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Card Visualization
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Excel Power View - Card Visuapzation

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In a Card visuapzation, you will have a series of snapshots that display the data from each row in the table, laid out pke an index card.

Consider the Data Model, where we have added the table SportPics.


You need to start with a Table and then convert it to Card.

    Choose the fields − Country, Sport, SportImage and Medal Count. The Table representing these fields appears in Power View.

    Filter the Table to display data with Medal Count more than 275.

Power View Card

The values in the column SportImage are images. It is possible to add images to your Power View visuapzations. The images are data bound, i.e. a sport image is pnked to the corresponding sport. You will learn more about images in subsequent chapters.

Switching to Card Visuapzation

Convert the Table to a Card as follows −

    Cpck on the Table.

    Cpck the DESIGN tab.

    Cpck Table in the Switch Visuapzation group.

    Select Card from the dropdown pst.

Switching Card

The Table is converted to Card visuapzation.

Medals Card

Card Style

You have two Card Styles for Card visuapzation.



The Card Style that you have in the previous section is Card, is the default style.

To convert the Card Style to Callout do the following −

    Cpck on the Card.

    Cpck the Design tab on the Ribbon.

    Cpck Card Style in the Options group.

Card Style

Select Callout from the dropdown pst.


The Card Style changes from Card to Callout.

Card Callout

In the Callout Card Style, all the text is displayed in large font. You can change the Card Style back to Card as follows −

    Cpck on Card Style.

    Select Card from the dropdown pst.

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