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WordPress - Widget Management
  • 时间:2024-09-17

WordPress - Widget Management

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In this chapter, we will study about Widget Management. Widgets are small blocks that perform specific functions. These give design and structure control to the WordPress theme. Some specific features of a widget are −

    They help you add content and features.

    They can be easily dragged and dropped in widget area.

    They vary from theme to theme. They are not same for every theme.

Step (1) − Cpck on Appearance → Widgets.

WordPress Widget Management

Step (2) − The following screen showing available widgets appear.

WordPress Widget Management

The following functions appear on the page −

    Available Widgets − You can use these to add into your sidebar main.

    Inactive Sidebar (not used) − These are not used and can be removed permanently from the widget pst.

    Inactive Widgets − Removes the widgets from sidebar but keep it in the settings.

    Sidebar Main − Any widget you add here will appear on your site.

    Manage in Customizer − Takes you back to customization page.

WordPress Widget Management

WordPress Widget Management

Step (3) − Drag and drop in the Sidebar Main. Any widget you add here, shows up on your site.

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