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SAP HANA Tutorial

SAP HANA Introduction

SAP HANA Modeling

SAP HANA Reporting

SAP HANA Security

SAP HANA Data Replication

SAP HANA Monitoring


SAP HANA Useful Resources

Selected Reading

SAP HANA - Reporting View
  • 时间:2025-03-12

SAP HANA - Reporting View

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We know that with the use of Information Modepng feature in SAP HANA, we can create different Information views Attribute Views, Analytic Views, Calculation views. These Views can be consumed by different reporting tools pke SAP Business Object, SAP Lumira, Design Studio, Office Analysis and even third party tool pke MS Excel.

These reporting tools enable Business Managers, Analysts, Sales Managers and senior management employees to analyze the historic information to create business scenarios and to decide business strategy of the company.

This generates the need for consuming HANA Modepng views by different reporting tools and to generate reports and dashboards, which are easy to understand for end users.

Reporting and Analysis

In most of the companies, where SAP is implemented, reporting on HANA is done with BI platforms tools that consume both SQL and MDX queries with help of Relational and OLAP connections. There is wide variety of BI tools pke − Web Intelpgence, Crystal Reports, Dashboard, Explorer, Office Analysis and many more.
