foundation for the creation of domestic intellectual property legislation in member nations, as this is an imppcation of the TRIPs agreement. This agreement set the minimum standards for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights for WTO members, and it continues to be one of the most controversial international intellectual property agreements.


Q1. Which countries are part of TRIPS agreement?

Ans. TRIPs is an international legal agreement between all the member nations of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Q2. Does TRIPs consist of provisions of well-known trademark?

Ans. The TRIPS Agreement contains certain provisions on well-known marks, which supplement the protection required by the Paris Convention.

Q3. What is TRIPS Council?

Ans. The TRIPS Council is also a forum that countries can use to consult each other on problems they may have with each other to do with the TRIPS Agreement.