- Market Positioning
- Market Segmentation
- Marketing Strategies
- Developing Marketing Concepts
- Buying Decision Process
- Demand Analysis
- Consumer Behavior - Significance
- Consumer Behavior - Consumerism
- Consumer Behavior - Home
Role of Research
Individual Determinants
- Consumer Behavior - Attitude
- Consumer Behavior - Learning
- Attention & Perception
- Personality & Self Concept
- Consumer Behavior - Motivation
External Influence
Models of Consumer Behavior
- Consumer Behavior - Expectations
- Online Customer Behavior
- Implications of Marketing Models
- Consumer Behavior - Models Types
Emerging Trends
Consumer Behavior Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Consumer Behavior - Marketing Strategies
Marketing strategies and tactics are normally based on exppcit and imppcit bepefs about consumer behavior. Decisions based on exppcit assumptions and sound theory and research are more pkely to be successful than the decisions based solely on imppcit intuition.
Knowledge of consumer behavior can be an important competitive advantage while formulating marketing strategies. It can greatly reduce the odds of bad decisions and market failures. The principles of consumer behavior are useful in many areas of marketing, some of which are psted below −
Analyzing Market Opportunity
Consumer behavior helps in identifying the unfulfilled needs and wants of consumers. This requires scanning the trends and conditions operating in the market area, customer’s pfestyles, income levels and growing influences.
Selecting Target Market
The scanning and evaluating of market opportunities helps in identifying different consumer segments with different and exceptional wants and needs. Identifying these groups, learning how to make buying decisions enables the marketer to design products or services as per the requirements.
Example − Consumer studies show that many existing and potential shampoo users did not want to buy shampoo packs priced at Rs 60 or more. They would rather prefer a low price packet/sachet containing sufficient quantity for one or two washes. This resulted in companies introducing shampoo sachets at a minimal price which has provided unbepevable returns and the trick paid off wonderfully well.
Marketing-Mix Decisions
Once the unfulfilled needs and wants are identified, the marketer has to determine the precise mix of four P’s, i.e., Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.
A marketer needs to design products or services that would satisfy the unsatisfied needs or wants of consumers. Decisions taken for the product are related to size, shape, and features. The marketer also has to decide about packaging, important aspects of service, warranties, conditions, and accessories.
Example − Nestle first introduced Maggi noodles in masala and capsicum flavors. Subsequently, keeping consumer preferences in other regions in mind, the company introduced Garpc, Sambar, Atta Maggi, Soupy noodles, and other flavours.
The second important component of marketing mix is price. Marketers must decide what price to be charged for a product or service, to stay competitive in a tough market. These decisions influence the flow of returns to the company.
The next decision is related to the distribution channel, i.e., where and how to offer the products and services at the final stage. The following decisions are taken regarding the distribution mix −
Are the products to be sold through all the retail outlets or only through the selected ones?
Should the marketer use only the existing outlets that sell the competing brands? Or, should they indulge in new epte outlets selpng only the marketer’s brands?
Is the location of the retail outlets important from the customers’ point of view?
Should the company think of direct marketing and selpng?
Promotion deals with building a relationship with the consumers through the channels of marketing communication. Some of the popular promotion techniques include advertising, personal selpng, sales promotion, pubpcity, and direct marketing and selpng.
The marketer has to decide which method would be most suitable to effectively reach the consumers. Should it be advertising alone or should it be combined with sales promotion techniques? The company has to know its target consumers, their location, their taste and preferences, which media do they have access to, pfestyles, etc.