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SAP Payroll - Deductions
  • 时间:2024-03-28 05:10:54

SAP Payroll - Deductions

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该部分用来计算付给第三方的所有款项,并从雇员的工资中扣除。 不同类型的扣减可按薪酬毛额或薪酬净额计算。

Statutory Deductions


Voluntary Deductions

这包括雇员向任何储蓄账户或雇主为雇员承担的任何自愿保险政策付款。 你们可以认为,这是一次扣减和重复扣减。

一次性扣除是指雇员在一个财政年度一次性支付的扣减。 经常扣减额在Infotype 0014中保留,按规定定期支付。


该部分用于管理公司向雇员提供贷款的细节。 这包括——住房贷款、汽车贷款、个人贷款等。 收取的利息低于市场正常利率,雇员的工资被视为这一贷款的担保。


    Installment Loan

    Annuity Loan

贷款数据维持在Infotype 0045,在处理薪金时,可以取得以下细节:

    Loan Repayment

    Loan Interest Calculation

    Imputed income taxation

。 - 当你输入公司贷款信息时,可以包含贷款核准日期、贷款数额等。

How to Identify a Loan in the System?

你在贷款信息类型0045中保持贷款类型的信息。 每个贷款都有相应的编号。 在SAP系统中,你可以使用贷款类型和相应数目的组合,以独一无二地确定每一笔贷款,从而允许你为雇员提供同类的多种贷款。

Payment Type




    你们可以使用SAP系统界定的支付类型,也可以按照SPRO——IMG ——薪给——印度工资——公司贷款——总数据——客户付款类型界定。

Payment Type

Outgoing payment to third-party you do not want to pay out the loan to the employee, you want pay it to a third person instead. An employee receives a building loan to build a house. You do not pay the loan to the employee, but to the contractor who builds the house.
Loan payment (payroll) You want to pay the employee the total approved amount of the loan or part of this together with his/her pay.
Loan payment (external) You want to pay the employee the total approved amount of the loan or part of this by check or bank transfer
Loan remission An employee cannot repay his/her loan or you want to release him/her from the remaining debt You can only close a loan in the system when the remaining loan amount has either been repaid by the borrower or remitted by the lender
Fees You want to demand fees from your employee for granting the loan
Total repayment The employee repays the total outstanding amount of the loan by check or bank transfer
Special repayment (payroll) The employee makes an unscheduled repayment that should be withheld from his/her pay.
Special repayment (external) The employee makes an unscheduled repayment by check or bank transfer.
Loan balance transfer You want to transfer company loans from a legacy system. You can also use the payment type Loan payment (external) for transfering loans from legacy systems.

Loans Enhancement - India

本节介绍印度薪工单系统现有的贷款强化定制。 你们可以为印度的公司贷款提供以下组合:

为了维持贷款组合,转至SPRO ——IMG ——薪给-roll ——印度——公司贷款——总数据——维持贷款集团。

Loans Enhancement

为确定贷款组别薪金的不同薪金部分,可到SPRO ——IMG ——薪给——印度工资——公司贷款——总数据——维持薪金部分。

Maintain Salary Components

具体指明贷款类型是否有资格获得第24节的扣减,可到SPRO ——IMG —— 薪给——印度的薪给——公司贷款——总数据—— 维持第24节下的离职情况。

Maintain Deduction Details


One Day Salary Deduction

本构成部分用于处理雇员自愿薪金扣除,并适用于一、两天。 这部分计算了雇主支付的相同金额的雇员保险费。 这种自愿扣除通常涉及向慈善信托基金、总理救济基金等付款。


Go to SPRO —— IMG —— Payroll —— Payroll, India —— Oneday wage reduction —— 保持详细情况,扣除一天的薪金。

Salary Deduction Details

Nominal Salary

For example - consider an workers's details in a table view Oneday wage reduction (V_T7INO1) for Pay Format Grouping for Conditions MN01/b>。

    Year - 2010

    Period - 01

    Calculation Indicator - Actual Salary/Calendar Days

您于2010年6月管理了一名雇员的薪给单,该雇员属于国家津贴小组。 雇员2010年6月的实际工资为6000卢比,日历日为KSOLL,6月份为30。

一天工资扣除单职能(INDSD)(INDSD)。 该表认为,津贴薪资表(V_T7INO1)有一天工资扣除,并产生以下工资类型:

    对于雇员,一天工资扣除类型(3OE)=Rs(6000/30) * 2-400。

