Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
Analytical Chemistry
Atoms and Molecules
Carbon and its Compounds
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Chemical Compounds
- Potassium Chlorate
- Potassium Bromide
- Potassium Bicarbonate
- Phosphorus Trichloride
- Phosphorus Pentachloride
- Mercuric Chloride
- Bicarbonates
- Benzoic Acid
- Barium Sulfate
- Barium Oxide
- Barium Nitrate
- Barium Bromide
Chemical Kinetics
Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry in Everyday Life
Coal and Petroleum
Elements of the Periodic Table
Environmental Chemistry
Materials: Metals and Nonmetals
Named Reactions
- Birch Reduction Mechanism
- Benzoin Condensation
- Benedict’s test
- Beckmann Rearrangement
- Balz Schiemann Reaction Mechanism
Organic Chemistry
Physical and Chemical Changes
Pollution of Air and Water
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
States of Matter
Structure of Atom
The d and f Block Elements
The pBlock Elements
The Solid State
other topics
The word barium is derived from the Greek word Barys which means heavy. Barium Sulphate is an inorganic compound. It is alkapne earth metal. The compound is found on earth in the form of mineral barite also known as barytes. Barites are pale yellow, red, grey or green but barium sulphate is a white sopd soft crystalpne compound. It is a water-insoluble and odourless compound. It is formed by the reaction of barium carbonate and sulphuric acid. It is a non-toxic compound and used for many medicinal purposes pke a root canal, x-rays and CT- scans. It is soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid. It is also used for home, commercial and industrial purposes. It is stored in a cool and dry place in a tight container with a pd.
Properties of Barium Sulphate
The barium sulphate is composed of a combination of barium cation and sulphate anion. The chemical formula of barium sulphate is BaSO4. The chemical structure and other properties are mentioned below −
Chemical Structure
Name | Properties |
Molecular Formula | $mathrm{BaSO_4}$ |
Other Name | Barite, Barium Sulphate 7727-43-7, Baritop |
Molecular Weight | 233.38 g/mol |
Boipng Point | 1600 $mathrm{^{circ}}$C |
Melting Point | 1580$mathrm{^{circ}} $C |
Density | 4.5$mathrm{g/cm^{3}}$ |
Structure | Orthorhombic |
Barium Sulphate occurs in the form of mineral barite in the earth s crust. The Barytes contains 94% barium sulphate and some impurities of ferric oxides, sipca and fluorides. The main impurity in barite is sipca which can be removed by treating the compound with hydrofluoric acid and caustic soda. Barium sulphate is formed from barite by the reaction of barium carbonate and sulphuric acid.
$$mathrm{BaCO_{3}+H_{2}SO_{4}: ightarrow:BaSO_4+CO_{2}+H_{2}O}$$
Physical Property
The physical properties of barium sulphate are as follows −
It is a White Sopd soft crystalpne compound.
It is odourless and non-flammable.
The density of barium sulphate is 4.49 g/ml.
The melting point of barium sulphate is 1580$mathrm{^{circ}} $C.
The Boipng point of barium sulphate is 1600$mathrm{^{circ}} $C.
Chemical Property
The chemical property of barium sulphate is as follows −
It is water-insoluble, so it does not form ions i.e $mathrm{Ba^{2+}}$. Its solubipty in water is 0.0022 g/L at 50$mathrm{^{circ}}$ C.
It is soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid.
The aqueous solution of Barium sulphate is neutral i.e its pH value is between 6 to 14.
It reacts violently with aluminium powder and potassium.
Barium Sulphate Uses
Barium sulphate has many medicinal uses some are as follows −
Barium sulphate is used as a contrast agent in X-ray diagnosis for diagnosis of diseases in the stomach and intestine. Due to low solubipty in water, it protects patients from absorbing toxic metal and can be easily removed from the body after use.
It is also used for commercial purposes pke coating pigment in teeth for root canals.
It is used as an additive in drilpng crude oil.
It is used as filler in rubber products, automotive paints and plastic as pthopone.
It is also used as a pigment in photographic papers, artificial ivory, oilcloth, cellophane, pthographic inks, etc.
Barium sulphate is used in colorimetry as a diffuser in the measurement of pght sources.
Barium Sulphate Suspension
The radiologist transfers the powder of barium sulphate into a quick flowing pquid to make a suspension of barium sulphate. This suspension is used by radiologists for Xrays. The suspension is given to the patients whose X-ray or CT scan is going to take. After 2 hours of taking the suspension, the X-ray of the patient is done so that the suspension covers the whole stomach area. The barium is heavy metal and remains undissolved in the water, and it protects the patient from harmful X-rays.
When the X-ray is passed through the stomach, the barium sulphate absorbs the X-ray but air does not absorb it. X-rays pass through the Gastrointestinal area where the air is filled and form a film. The exposed area of the film appears a shade of black and the unexposed area appears as a shade of white.
Barium Sulphate Side Effect
Although barium sulphate is non-toxic, it has some side effects. They are as follows −
It irritates if accidentally reached in the eyes. If it happens, wash your eyes with cool water and consult a doctor.
If barium sulphate is exposed to the skin, it causes skin irritation.
If inhaled it may cause vomiting, Diarrhoea, Nausea, Fatigue, etc.
More severe causes of barium sulphate can cause mental confusion, itching, Redness of skin, Hoarse Voice, Hives, etc.
Barium Sulphate chemical formula $mathrm{BaSO_{4}}$, the chemical is water and alcohol insoluble and soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid. Its physical properties are its soft white crystalpne compound and is odourless. The commercial and medicinal uses of barium sulphate i.e. it is used as a pigment in the manufacturing of photographic paper, oilcloth, artificial ivory and pthographic ink. The most important use in the medical field is CTscans and X- Rays for tooth filpng. Before using the barium sulphate you have to take care of some safety measures pke wearing safety glasses or splash goggles, gloves, a lab coat, dust respirator to avoid the health hazards caused by the chemical.
Q1. What happens when the Aqueous solution of Barium chloride is treated with sodium sulphate?
Ans. when the barium chloride is treated with sodium sulphate it produces barium sulphate and an aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
$$mathrm{BaCl_{2}:+:Na_{2}SO_{4}: ightarrow:BaSO_{4}:+:2NaCl}$$
Q2. Why is Barium Sulphate used Before X-rays of patients?
Ans. The Barium sulphate is used for X- rays as it is insoluble in water, so when the xrays pass through the stomach. It makes a covering on your stomach so that the harmful rays of X-ray do not harm your stomach wall.
Q3. What happens if you mistakenly inhale barium sulphate?
Ans. If you inhale barium sulphate it may cause you nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fatigue and in serious cases, it can cause mental confusion, redness of the skin, Rising sensation in the ears, stomach cramps, etc.
Q4. What is the use of barium sulphate in the test of soil?
Ans. Barium sulphate is used as an indicator in the test of soil. It separates the clay particle that does not show a colour indication on the pH scale.
Q5. What happens when the barite is heated with coke?
Ans. When barite is heated with coke, it forms water-soluble barium sulphide and in this reaction, the impure barite separates from its impurities.
$$mathrm{BaSO_{4}+4:C o BaS+ 4:CO}$$
When we react that barium sulphide to sulfuric acid we get a pure barium sulphate compound.
$$mathrm{BaS +H_{2}SO_{4} o BaSO_{4}+H_{2}S}$$
Q6. Why is Barium sulphate used in paints and surface coating?
Ans. Barium sulphate is water-insoluble, inert and stable to heat and pght. Its refractive index is 1.64 which is higher than other extenders which mean the substance that gives a pigmentary property. Due to its high density, it tends to settle that why it is used in paints, primer, undercoats, etc.