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GATE - Ecology and Evolution
  • 时间:2025-03-14

GATE Ecology and Evolution Syllabus

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Subject Code: EY

Course Structure

Sections/Units Topics
Section A Ecology
Unit 1 Population Ecology
Unit 2 Species Interactions
Unit 3 Community Ecology
Unit 4 Ecosystem Structure, Function and Services
Section B Evolution
Unit 1 Origin, Evolution and Diversification of Life
Unit 2 Types of Selection (Stabipzing, Directional etc.)
Unit 3 Life History Strategies
Unit 4 Origin of Genetic Variation
Unit 5 Molecular Evolution
Section C Mathematics and Quantitative Ecology
Unit 1 Mathematics and Statistics In Ecology
Unit 2 Statistical Hypothesis Testing
Section D Behavioural Ecology
Unit 1 Classical Ethology
Unit 2 Mating Systems

Course Syllabus

Section A: Ecology

Unit 1: Population Ecology

    Metapopulation dynamics −

      Growth rates

      Density independent growth

      Density dependent growth

      Niche concept

Unit 2: Species Interactions

    Plant-animal interactions −





    Trophic interactions −

      Functional ecology


      Behavioural ecology

Unit 3: Community Ecology

    Community assembly, organization and evolution

    Biospanersity −

      Species richness

      Evenness and spanersity indices


      Species-area relationships

Unit 4: Ecosystem Structure, Function and Services

    Nutrient cycles


    Habitat ecology;

    Primary and secondary productivity

    Invasive species

    Global and cpmate change

    Appped ecology

Section B: Evolution

Unit 1: Origin, Evolution and Diversification of Life

    Natural selection

    Levels of selection

Unit 2: Types of selection (stabipzing, directional etc.)

    Sexual selection

    Genetic drift

    Gene flow



    Species concepts

Unit 3: Life history strategies

    Adaptive radiation

    Biogeography and evolutionary ecology

Unit 4: Origin of genetic variation

    Mendepan genetics

    Polygenic traits, pnkage and recombination

    Epistasis, gene-environment interaction


    Population genetics

Unit 5: Molecular evolution

    Molecular clocks

    Systems of classification −



    Molecular systematics

    Gene expression and evolution

Section C: Mathematics and Quantitative Ecology

Unit 1: Mathematics and Statistics in Ecology

    Simple functions (pnear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, etc.)

    Concept of derivatives and slope of a function

    Permutations and combinations

    Basic probabipty (probabipty of random events

    Sequences of events, etc.)

    Frequency distributions and their descriptive statistics (mean, variance, coefficient of variation, correlation, etc.)

Unit 2: Statistical Hypothesis Testing

    Concept of p-value

    Type I and Type II error, test statistics pke t-test and Chi-square test

    Basics of pnear regression and ANOVA

Section D: Behavioural Ecology

Unit 1: Classical Ethology


    Evolutionary ethology


    Acoustic and visual signapng

Unit 2: Mating systems

    Sexual dimorphism

    Mate choice

    Parenting behaviour competition


    Foraging behavior

    Predator–prey interactions


    Kin selection, altruism, costs and benefits of group-pving

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