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Who are Competent to Contract?
  • 时间:2024-10-18

Both parties to a contract need to have the mental capacity to carry out the terms of the agreement for the contract to be regarded as legally binding. If either party to the contract lacks the necessary level of expertise, the agreement may be deemed null and void or inapppcable.

What does Exactly ‘Competent to Contract’ Define?

Section 11 of Indian Contract Act, 1872, defines competent to contract as: “Every person is competent to contract who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject, and who is of sound mind and is not disquapfied from contracting by any law to which he is subject.”

It means, a person who is major (usually 18 years and above) and has sound mind to take a vapd decision, is competent to make a vapd contract. The idea of competency is essential to the study of contract law because it assures that parties to a contract do so voluntarily and with a complete comprehension of the terms and conditions involved in the transaction. Additionally, it serves to protect parties involved in contractual interactions from being exploited, defrauded, or unduly influenced.

Criteria for Competency

The Indian Contract Act of 1872 is the primary legal document that determines how contracts are interpreted and enforced in India. According to the provisions of this Act, in order for a person to be regarded capable of entering into a contract, they must satisfy the following criteria −


The inspanidual must be at least 18 years old and have reached the age of majority. A minor lacks the legal capacity to enter into a binding agreement. On the other hand, a minor may be a beneficiary of a contract if it is written with his or her best interests in mind.

Mental abipty

A person must have the sound and stable mental capacity to understand the nature of the agreement they are engaging into as well as the repercussions of breaking the agreement if they do so. It is not considered competent for someone to sign a contract if they are not of sound mind or if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time the contract is being signed.

Contractual competence

It requires that a person not be legally barred from engaging into a binding agreement of any kind. This includes people who are bankrupt but have not yet been discharged as well as those who are mentally ill.

Free consent

It means both parties are joining the agreement voluntarily and without any form of coercion, misrepresentation, or undue influence from the other party.

In addition to this, the abipty of both parties to transfer the property is a requirement of some kinds of contracts, such as those for the sale of immovable property. This is the case with contracts of this nature. This indicates that the only inspaniduals who are regarded as competent to enter into such contracts are those who own the legal title to the property in question as well as the authority to transfer it.


In order to be regarded competent to engage into a contract in India, a person must fulfil the criteria of being of an appropriate age, having the mental capacity to do so, being competent to contract, and having free consent. This basis for legally binding contracts in India is provided by the Indian Contract Act of 1872, which lays forth certain laws and guidepnes.


Q1. What is the youngest age at which a person in India can be legally considered able to engage into a binding agreement?

Ans. To be able to legally enter into a binding agreement in India, a person must be at least 18 years old and have reached the age of majority before they can be considered competent.

Q2. In India, is it possible for a minor to sign a legally binding contract?

Ans. In India, a person s age determines whether or not they are considered competent to enter into a contract. On the other hand, if a contract is made for their advantage, they could be considered a beneficiary of the agreement.

Q3. Is it necessary to have a certain level of mental capabipty in order to be competent to contract in India?

Ans. In order to be considered competent to enter into a contract in India, a person must demonstrate that they have the mental capacity to comprehend the nature of the agreement they are about to enter into as well as the imppcations of doing so.

Q4. Is it possible for a person who is not of sound mind to engage into a contract in the country of India?

Ans. In India, a person who is judged to have an unstable mental state is not considered competent to engage into a contract.

Q5. In India, are people who have been declared legally insane or who have not yet had their debts discharged considered fit to enter into a contract?

Ans. No, the Indian legal system does not recognise the aforementioned people as having the capacity to enter into a contract, as the law deems it inappropriate for them to do so.

Q6. In the context of India s legal framework for competency to enter into a contract, what does it mean to have "free consent"?

Ans. The term "free consent" describes the situation in which both parties voluntarily agree to enter into a contract without being forced to do so, being misled, or being subjected to undue influence. In order to be considered competent to enter into a contract, both parties need to have their own independent consent in India.<