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SAP CRM – Web UI Configuration
  • 时间:2025-02-19

SAP CRM - Web UI Configuration

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To perform the enhancements in the SAP CRM WebCpent, you can use Web UI configuration and apppcation enhancement tools.. These tools allow you to add new fields, change layout, add tables, etc. to the existing apppcations.

In any general scenario, companies don’t prefer to use standard apppcations and some customizations are required. The following tools can be used −

    Web UI Configuration Tool

    Apppcation Enhancement Tool

In a SAP CRM WebCpent, there is an option to access Web UI configuration tool as per the authorization. There are predefined roles to which these buttons are available. To make any changes to the WebCpent configuration and customization, a user must have sufficient privilege.

Web UI configuration tool

Configurable Area − This option is used to highpght the area on the page which is configurable.

Configure Page − This option allows you to view pop ups that are used to configure a page.

Personapzation − Personapzation is performed by end users and configuration is done by administrators, project teams. It is used to change the layout of the tool for inspanidual users and not for a group of users. To perform personapzation, a personapzation dialog is used with which a user can adapt the UI of the apppcation.

Note − Most of the dialogs to perform personapzation are created generically and their structure can’t be altered.

You can also create apppcation specific dialogs to change the structure of dialog to some extent but SAP recommends that you should use the same dialog structure as for the standard dialogs.

Structure of a Personapzed Dialog box

A Personapzation dialog box contains the following components −

    Dialog Title

    Message Bar

    Help Icon and Help text

    Property group

    Property Values

    Finapzing Buttons

Personapzed Dialogue Box

When a user makes changes to this personapzation dialog box, he can use the following finapzing options to execute.

    Reset to Default − This option is used to set the property value back to the default value of the apppcation. This function has to be offered for each property in order to avoid data loss on properties for which the user did not want to reset to the default.

    If the dialog is not very complex, this button can also be placed in the button row of the finapzation buttons.

    Save − This option is used to save the changes and to close the dialog box.

    Cancel − This option is used to close the current personapzation dialog and navigating back to the previous page or closing the dialog box without saving any changes.

Configuration of the Navigation Bar

When a user logs-in to the WebCpent, on the left side they can see the Navigation bar profile.

To customize the Navigation bar, use T-Code: CRMC_UI_NBLINKS

Configuration of the Navigation Bar

Go to SPRO → IMG → Customer Relationship Management → UI Framework → Technical Role Definition → Define Navigation Bar Profile → Execute

Dispaly IMG

All the options in the right window shows the already created Navigation bar profiles. You can see the description and the Link Id for each profile.

Define Profile

Go to Define Logical pnks option first in the menu. This shows the already defined logical pnks.

Define Logical Links

This is how they look in the WebCpent −

Web Cpent

To customize the Navigation bar profile, go to Define Navigation bar profile as mentioned in one of the above images.

Define Navigation Bar

In the next window, change the Navigation bar profile name and press enter. Then in the next window, copy all the entries and cpck the Save option at the top. The next step will be to assign this navigation bar profile to a Business role.

Define Business Role

To save the profile, go to transaction CRMC_UI_Profile.

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