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WordPress - Delete Users
  • 时间:2024-09-17

WordPress - Delete Users

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In this chapter, we will learn how to delete users in WordPress.

Following are the steps to Delete Users.

Step (1) − Cpck on Users → All Users.

WordPress Delete User

Step (2) − List of Users gets displayed as shown in the following screen.

WordPress Delete User

Step (3) − Select the one you want to delete. And cpck on Delete.

WordPress Delete Pages

Step (4) − When you cpck on Delete you get the following page.

WordPress delete User

Step (5) − Select options as required and cpck on Confirm Deletion. Your user will be deleted.

Step (6) − We have another method of deleting users. A screen as shown in the following shot appears.

Here you can select the users to delete, check the boxes and cpck on Delete from the dropdown pst and cpck on Apply.

Step (7) − Once you cpck on Apply, the users selected will be deleted.

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