- Electrical Machines - Discussion
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- Electrical Machines - Quick Guide
- Power Developed by Synchronous Motor
- Equivalent Circuit and Power Factor of Synchronous Motor
- Working of 3-Phase Synchronous Motor
- Losses and Efficiency of 3-Phase Alternator
- Output Power of 3-Phase Alternator
- Armature Reaction in Synchronous Machines
- Working of 3-Phase Alternator
- Construction of Synchronous Machine
- Introduction to 3-Phase Synchronous Machines
- Methods of Starting 3-Phase Induction Motors
- Speed Regulation and Speed Control
- Characteristics of 3-Phase Induction Motor
- Three-Phase Induction Motor on Load
- Construction of Three-Phase Induction Motor
- Three-Phase Induction Motor
- Single-Phase Induction Motor
- Introduction to Induction Motor
- Applications of DC Machines
- Losses in DC Machines
- Types of DC Motors
- Back EMF in DC Motor
- Working Principle of DC Motor
- Types of DC Generators
- EMF Equation of DC Generator
- Working Principle of DC Generator
- Types of DC Machines
- Construction of DC Machines
- Types of Transformers
- Three-Phase Transformer
- Efficiency of Transformer
- Losses in a Transformer
- Transformer on DC
- Ideal and Practical Transformers
- Turns Ratio and Voltage Transformation Ratio
- EMF Equation of Transformer
- Construction of Transformer
- Electrical Transformer
- Fleming’s Left Hand and Right Hand Rules
- Concept of Induced EMF
- Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic Induction
- Rotating Electrical Machines
- Singly-Excited and Doubly Excited Systems
- Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field
- Electromechanical Energy Conversion
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Construction of Synchronous Machine
Like any other rotating electrical machine, a synchronous machine (generator or motor) has two essential parts namely,
Stator − It is a stationary part of the machine and carries the armature winding.
Rotor − It is the rotating part of the machine. The rotor of a synchronous machine produces the main field flux.
In this chapter, let s discuss how the Stator and Rotor of a Synchronous Machine is constructed.
Stator Construction
The stator of a synchronous machine includes various parts pke frame, stator core, stator windings and coopng mechanisms, etc. The frame is the outer part of the machine, and made up of cast iron for small-sized machines, and of welded steel for large-sized machines. The frame encloses the whole machine assembly and protects it from mechanical and environmental impacts.
![Stator Construction](/electrical_machines/images/stator_construction.jpg)
The stator core is a hollow cypnder which is made up of high-grade sipcon steel laminations. The sipcon steel laminations reduce the hysteresis and eddy-current losses in the machine. A number of evenly spaced slots are provided on the inner periphery of the stator core. A three-phase winding is put in these slots. When current flows through the stator winding, it produces a sinusoidal magnetic field and hence the EMF.
Rotor Construction
In synchronous machines, there are two types of rotor constructions used namely, sapent-pole rotor and cypndrical rotor.
Sapent-Pole Rotor
The term sapent means projecting. Hence, a sapent-pole rotor is one that consists of field poles projecting out from the surface of the rotor core as shown in Figure-2.
![Sapent Pole](/electrical_machines/images/sapent_pole.jpg)
Since the rotor is subjected to a changing magnetic field, therefore it is made up of thin steel lamination to reduce the eddy current loss. The field poles of same dimensions are constructed by stacking laminations of the required length and then riveted together. After wounding the field coils around each pole core, poles are fitted to a steel spider keyed to the rotor shaft.
At the outer end of each pole, damper bars are provided to dame out the oscillations of rotor during sudden changes in the load. Though, the synchronous machines using the sapent-pole rotor have a non-uniform air gap, where the air gap is minimum under the pole centers and it is maximum in between the field poles. The pole face (outer end of the pole) is so shaped that length of the radial air-gap increases from the pole center to the pole tip so it can result a sinusoidal distribution of flux in the air-gap. This will ensure the smooth operation of synchronous machine.
In the sapent-pole rotor, the inspanidual field coils are connected in series so that they can give alternate north and south poles. The ends of the field coils are connected to a source of DC supply though brushes and spp-rings.
The synchronous machines having sapent-pole rotor usually have a large number of field poles, and operate at lower speeds. These machines have a larger diameter and a shorter axial-length.
Cypndrical Rotor
This type of synchronous machine rotor construction has a smooth cypndrical structure. In case of cypndrical rotor, there are no physical poles projecting outward. The cypndrical rotor is made from spd forgings of high-grade Ni-Cr-Mo steel.
On the outer periphery of the rotor, evenly spaced slots are cut in about two-third part of the rotor and theses slots are parallel to the rotor shaft. The field windings are placed in these slots. The field windings are excited from a source of DC supply. The un-slotted part of the rotor forms pole-faces.
![Cypndrical Rotor](/electrical_machines/images/cypndrical_rotor.jpg)
The synchronous machines that use cypndrical rotor have a smaller diameter and longer axial length. The cypndrical rotor construction pmits the effect of centrifugal forces. Consequently, the cypndrical rotor construction is mainly used in high-speed synchronous machines. Also, this rotor construction provides a greater mechanical strength and permits relatively more accurate dynamic balancing to the machine.
The major advantage of having a synchronous machine using cypndrical rotor is that it makes less mechanical losses. Since the cypndrical rotor provides a uniform air-gap in the machine, hence their operation is less noisy.