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Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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DAA - Divide & Conquer
  • 时间:2025-02-21

Design and Analysis - Divide and Conquer

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Using spanide and conquer approach, the problem in hand, is spanided into smaller sub-problems and then each problem is solved independently. When we keep spaniding the sub-problems into even smaller sub-problems, we may eventually reach a stage where no more spanision is possible. Those smallest possible sub-problems are solved using original solution because it takes lesser time to compute. The solution of all sub-problems is finally merged in order to obtain the solution of the original problem.

spanide and conquer approach

Broadly, we can understand spanide-and-conquer approach in a three-step process.


This step involves breaking the problem into smaller sub-problems. Sub-problems should represent a part of the original problem. This step generally takes a recursive approach to spanide the problem until no sub-problem is further spanisible. At this stage, sub-problems become atomic in size but still represent some part of the actual problem.


This step receives a lot of smaller sub-problems to be solved. Generally, at this level, the problems are considered solved on their own.


When the smaller sub-problems are solved, this stage recursively combines them until they formulate a solution of the original problem. This algorithmic approach works recursively and conquer & merge steps works so close that they appear as one.

Pros and cons of Divide and Conquer Approach

Divide and conquer approach supports parallepsm as sub-problems are independent. Hence, an algorithm, which is designed using this technique, can run on the multiprocessor system or in different machines simultaneously.

In this approach, most of the algorithms are designed using recursion, hence memory management is very high. For recursive function stack is used, where function state needs to be stored.

Examples of Divide and Conquer Approach

The following computer algorithms are based on spanide-and-conquer programming approach −

    Merge Sort

    Quick Sort

    Binary Search

    Strassen s Matrix Multippcation

    Closest pair (points)


There are various ways available to solve any computer problem, but the mentioned are a good example of spanide and conquer approach.
