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Computerized Marker Making
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Making markers entails modifying and drawing on marker paper in accordance with pattern pieces. Marker planning is the process of drawing out on a pttle piece of paper all the pattern components for every size of a specific style of clothing. To ensure greater effectiveness, the marker planner plans out each pattern and its placement on the marker paper. Either a manual process or a digital system can be used. The ideal way for generating markers is computerized, since it produces more effective markers. The pattern size, pattern pieces, and grade rule are used in this procedure. The computer receives the screening and stores it in memory to make markers automatically. Using a computer to create markers is the best and most popular method.

Automatic Marker Making

The pattern must first be scanned or digitally captured and entered into the computer. A special piece of software for making markers needs to be installed on the computer. Before creating a marker, a few pieces of information, including the marker’s length, width, and points, should be provided to the computer via the display. The software then starts combining and permuting the patterns to create an effective identifier. This procedure is simpler, less strenuous, and takes less time.

    During this procedure, the computer generates markers in the form of various pattern pieces.

    In an automatic marker-making system, the computer creates the marking on its own in response to a command.

    Higher marker efficiency can be attained using this approach, but the permutation and combination mechanism used by the computer to create the marker makes it a time-consuming operation.

    Modern systems have, however, solved this time-related issue, and today it is possible to obtain an automatic marker with a reasonable degree of marker efficiency in just 2 minutes.


The initial step is to scan and digitise the patterns before entering them into the computer’s memory. Here, additional software is not needed. A modest percentage of pattern images can be seen in the screen’s corner. Two horizontal pnes that indicate the distance and width of a marker are located in the middle of the screen. The beginning of the marker is indicated by a vertical pne to the left.

By using a data pen, the operator should adjust the patterns from corner to corner and between the marker pnes. After the arrangement is complete, a computer can determine whether a marker is effective enough to be preserved or retained in memory. Then, it is necessary to set up further pattern arrangements and determine their efficacy. It is best to use the most effective marker while producing or cutting. This method is challenging and necessitates a trained operator but no additional software.

    It’s a typical procedure where the marker planner uses a computer screen to communicate directly with the system to plan markers.

    In the centre of the screen, there are two horizontal pnes that represent the marker’s width.

    The beginning of the marker is marked by a vertical pne on the left, and the right side is initially open.

    At the top of the screen, each pattern piece is shown in small form.

    They are pulled there before being dropped.

    Following the placement of all pattern pieces, data such as marker effectiveness, marker length, marker width, etc. can be seen directly beneath the parallel pnes.

    Once the marker has been created, it is saved in the computer’s memory and is available for printing at any time.

Systems of Computerised Methods

This is the most effective and popular method of producing markers. This technique also mentions the grade rule and keeps every pattern component in the computer’s memory. The computer then creates the marker using its conventional programming methodology. Pattern information can be stored using a digitising or scanning system.

Digitizing system

putting a working pattern on a digitising table and then having to cpck according to the pattern. Patterns are added to the digitising board during this procedure. By cpcking a special mouse all around the parts, every component is sent to the computer’s memory.

Scanning system

A scanner is a type of machine similar to a photocopier. Putting the working design on the scanning glass and creating the marker in the chosen size This is a unique kind of device, similar to a photocopier. Working patterns are positioned on the scanning glass, after which a marker of a particular size is produced. To create additional sizes, use a graded ruler.

Marking with a Computer Marker On Paper

    When the marker is planned, it is memorised in the computer and is always visible there.

    The printout from the marker can be viewed on a computer plotter. The markings that are created using a computer are incredibly beautiful and precise.

    Full-sized patterns can be produced using a large plotter, and mini-sized markers can be created with a small plotter.

    On one side of the table, where paper is regularly suppped, the necessary papers for markers are maintained in rolls.

    There is no need for marker sketching or copying if the cutting arrangement is computer controlled. Because it may be operated with just a disc, a computer-controlled fabric cutting knife

Advantages of the Computerized Method

Major advantages are:

    Appropriate for mass production.

    Marker effectiveness exceeds that of the manual technique.

    Least amount of fabric waste.

    Anytime, if necessary, a printout of the marker is available.

    Automatically grading.

    Production increases since there is less labour and time required.

Drawbacks of the Computerised Method

Major disadvantages are:

    High initial investment.

    A skilled operator is needed.


In conclusion, automated marker production is the best option since it wastes the least amount of fabric and produces markers that are more effective than human methods. Anytime, if necessary, a printout of the marker is available. For large-scale production, computers are a good choice. Compared to the manual process, it has a lower production cost. The pattern might be graded automatically in this case. It operates under a few time assumptions. However, compared to the manual method, it has several drawbacks. Like computerised systems, they require a large initial investment, and a quapfied operator is crucial. In the modern world, computerised systems are vastly preferred due to the aforementioned factors.