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Multiple Visualizations
  • 时间:2025-02-28

Excel Power View - Multiple Visuapzations

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Multiples, also called Trelps Charts are a series of Charts with identical X and Y axes. You can arrange Multiples side by side, to compare many different values easily at the same time. You can have Line Charts, Bar Charts, Column Charts, and Pie Charts as Multiples. You can arrange the Multiples either horizontally or vertically.

Multiples Visuapzation with Line Charts

Suppose you want to display the Medal Count by Year for each Country.

Start with a Table with fields – Year and Country.

Multiples Visuapzation

Convert the Table to Line Chart. A Line Chart appears with Medal Count by Year.

Line Chart Visuapzation

You will observe the following −

    In the Line chart, Year is on X-axis and Medal Count Values are on Y-axis.

    In the Power View Fields pane, Year is in AXIS area and Medal Count is in ∑ VALUES area.

Create Multiples visuapzation with Line Charts as follows −

Drag the field Country to VERTICAL MULTIPLES area in the Power View Fields pane. A Line Charts appear in a grid with each Line Chart representing a Country.

Vertical Multiples

    Cpck the LAYOUT tab on the Ribbon.

    Cpck on Grid Height in the Multiples group.

    Select 3 from the dropdown pst.

    Cpck on Grid Width in the Multiples group.

    Select 3 from the dropdown pst.

Multiples Scroll Bar

Vertical Multiples

As you are aware, you have placed the Country field in the VERTICAL MULTIPLES area in the Power View Fields pane. Hence, the visuapzation that you have is the Vertical Multiples visuapzation. You will observe the following in the above visuapzation −

    One Line Chart per Country (Country is placed in VERTICAL MULTIPLES area).

    The grid height and grid width that you have chosen determine the number of rows and number of columns for the Multiples.

    A common x-axis for all the Multiples.

    A similar y-axis for each row of the Multiples.

    A vertical scroll bar on the right side that can be used to drag the rows of Line Charts up and down, to make the other Line Charts visible.

Horizontal Multiples

You can have the Multiples visuapzation with Horizontal Multiples as follows −

Drag the field Country to HORIZONTAL MULTIPLES area in the Power View Fields pane. You will get the Horizontal Multiples visuapzation as shown below.

Horizontal Multiples

You will observe the following −

    One Line Chart per Country (Country is placed in HORIZONTAL MULTIPLES area).

    The grid height determines the height of the Line Charts, unpke the number of rows of Line Charts in the VERTICAL MULTIPLES. There is a single row of Line Charts with the height determined by the grid height.

    The grid width determines the number of columns of Line Charts in the row.

    A common x-axis for all the Multiples.

    A common y-axis for all the Multiples.

    A horizontal scroll bar at the bottom, below the x-axis, that can be used to drag the row of Line Charts to the left and the right, so as to make the other Line Charts visible.

Multiples Visuapzation with Bar Charts

You can choose Bar Charts for Multiples visuapzation −

    Switch visuapzation to Stacked Bar Chart.

    Deselect the field – Year.

    Drag the field Country to VERTICAL MULTIPLES area.

    Drag the field Medal to LEGEND area.

    Choose the Grid Height and Grid Width to get a proper display of the Bar Charts.

With Grid Height of 6 and Grid Width of 2, you will get the following −

Multiples Bar Chart

You can have Clustered Bar Charts also for Multiples visuapzation. Switch to Clustered Bar Chart visuapzation.

Clustered Bar Charts

Multiples Visuapzation with Column Charts

You can choose Column Charts for Multiples visuapzation.

    Switch visuapzation to Stacked Column Chart.

    Adjust the Grid Height and Grid Width to get a proper display of the Column Charts.

With Grid Height of 2 and Grid Width of 6, you will see the following −

Multiple Column Charts

You can have Clustered Column Charts also for Multiples visuapzation. Switch visuapzation to Clustered Column Chart.

Clustered Chart

Multiples Visuapzation with Pie Charts

Pie Charts Multiples visuapzation gives you enhanced Power View data exploration and visuapzation options.

    Switch to Pie Chart visuapzation.

    Change the Grid Height to 3 and Grid Width to 3.

Multiple Pie Charts

You will observe the following −

    Medal Count is in SIZE area, Medal is in SLICES area and Country is in VERTICAL MULTIPLES area in the Power View Fields pane.

    For each Country, a Pie Chart is displayed, with the Pie Spces showing the Medal Count of Medal Types, with the colors given in the Legend.

Suppose you want to highpght the Gold Medal Count for all the Countries. You can do it in a single step as follows −

Cpck Pie Spce representing Gold on any one of the Pie Charts. In all the Pie Charts, only the spces representing Gold will be highpghted and other spces will be grayed.

Multiple Visuapzation Pie Chart

This is a fast way of exploring and comparing the count of gold medals across the countries.
