- Strategic Management - Process
- Strategic Management - Types
- Strategic Management - Introduction
- Strategic Management - Home
Strategic Leadership
The External Environment
- Mapping Strategic Groups
- Judging the Industry
- Analyzing the External Environment
- Organization & Environment
Organizational Resources
- Company Assets: SWOT Analysis
- Other Performance Measures
- The Value Chain
- Intellectual Property
- The Resource Based Theory
Business Level Strategies
Aiding Business Level Strategies
International Marketing Strategies
- International Markets - Competition
- International Strategies - Types
- Drivers of Success and Failure
- Pros & Cons
Cooperative Level Strategies
- Portfolio Planning
- Downsizing Strategies
- Diversification Strategies
- Vertical Integration Strategies
- Concentration Strategies
Strategy and Organizational Design
- Legal Forms of Business
- Organizational Control Systems
- Creating an Organizational Structure
- Organizational Structure
Strategic HR Management
Strategic Management Resources
- Strategic Management - Discussion
- Strategic Management - Resources
- Strategic Management - Quick Guide
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Organization Specifics
Strategic management is a continuous process. It starts with defining the vision, mission, objectives, and goals of the organization.
Vision stays at the top in the major hierarchy of strategic intent. It explains what the organization ultimately wants to achieve in the long term.
John Kotter defines vision as, “It is a statement of the organization in the future.”
Alex Miller and Gregory Dess defined vision as, “the category of intentions that are broad, all-inclusive and forward thinking.”
Advantages of Vision
A few benefits accruing to an organization having a vision are as follows −
Vision fosters the idea of experiment.
Vision promotes long-term thinking about the organization.
Visions is one of the major factors to foster risk taking.
Vision makes an organizations more competitive, original and unique.
Good vision is a factor of representation of integrity.
Vision inspires and motivates the people working in an organization.
Mission statements are responsible for the role an organization plays in the society.
A few definitions of mission are as follows −
David Hunger and Thomas Wheelen are of the view that mission is “the purpose or reason for the organization’s existence.”
John L. Thompson states that mission is “the essential purpose of the organization, concerning particularly why it is in existence, the nature of the business it is in, and the customers it seeks to serve and satisfy.”
According to David F. Harvey “A mission provides the basis of awareness of a sense of purpose, the competitive environment, degree to which the firm’s mission fits its capabipties and the opportunities which the government offers.”
Apple − "Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes onpne store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad."
Ranbaxy Industries − “To become a research based international Pharmaceuticals Company.”
Objectives and Goals
Objectives tell us about the ultimate end results the company wants to accomppsh by making a strategy for a selected duration of time. Goals include a broad category of financial and non-financial issues that a company wants to achieve in a given amount of time. Objectives are the ways that specify how the goals of the company shall be achieved. Importantly, objectives are the manifestation of goals even when it is not stated.
Differences Between Goals and Objectives
Goals are a broad category while objectives are succinct and specific.
Goals are usually set for a relatively longer future than objectives.
Goals are usually actions that are more influenced by the external environment.
Goals are never quantified but objectives are always quantified.