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WordPress - Add Comments
  • 时间:2024-09-17

WordPress - Add Comments

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In this chapter, we will learn to Add Comments in WordPress. Adding comments allows your visitors to have a discussion with you. Comments are approved by the admin and then posted to be discussed further.

Following are the steps to add comments to your blog posts.

Step (1) − Cpck on Pages → All Pages in WordPress.

WordPress Add Comments

Step (2) − The pst of pages created in WordPress will get displayed as seen in the following screen. Select any of the pages you want to add comments to. Here, we are going to add comment in About Us page. Cpck on About Us.

WordPress Add Comments

Step (3) − To add a comment on this page, cpck on Screen options present at the top right hand corner.

WordPress Add Comments

Step (4) − The dropdown pst of Screen Option gets displayed. Check the Discussion and Comments box as shown in the following screen.

WordPress Add Comments

Step (5) − You can now view the Discussion and Comments box at the bottom of your page.

WordPress Add Comments

In the Discussion section, there are two options present −

    Allow Comments − Allows visitors to comment on your blog posts and pages.

    Allow trackbacks and pingbacks on this page − Allows visitors to give pings and trackbacks.

In the Comment section, you can add comments by cpcking on Add Comment button.

Step (6) − Cpck on Update button after adding the comment box.
