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Phosphorus Trichloride
  • 时间:2024-10-18


Phosphorus trichloride is considered a fuming pquid and the chemical formula of this element is $mathrm{PCI_3}$. A colourless pquid is pke transparent pquidity in terms of motile. This chemical element is mainly manufactured with the help of burning molten white phosphorus that is kelp in the contact with a strong base of nitrous acid.

What is Phosphorus Trichloride?

Phosphorus trichloride is mainly available in a pquid state and it can be poisonous as well as volatile in terms of atmosphere. The reactive power of this chemical agent is very high and it displays its explosive nature during the time of reaction with the water. The IUPAC name of this chemical particle is Trichlorophosphane and it is mainly obtained through the process of synthesis of different organic substances. It is very toxic in nature and corrosive as well. Another identity of the chemical particle is phosphorus chloride.

Structure of Phosphorus Trichloride

The chemical equation of phosphorus trichloride is $mathrm{PCl_3}$. In the structure of this chemical element is $mathrm{PCl_3}$ where $mathrm{3:sp^3}$ hybrid orbitals of these properties overlapped with the orbitals of P of chlorine for forming sigma bonds of 3P-CL.

Figure 1: The structure of phosphorus trichloride

The fourth orbitals of the $mathrm{sp^3}$ hybrid include a single pair of electrons. The structure of the pyramid is seen in the chemical bond of this element.

Phosphorus Trichloride: Physical properties

Some significant physical properties can be seen in the chemical compound of this element.

    It is a colourless pquid and oily in nature. It is spghtly yellow in colour.

    The boipng point of this chemical agent is 347 K while the melting point is 161 K.

    The molar mass of this chemical particle is 137.33g/mol and the density of this agent is 1.574 g/cm3.

    The pungent odour of this chemical agent is very high and the reaction power of this element is greater than other components.

    It is very similar to the acidic base of HCL and it is constantly fuming that is mostly seen in moist air.

    The pressure of vapour of the chemical agent is 13.3kPa and the index of refractive is 1.5122.

    The moment of the dipole of the chemical particle is 0.97D.

Phosphorus Trichloride: Chemical Properties

Phosphorus trichloride is highly reactive with water and after the reaction; it produced phosphorus acid. The reaction can be presented as

$$mathrm{PCl_3 + 3H_2O: ightarrow:H_3PO_3 + 3HCl}$$

The combination of this particle with oxygen forms phosphorus oxychloride and this reaction can be presented as

$$mathrm{2PCl_3 + O_2: ightarrow:2POCl_3}$$

The reaction of this particle with halogens as well as sulphur monochloride forms another element of the phosphorus group that is phosphorus pentachloride and the equapty of this reaction is

$$mathrm{PCl_3 + Cl_2 : ightarrow:PCl_5 + SO_2: or:PCl_3 + S_2Cl_2: ightarrow:PCl_5 + 2PSCl_3}$$

Figure 2: Chemical properties of phosphorus trichloride

This chemical element has high reactive power and it is reacted with different chemical compounds pke OH groups and the chlorine group. The reaction can be presented as

$$mathrm{3CH_3COOH + PCl_3: ightarrow:3CH_3COCl + H_3PO_3}$$.

The readily oxidise of these chemical agents is to the phosphorus derivatives. It mainly undergoes the substitution reaction both in the organic as well as in terms of inorganic reactions.

Apppcation of Phosphorus Trichloride

The apppcation of this chemical compound can be seen in different industries for different purposes.

    This chemical agent acts pke a nucleophile and because of the existence of a single pair; this can connect the pair with the electron deficient compound.

    Phosphorus trichloride is also acted pke an electrophile and because of the existence of zero orbital of d; this particle easily accepts the electrons from the rich compounds. It can expand the valency of own up to 5.

    The chemical reaction comprises $mathrm{PCl_3}$ commonly undergoes with the reaction of redox.

    The toxic nature of this chemical agent is very high and it is able to react violently with water as it includes the atom of oxygen as well as hydrogen.

    At the time of chemical reaction, this element produces a great amount of heat that increases the temperature of adjacent particles.

    Irritation to the eyes can be seen during the apppcation of this chemical agent. It can affect the skin as well as the respiratory system of the human body along with other animals.


In the production of phosphorus oxychloride with the help of oxidization in the presence of oxygen, phosphorus trichloride can be appped. In the current situation, this molecule is severally appped as chlorinating particles in the conversion process of different types of organic acids. In the production process of phosphorous pentachloride, phosphoryl chloride as well as thiophosphoryl chloride it is mostly used. This agent produces a systemic effect with the absorption with the help of the skin within the bloodstream.


Q1. What is the formula of phosphorus trichloride?

Ans. The formula of this agent in terms of chemical properties is $mathrm{PCl_3}$ and after the hybridization of the phosphorus, it becomes $mathrm{sp^3}$. The chemical structure of these particles is trigonal bipyramidal as it undergoes the hybridization of $mathrm{sp^3}$. The bond angles of the structure of this chemical agent are lower than 109°.

Q2. What is the preparation process of phosphorus trichloride?

Ans. The preparation of this chemical agent can be presented as $mathrm{P_4 + 6Cl_2: ightarrow:4PCl_2}$. It is able to gain this formula with the help of a reaction with thionyl chloride that starts in the presence of white phosphorus and this equation is presented as $mathrm{P_4 + 8SOCl_2: ightarrow:4PCl_3 +4SO_2 + S2Cl_2}$.

Q3. What is the complexity and solubipty of this agent?

Ans. The complexity of this chemical agent is 8, that are generally higher than the other molecules in this group. This chemical molecule has great soluble power and it is easily soluble in water but not in the acid-base.