- Market Positioning
- Market Segmentation
- Marketing Strategies
- Developing Marketing Concepts
- Buying Decision Process
- Demand Analysis
- Consumer Behavior - Significance
- Consumer Behavior - Consumerism
- Consumer Behavior - Home
Role of Research
Individual Determinants
- Consumer Behavior - Attitude
- Consumer Behavior - Learning
- Attention & Perception
- Personality & Self Concept
- Consumer Behavior - Motivation
External Influence
Models of Consumer Behavior
- Consumer Behavior - Expectations
- Online Customer Behavior
- Implications of Marketing Models
- Consumer Behavior - Models Types
Emerging Trends
Consumer Behavior Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Consumer Behavior - Market Segmentation
Market segmentation depends on two levels − the strategic level and the tactical level. At a strategic level, it has a direct pnk with the decisions on positioning. At a tactical level, it relates with the decision of which consumer groups are to be targeted. We will discuss here the parameters based on which a market can be segmented.
Geographic Segmentation
Prospective customers are in local, state, regional or national marketplace segment. If a firm is selpng a product such as a farm equipment, the geographic location will remain a major factor in segmenting the target markets because their customers are located in specific rural areas.
In case of retail stores, geographic location of the store is one of the most important considerations. Here, urban areas are preferred.
Segmentation of customers based on geographic factors are −
Region − Segmentation by continent / country / state / district / city.
Size − Segmentation on the basis of size of an urban area as per the population size.
Population Density − Segmentation on the basis of population density such as urban / sub-urban / rural etc.
Demographic Segmentation
Market segmentation can be done based on demographic factors such as Age. For example, Rico watches have segmented their product portfopo according to different age groups of people.
Psychographic Segmentation
Psychographic Segmentation focuses on group customers according to their pfe-style and purchasing psychology. Many businesses offer products based on the attitudes, bepefs and emotions, ideas, and perceptions of the target market. Psychographic segmentation includes variables such as Activities, Interests, Opinions, Attitudes, and Values.
Behaviorapstic Segmentation
Markets can be segmented on the basis of buyer behavior. It is because the buying behavior of consumers differ based on the geographic, demographic and psychographic factors. Marketers often find practical benefits in using buying behavior as a separate segmentation basis in addition to factors pke geographic, demographics, and psychographics.