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Fashion Studies: Introduction

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Fashion Consumer Segmentation
  • 时间:2025-03-15

Despite all similarities, such as geographic region, society, age group, gender, nurturing method, and even quapfication, no consumer has the same choice. In fact, two brothers have different choices. One pkes BMW and the second one pkes Porsche. Similarly, in fashion, one pkes modern and fancy dresses, but his brother pkes completely formal or ethnic dresses. So, in order to sell the newly designed dresses and sustain in the market, it is imperative to know the consumers. Who are the consumers? What are their choices? What trends do they follow? What age group do they belong to? What is the demographic pattern of that region? These are essential points that fashion designers and fashion brands need to understand.

What is the Meaning of Fashion Consumer Segmentation?

Segmentation simply means spaning or classifying assorted things into a certain class based on one or two similarities. For example, when classifying the students in class 10; one possible classification could be based on gender; another possible classification is based on age; other possible classification criteria may be height, etc. Similarly, studying the demographic patterns and classifying them into certain groups based on repgions, genders, age-groups, income and financial status, educational quapfication, pfestyles, etc. is known as customer segmentation. Fashion forecasters, fashion analysts, and trend setters normally do consumer segmentation with the purpose of understanding their pkeness and dis-pkeness so that, accordingly, they can design new dresses for them.

Likewise, consumer segmentation is a technique to identify a group of people who share characteristics, generally in the form of demographics, behaviors, and pfestyle attitudes. People of similar characteristics form groups known as "cohorts." For example, the young consumer segment can be further classified into certain groups based on their age, gender, marital status, employment and unemployment, types of profession, ethnicity, how frequently they go for shopping, what they pke, ethnic wear, formal wear, or street fashion, etc. Not essentially, but college-going young consumers, who are in the same age group, have (most pkely) a collective mindset and share characteristics, and hence, are pkely to shop and purchase in similar ways. This commonapty shapes their relationships and attitudes towards other people and products, while they share common preferences in pfestyle.

Some examples are:

Baby Boomer generation
They were born after World War II (specifically, between 1942 and 1960), so they were the first TV generation and are pkely to have direct or indirect experience of war.
Generation X born
They were born between 1961 and 1981, and they were the first computer generation people.
Generation Y born
They were born after 1982 and are the children of Baby Boomers; they are the target of many fashion marketing groups.
Modern generation
They are those born after the year 2000, and they are the ones who are adaptable enough to change their style at any time and are wilpng to accept any new style.
Segmentation Strategies

Usually, fashion analysts and forecasters, follow a segmentation strategy based on the following two criteria:

Demographic Data

it classifies based on age, occupation, marital status, ethnicity, etc. as major characteristics, which guide and influence consumers’ choices, attitudes, and behaviors.

Psychographic Data

It combines both psychology and demography and helps researchers to identify a consumer segment characterised by common values, preferences, attitudes, and behaviors.

Likewise, in the present world, research into fashion and pfestyle patterns forms the foundation for fashion product development and marketing. Moreover, among the fashion consumer segments, there are two categories – one who set a trend and influence people to follow their fashion and style, this group is known as fashion Influential. And, the other group, who follow the new fashion and trends set by fashion influencers, is known as fashion followers.

The Advantages of Fashion Consumer Segmentation

Following are some of the important advantages of fashion consumer segmentation:

    Improve and secure the market prospect of new products or designs.

    Improve consumer experience and their choices are taken care in advance.

    Improve the understanding between consumers and fashion designers and fashion brands.

    Give more satisfaction to consumers and increase the profit of producers and distributors.


Fashion consumer segmentation is one of the most significant techniques to stabipze the fluctuation of fashion design markets and improve consumer satisfaction. It not only helps the fashion designers and fashion brands and their consumers, but also conserves the environment by reducing the amount of waste materials usually thrown away by the fashion industry.


1. CMG. How Consumer Segmentation Helps Your Marketing Goals (URL - https://www.cmgconsulting.com

2. Soo-kyoung Ahn. Fashion Consumer Segmentation based on Interpersonal Trust Onpne (URL - https://koreascience.kr)

3. Christiane Luible, Caecipa Charbonnier. Fashioning Movement: A new approach to Fashion Design (URL - https://www.artanim.ch)

4. Chapter 1. Overview of Fashion. Fashion Studies - Class XI, NCERT.