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WordPress - Edit Pages
  • 时间:2024-09-17

WordPress - Edit Pages

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In this chapter, we will study how to Edit pages in WordPress.

Step (1) − Cpck on Pages → All Pages in WordPress as shown in the following screen.

WordPress Edit Pages

Step (2) − You can view About Us (About Us was created in the chapter WordPress - Add Pages). When the cursor hovers on the pages, then few options get displayed below About Us. There are two ways to edit the Post, i.e., Edit and Quick Edit.

Edit − Cpck on Edit option in About Us as shown in the following screenshot.

WordPress Edit Pages

You can edit or change the content or title from the page as per your need, and then cpck on Update button as shown in the following screen.

Wordpress Edit Pages

Quick Edit − Cpck on Quick Edit option in About Us as shown in the following screen.

WordPress Edit Pages

You can edit the Title, Slug and date of the About Us page and can also select the parent for your page as shown in the following shot and then cpck on Update button.

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