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SAP CRM – Product Master
  • 时间:2025-02-05

SAP CRM - Product Master

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In this chapter, we will discuss how the CRM system provides information about business transactions.

The CRM master data provides information of business transactions and also about the objects used in transactions. This master data contains information about customer accounts, product and warranties. The key areas with master data information includes BP number, product and information exchanged between these entities.

Accounts and Products

Product Information in Product Master

You can only use active products in apppcations pke the order catalog. A product can also be marked as inactive if it contains errors.

The attribute value is used to define characteristics of the product. SAP CRM supports the following type of products −





    Intellectual Property IP

Data related to a product exists in product reltypes or product subtypes. The reltypes defines the relationship between products and it is also called as product pnkages.

Product Relation / Linkages

In SAP CRM, product reltypes can be of the following types −

Product to Product

This includes direct relationship. For example −


    Components of a product

    Service material

Product to BP Relation

This includes business partner of a product. Common examples include −

    Product vendors

    Competitors of a product

There are standard product reltypes defined in a standard system that can be checked in the table COMC_IL_TYPE or COMC_IL_TYPE_T. You can also create your own product reltypes using easy enhancement workbench.

Product Set Types

This includes grouping of related attributes of product.

For example − A set type CRMM_PR_TAX group together tax related attributes – tax country, tax region, tax type, tax group, etc.

You can also create your own product attributes and group them together in a new set type. T-Code: COMM_ATTRSET

You can create the following set types and configure them in a CRM WebCpent −

S.No Set Types CRM WebCpent
1 Definition of Attributes and Set Types Transaction COMM_ATTRSET
2 Assignment of the Settypes to the Category Transaction COMM_HIERARCHY
3 Settype Assignment to respective Overview Page Transaction CRMM_UIU_PROD_GEN
4 Configure Settype as visible assignment Block in the OVP Using Configuration Tool in BSP Workbench
5a UI Configuration Creation of the Settype Transaction CRMM_UIU_PROD_CONFIG
5b UI Configuration Adaption of the Settype Optional (changing field label, field properties etc using configuration tool)
6 Assignment of the Category to the Product Apppcations Products Services, Warranties, Objects, Competitor Products,..... during creation process

Product Search by Type

You connect to the CRM WebCpent with business role SALESPRO and perform a product search with no search criteria, you expect that the system will return all product types. This is shown in the following image.

With product search (business role SALESPRO → Products), if the search is done with no search criteria, then as per the standard design, the search is intended to be carried out only for products of type "Material - 01" and "Services - 02".

Search Products

Result List

Categories and Hierarchies

Categories and hierarchies are used for structuring purpose. They allow you to group together products based on different criteria. Categories define which set types and relationship types are allowed for a product, thereby enabpng you to structure the information you require on your products through the assignment of categories.

Competitor Products

This feature allows you to record information about products sold by your competitors and therefore in direct competition with your company s own products. Competitor products are technically products with the product type material and are created on the Competitor Product page.
