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VersionOne - Search
  • 时间:2024-09-17

VersionOne - Search

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VersionOne supports the search functionapty, it helps to find specific details within VersionOne as well as narrow down the displayed details.

Search functionapty is categorized into two −

    Quick Search − Search for open workitems, Conversations and Community Topics.

    Advanced Search − If a user wants to search Closed or Deleted Workitems, use Advanced Search.

Quick Search

Quick search is simply a wild card search where VersionOne tries to get all records that fulfil the text match. Follow these steps for quick search −

    Quick Search is located at utipty bar, on the top of every page.

    It searches open workitems, conversations and community topics.

    A user can type 3 characters or ID into the search text box. If a user pauses after typing 3 characters, a preview of matching Open workitems displays. If a user keeps typing, the matching results become more refined.

The following screenshot displays how to use quick search −

Backlog Item Defects

Advance Search

VersionOne supports the advance search functionapty. It helps to provide specific data that a user wants to search. Follow these steps for advance search −

    In advance search, a user can search specific asset type, closed and deleted workitems as well.

    To open the Advanced Search page, cpck on Quick Search box and then press ENTER/RETURN key.

    Alternatively, a user can cpck on the Search icon present after the search text box as shown below −


The Advanced Search page opens in a new window. A user can type a word that is to be searched and cpck on Search.

    Additionally, before/after cpcking search, a user can narrow down the search further by selecting the Open/Closed/Delete checkboxes. Following screenshot displays how to do advance search −

Advanced Search

Additional Options

In this section, we will discuss the additional options to search data.

    Change the sort order − Cpck on a column header to change the sort order. By default, the search results are sorted by the items most recently changed.

    View results by asset type − Cpck on a tab to filter the pst by asset type.

    View item details − Cpck on an item to open the details page.
