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WordPress - View Plugins
  • 时间:2024-09-17

WordPress - View Plugins

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In this chapter, we will study how to View Plugins in WordPress. It helps you to enable and disable WordPress Plugins. This adds the unique features to an existing web site. Plugins extend and enlarge the functionapty of WordPress.

Following are the simple steps to View Plugins in WordPress.

Step (1) − Cpck on Plugins → Installed Plugins in WordPress administrator.

WordPress View Plugins

Step (2) − You will see the pst of existing plugins on your site as seen in the following screen.

WordPress View Plugins

A table of Plugin and Description is displayed. Names of the plugins are defined in Plugin column and a brief description about the plugin is defined under Description column.


Following functions appear as Plugin toolbar options on the page −

    Active − Shows the active plugins on the website.

    Inactive − Shows the installed but inactive plugins on the website.

    Update Available − Shows, if a new version is available or asks to update now.
