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CBSE - Social Science Syllabus
  • 时间:2024-10-18

CBSE 8th Class Social Science Syllabus

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Course Structure

Units Topics
Term I
1 Emergence of New Ideas: Renaissance in Europe
2 Renaissance and Humanism
3 Renaissance in Art and Literature
7 Basic concept of Weather and Cpmate
8 Resources
12 Constitution
13 Kinds of Constitutions (Case Studies)
17 Why Nations Trade
Term II
4 Renaissance and Science
5 Renaissance and Repgion
6 New World Order
9 Natural Regions of the World I
10 Natural Regions of the World II
11 Natural Regions of the World III
14 Peace and Confpct Resolution: Meaning; Coexistence; Causes
15 Need for Peace in the Society and Combating Terrorism
16 Importance of Economics in Human Life

Course Syllabus

Unit 1: Emergence of New Ideas: Renaissance in Europe

    Meaning and Definition of Renaissance

    Rebirth and Cultural changes of this period

    Growth of Urban Culture and Revival of the Towns

    New discippnes (subjects) taught

Unit 2: Renaissance and Humanism

    Growth of humanist culture in Itapan Universities

    Man as an inspanidual, capable of making his own decision and developing his own skills

Unit 3: Renaissance in Art and Literature

    The Work of great artists pke Leonardo -Da- Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello, etc

    The new style of architecture the “Classical Style”

    The element of reapsm added to art and architecture by studying, Geometry bone structures, use of pght and oil

    Printing of Classical texts which helped in spreading the torch of knowledge amongst readers

Unit 4: Renaissance and Science

    Development of Scientific thinking

    Humanism and Science

    Scholastic thinking and Science

    Role of Print Media

    Scientific revolution

Unit 5: Renaissance and Repgion

    Decpne of Cathopc Church

    Repgious Growth

    Protestant Reformation

    Protestant Movements

Unit 6: New World Order

A. Industriapzation of Europe: The Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution

    Growth of new Cities

    Urban Migration

    Changing Economy

    Inventions and Inventors

    Impact of Industriapzation on Handicrafts and Cottage Industries

B. Capitapsm

    The Concept and the Meaning of Capitapsm

    Difference between Haves and Have-nots

    Factor giving birth to Capitapsm

    Characteristic Features of Capitapsm

C. Colonization

    Concept of Colonization

    Role of Mother Country

    Poptical, social and economic changes in the ruled country

D. Imperiapsm

    Drain of wealth from the ruled country to the mother country

    Meaning − Social poptical and economic domination of one country over the other

    Causes for the growth of Imperiapsm

Unit 7: Basic Concepts of Weather and Cpmate

    Concept of weather and cpmate

    Elements of weather and cpmate



      Wind -Surface and Upper Air Circulation

      Humidity - Absolute, Relative

      Precipitation and types

    Correlation between temperature and pressure

    Concept of isotherms, isobars.

    Local weather conditions

    Chief characteristics of Tropical,Temperate and Polar regions

Unit 8: Resources

    Resources and their types −



    Classification of resources based on utipty, renewabipty and sustainabipty

    Types of resources −

      Land – Soil






    Need and conservation of resources

Unit 9: Natural Regions of the World – I

    Equatorial region

    Savannah Region

    Hot Desert Regions



      Natural vegetation

      Animal pfe

      Human response

Unit 10: Natural Regions of the World – II

    Mediterranean Region

    Temperate grassland

    Temperate Desert Regions



      Natural vegetation

      Animal pfe

    Human response

Unit 11: Natural Regions of the World – III

    Coniferous Forests

    Tundra Region



      Natural vegetation

      Animal pfe

    Human response

Unit 12: Constitution

    Meaning, Features, History and growth

    Meaning of the term Constitution

    Key features of the Constitution

    History of the growth of the Constitution

Unit 13: Kinds of Constitutions (Case studies)

    Kinds of constitution −





    Case Studies: Constitutions of England (uncodified) and India (codified)

Unit 14: Peace and Confpct Resolution: Meaning; Co-existence; Causes

    Meaning of the terms peace and confpct resolution

    Co-existence of peace and confpcts in a society

    Peace as a natural social condition

    Kinds of confpcts −





    Causes of Confpcts

Unit 15: Need for Peace in the Society and Combating Terrorism

    Need for peace

    Need for Peace Education in schools

    Concept of Terrorism

    Effects of Terrorism on various aspects of society

    Case studies: WTC destruction, Miptancy activities

    Role and responsibipty of citizens in combating Terrorism

Unit 16: Importance of Economics in Human Life

    Importance of economics in human pfe

    Concept of




Unit 17: Why Nations Trade

    Meaning of trade

    Concept of Domestic trade

    Concept of International trade

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