SAP HANA Introduction
- SAP HANA - Core Architecture
- SAP HANA - Information Modeler
- SAP HANA - System Monitor
- Studio Administration View
- SAP HANA - Studio
- In-Memory Computing Engine
- SAP HANA - Overview
SAP HANA Modeling
- SAP HANA - Export and Import
- SAP HANA - Information Composer
- SAP HANA - Analytic Privileges
- SAP HANA - Calculation View
- SAP HANA - Analytic View
- SAP HANA - Attribute View
- SAP HANA - Packages
- SAP HANA - Tables
- SAP HANA - Data Warehouse
- SAP HANA - Modeling
SAP HANA Reporting
- SAP HANA - Excel Integration
- SAP HANA - Crystal Reports
- Bi 4.0 Connectivity to HANA Views
- SAP HANA - Reporting View
SAP HANA Security
- SAP HANA - Auditing
- SAP HANA - License Management
- SAP HANA - Authorization methods
- SAP HANA - Authentications
- User Administration & Management
- SAP HANA - Security Overview
SAP HANA Data Replication
- SAP HANA - MDX Provider
- SAP HANA - CTL Method
- SAP HANA - DXC Method
- SAP HANA - Log Based Replication
- SAP HANA - ETL Based Replication
- SAP HANA - Data Replication Overview
SAP HANA Monitoring
- SAP HANA - Log Configuration
- SAP HANA - High Availability
- SAP HANA - Backup & Recovery
- SAP HANA - Persistent Layer
- SAP HANA - Monitoring and Alerting
- SAP HANA - SQL Script
- SAP HANA - SQL Data Profiling
- SAP HANA - SQL Explain Plans
- SAP HANA - SQL Synonym
- SAP HANA - SQL Triggers
- SAP HANA - SQL Sequences
- SAP HANA - SQL Stored Procedures
- SAP HANA - SQL Expressions
- SAP HANA - SQL Functions
- SAP HANA - SQL Operators
- SAP HANA - Data Types
- SAP HANA - SQL Overview
SAP HANA Useful Resources
- SAP HANA - Discussion
- SAP HANA - Useful Resources
- SAP HANA - Quick Guide
- SAP HANA - Questions and Answers
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Direct Extractor Connection data reppcation reuses existing extraction, transformation, and load mechanism built into SAP Business Suite systems via a simple HTTP(S) connection to SAP HANA. It is a batch-driven data reppcation technique. It is considered as method for extraction, transformation, and load with pmited capabipties for data extraction.
DXC is a batch driven process and data extraction using DXC at certain interval is enough in many cases. You can set an interval when batch job executes example: every 20 minutes and in most of cases it is sufficient to extract data using these batch jobs at certain time intervals.
Advantages of DXC Data Reppcation
This method requires no additional server or apppcation in the SAP HANA system landscape.
DXC method reduces complexity of data modepng in SAP HANA as data sends to HANA after applying all business extractor logics in Source System.
It speeds up the time pnes for SAP HANA implementation project
It provides semantically rich data from SAP Business Suite to SAP HANA
It reuses existing proprietary extraction, transformation, and load mechanism built into SAP business Suite systems over a simple HTTP(S) connection to SAP HANA.
Limitations of DXC Data Reppcation
Data Source must have a predefined mechanism for extraction, transformation and load and if not we need to define one.
It requires a Business Suite System based on Net Weaver 7.0 or higher with at least below SP: Release 700 SAPKW70021 (SP stack 19, from Nov 2008).
Configuring DXC Data Reppcation
Enabpng XS Engine service in Configuration tab in HANA Studio − Go to Administrator tab in HANA studio of system. Go to Configuration → xsengine.ini and set instance value to 1.

Enabpng ICM Web Dispatcher service in HANA Studio − Go to Configuration → webdispatcher.ini and set instance value to 1.

It enables ICM Web Dispatcher service in HANA system. Web dispatcher uses ICM method for data read and loading in HANA system.
Setup SAP HANA Direct Extractor Connection − Download the DXC depvery unit into SAP HANA. You can import the unit in the location /usr/sap/HDB/SYS/global/hdb/content.
Import the unit using Import Dialog in SAP HANA Content Node → Configure XS Apppcation server to utipze the DXC → Change the apppcation_container value to pbxsdxc
Creating a HTTP connection in SAP BW − Now we need to create http connection in SAP BW using transaction code SM59.
Input Parameters − Enter Name of RFC Connection, HANA Host Name and <Instance Number>

In Log on Security Tab, enter the DXC user created in HANA studio using basic Authentication method −

Setting up BW Parameters for HANA − Need to Setup the Following Parameters in BW Using transaction SE 38. Parameters List −

PSA_TO_HDB_DESTINATION − we need to mention where we need to move the Incoming data (Connection Name created using SM 59)
PSA_TO_HDB_SCHEMA − To which Schema the reppcated data need to assign
PSA_TO_HDB − GLOBAL To Reppcate All data source to HANA. SYSTEM – Specified cpents to Use DXC. DATASOURCE – Only Specified Data Source are used for
PSA_TO_HDB_DATASOURCETABLE − Need to Give the Table name having the List of data sources which are used for DXC.
Data Source Reppcation
Install data source in ECC using RSA5.
Reppcate the metadata using specified apppcation component (data source version Need to 7.0, if we have 3.5 version data source we need to migrate that. Active the data Source in SAP BW. Once data source is activated in SAP BW it will create the following Table in Defined schema −
/BIC/A<data source>00 – IMDSO Active Table
/BIC/A<data source>40 –IMDSO Activation Queue
/BIC/A<data source>70 – Record Mode Handpng Table
/BIC/A<data source>80 – Request and Packet ID information Table
/BIC/A<data source>A0 – Request Timestamp Table
RSODSO_IMOLOG - IMDSO related table. Stores information about all data sources related to DXC.
Now data is successfully loaded into Table /BIC/A0FI_AA_2000 once it is activated.